Chapter 9: Am I Dead Now? REWRITTEN

Previously on "The Hidden Secrets" Edward has spent two years in the criminal side of Vale gaining the protection of Junior by being the 'little brother' of the Malachite sisters this allowed him to make meany connection one of them being Bob McGraw Jr who has made a house for him in Patch making Edward wonder who Bob is and why go so far for him. Summer Rose's funeral took place on the same day resulting in Edward and Ruby bumping into each other when Ruby couldn't take the pain of her mother's loss. Qrow's search for Ruby leads him to an unregistered house where Ruby and an unknown boy caused a large flash of light.

Unknown P.O.V 10 seconds before the light.

Just before the light, Edward's thoughts were a mess he was thinking 'How much longer do I have to wait for my soul to show itself. I've looked everywhere in my brain and heart, hell even my Eyes, Lungs, Pancreas and the only reason I did that was so I could quote someone.'

9 seconds until contact.

'"The soul can be unlocked by using two methods that have been discovered so far; one is for someone else to unlock your aura for you however the side effects of this is that you might gain some traits of the other person who unlocked your soul be it personality, semblance, slight telepathic bond allowing for easier understanding of one another and of course your aura changing colours the minor effects are a slight change on how you approach situations an example is instead of bending your back down to pick something up you bend your knees instead."'

8 seconds until contact.

'"The second way is by doing it yourself some have stated that this is easy for them as it just require some soul searching resulting in you being able to find your 'echoes' this method has the greatest effect as your sense of self is more apparent allowing you to not doubt yourself in tough situations, making you stay true to yourself, your aura and semblance will also be more instinctive varying from instant unlocking of the semblance or having a hint for what it could be an example is a semblance involving speed making the person want to run although it's a very minor effect."'

7 seconds until contact

'"A third way of unlocking one's own aura that I have theorised is when some somebody is close to unlocking there aura but only requires something to push it into being ether a memorable and emotional that makes you think or don't want to think, if you decide to think your semblance tends to be more physical or confrontational where as if you run then it would be more unique as it is based on the thoughts that you had in that moment from wanting to get a way or feeling useless making it so your potential semblances can be short teleportation at the expense of your aura or making things useless / unusable. This way has more resemblance to the first method as the world's aura makes it so you wouldn't just disappear as it links you to this world and this way also uses some of the second mothers as it's more situational."'

6 seconds until contact.

'"The third way can also use someone else's aura to unlock however it merely needs the presence of someone else's aura mainly through any form of physical contact allowing the person unlocking there aura to know what it feels like and thus unlock it themselves this has a minor effect of them being slightly bonded this bond can also be trained however it is harder the older you get."'

5 seconds left… just wait.

'Right THAT book, had a few words saying something about that so my solution is to either… do it myself… oooorrrrr… get touched… great… seems like I'm going to have to be touched there goes my innocence.'


'*Sigh* Wake the FUCK UP EDWARD WE GOT SHIT TO DOOO!!! HEY! YOu're finally awake, good because now I can finally get my head out the gutter and start thinking about my solution. *Sigh* I'm talking to my head again, great…'


'So I could either brute force my way into my soul but that doesn't seem like something you want to do when it involves our LITERAL SOUL but whatever stupider decisions have been made.'


'The other way is to ask for help and I wouldn't be opposed to this idea if it didn't involve you know MY SOUL but the only way I see this working is if I asked for help…'


'It looks like I have to ask but who?? There's Candle who is Romen so he's out, Lucy… *scoff* yeah right she left like Raven did to Yang, there's also Bob he's chill and nice… don't really want to owe him anymore though. Ooh! There's also the sisters and Junior but then I'll probably have to work for them.'


'Okay… Who else do I know in this world? Romen, Lucy, Bob, Junior, The Sisters aaaand…' that was when he first felt contact on his left shoulder then there was an extremely bright light that he could practically see with my eyelids shut he was able to feel Ruby's hand on his shoulder slide closer to his neck along with Ruby's body collide with his and her unconscious body falling on top of him with their heads colliding and a loud coalition noise can be heard like two pieces of bone hitting each other.

When the light was finally able to die down Qrow charged straight into the house not caring to look around all he saw was red when he got inside there was Ruby his d-NIECE his NIECE laying practically in the arms of a boy A BOY HE DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT?!!!

It is still unknown if Qrow would have brought out Harbinger and cut Edward down where he was laying if it wasn't for Ruby still being in his arms and potency hurting her but what happened after is what is important as Qrow yelled "THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!!" while slowly marching towards Edward.

"I-I D-dOn't KnoW, i waS J-jusT MediTaTing ThEn SoMeoNe-" "SOMEONE!!" "RUBY, RUBY. THAT WAS WHEN RUBY TOUCHED MY SHOULDER THEN BOOM BRIGHT LIGHT!!" As Qrow got closer Edward grew panicked until the sudden shout snapped Edward out of whatever THAT small episode seemed to be so he was able to speak normally but still a bit loud.

As Qrow got within striking distance he first grabbed and checked on ruby noticing that she's wearing boy clothes and that she was clean and had a slight dampness to her hair almost as if she just got out of the shower. "Where's her Scroll and clothes?" The cold and killer like tone made Edward shiver slightly "The Bathroom down the hall."

Tilting sideways, Qrow looked down the hall and could see the slight amount of steam moving up from the open door "Hmm." was all that Qrow said before turning his body back but now with his shoe coming at an astounding rate hitting Edward on the chin and launching him at a wall with his elbow hitting the shelf resulting in aura braking and his arm snapping and bending in the opposite direction luckily it was a clean snap at the elbow unluckily that means the pain is worse since when his finger moves more pain is shown

Less then a second later as he's falling Qrow follows and sends a kick upwards knocking Edward out cold along with breaking his nose leaving Qrow to satire uncaring at the boy before going to grab Ruby's things and leaving not taking a second glance at him, worst is NOW THESE MUD EVERYWHERE… HE EVEN LEFT THE DOOR OPEN!!

Meanwhile with Edward's soul that is laying on a transparent surface.

"'Am I Dead Now?'" was the first thought he had when staring at the stars in the sky his vision being clearer then usual, looking at his hands he sees that he made of 4 different colours, one Red spreading from his left shoulder down, blue which seems to be mainly be in his body and at the throat there's another that he can't quite see but can feel it's different and is also in his head. The last colour seems to be more like cracks or veins. It's like purple or pink almost as if it is a mix of all the colours.

As Edward looked at all these different colours he wondered if that meant he would have multiple semblances or if when all the colours merged together he would have one overpower semblance.