Chapter 13: Perv!

*This chapter is made thanks to a collaboration with @HershMaster at Wattpad this chapter involves her Ocs' so please check out her story's. Thank you if you did go check her out.*

Previously on "The Hidden Secrets" Yang expressed her distrust of Egg (Edward/Edgar) as people seem to be calling him different names, Violet also told him more about her world and that there on the brinks of war and Edward couldn't control his shock and ended up shouted it out loud which was heard by a faunus and later after the two's shopping was done Violet agreed to train Edward/Edgar along with a group of faunus attacking at the end resulting in Edward/Edgar having to make sure that Ruby and Yang weren't followed as well by the time he got back Violet was falling from the sky after her demon wings were shot leaving him to deal with the rest of the faunus and after the police showed up finding Violet under one of the beds along with a group of faunus piled on top of one another the officer that was questioning him was called officer Deku.

Edward's P.O.V an hour after the fight tied up in a hospital bed after the police were finally done with the questioning while wondering if Violet is going to be okay.

Sigh 'I hope Vi will be alright. She looked like shit after that fight and I can't believe I didn't check if she was badly injured or not. Let's just hope the doctor's here will be able to help…' after a few moments 'wait if she's a devil and the doctor is going to be running tests then… Then THEY'LL KNOW SHE'S NOT FULLY HUMAN'

After that thought I started struggling more on my bonds trying to break free but that was also when the door opened and it was revealed to be…

Vi! who runs over to Edgar "Hey Hey you okay?" she asks frantically as if escaping from something.

"Okay... OKAY... how are you? Y-you were covered in blood a-and the d-doctors t-t-they said you mi-might not make it!" I said this frantically while also crying slightly.

She looks down at herself and she is still covered with blood but she hugs him "I'm okay, kid, I'm okay, I promise" she says.

Trying to hug her back but can't since I'm still tied to the bed "I-I'm n-not a-a kid" saying all this in between sniffs probably wasn't convincing along with not being able to wipe the tears.

She breaks my bonds and hugs him again acting as a sort of mother almost like Lu...

Finally hugging her back and ignoring all the blood, I had to ask "H-How did you get here I-I thought the doctors had you?" after all she is covered in blood and I doubt they'll just let her go.

"That's uh…hmmmm I'll explain later but for now, let's run" she says them fireman carried me before just being dragged.

"Hu wa-Hey" was all I could say as I was dragged through the halls while stumbling through looking back showed that there was debris and unconscious doctors along with pieces of dried blood from Vi's cloths making a trail "Where are we going?" I said in between breaths.

"home" she says in an ultra serious voice before turning to him "none of them are dead by the way, I'm not a killer, It'd go against my moral codes as an ang-" she stops herself still running.

"Oh okay." I'll just ignore that last part. "It's best if we go somewhere else the police are probably going to be there considering there was a gun fight, w-we could go to Ruby she might help." I said that last part nervously. We keep running until I sprout my wing and pick him up flying into the forest 

Gripping harder onto Vi's hand as I slightly hide my panic as I have a slight fear of heights "H-Hey Vi how much longer!" I said while shouting as the wind was blasting into my face.

We eventually land at the house slowly walking toward the house as I start calming down from the slight fear I look around and see that it'll take a while to fix this house as it is filled with bullet holes going inside and seeing this whole place as a mess I just grabbed me and Vi's things it is mainly just our backpack's considering I haven't bort much.

"Hey Vi I have our backpacks. Should we start making our way to Ruby's now?" I asked just in case Vi had something to do.

"don't you go to signal soon?" she asks

There was a moment of pause as I processed that thought then I grabbed my spare scroll from my backpack and checked the time. "It's still the same day, it's just been roughly an hour since the fight you were unconscious so you probably haven't realized."

"oh…weird" she says surprised 

"Yep but we should probably make our way to Ruby's since the police are going to be on their way here." I said all this trying not to sound insistent on whether we should go to Rubys or not.

she looks at me with a certain unknown look "Okay"

"Great also just so you know I think Tai might be slightly abusive to Ruby and Yang since there were bottles everywhere and the house looks horrible but I'm not sure." I said all this hesitantly while observing Vi's reaction.

"oh…" her eyes darken

Seeing Vi's eyes darken I thought about what could happen and considering Vi's the type to just go straight in without a plan which would be bad as then where would Yang and Ruby go. "Hey Vi what do you plan to do?" I asked hesitantly.

"don't have one" she puts bluntly 

"Sigh Yeah I expected that but you have to remember that this is still Yang and Ruby's Dad so it's their choice on what you should do."

"that's true" she says 

"Yeah and don't forget that their mother just died around 3-4 days ago so he's probably just grieving." I don't quite know what to say as the conversation just ended up in silence.

"Well here we are at Ruby and Yang's house so what should we do?"

"we…I dont know…" she says hesitant 

"Same I don't know wha-" I was interrupted as the door opened and it showed Yang dragging along a cart while Ruby followed behind.

"Oh hey EdwaaAAA-WHY ARE YOU NAKED!!" and it was true and wrong as I'm wearing the hospital gown and it had a split in the back showing my ass and I was facing Vi when the door opened.

All Vi does is facepalm "Uurrmm, right forgot about that." Thinking of a way to make the atmosphere lighter from our last conversation I say "Vi you perv why didn't you tell me." moving towards the side of the house I quickly get changed thanks to the spare clothes in my backpack that I always keep.

"Well im not constantly staring at your ass am I?" she asks shaking her head. Yelling while putting on my hoodie "So you're saying you did look, meaning your a perv!" then putting on my shoes and then walking back to the front of the house.

"I'm saying the complete opposite- yknow not even the point right now" Vi say changing the subject.

Deciding that it would be best to get to why we were here I let her change the subject "Right right, anyway I was just going to ask if you can let me stay here for a few days if not I understand allllsssssooo Vi wanted to talk to your Dad." then nudged Vi when I said talk.

"Motherfucker wha-" Vi say quickly.

"You wanted to TALK to their dad RIGHT." emphasizing the words so Vi can understand.

"Ughhhhhhhh fineeeeeee" she says giving in and walking over to the couch to wait for their dad.

Yang, confused at the whole situation tries to talk but keeps getting interrupted as first Egg had to get changed then Vi going into the coach and waiting for her Dad and Ruby is still all flustered about seeing Eggs ass.

"Uuggghhh YOU KNOW WHATEVER COMMON RUBY!!" Then they started to leave heading towards an abandoned house that was supposed to have her true mother.

" i stop them" Vi ask being the oldest here and would feels responsible if they got hurt.

Vi never got an answer as that was when Tai, drunker than Qrow, started yelling "YANNGGG WHERE'S MY BEER!!... RUBBYYYY GO GET MY BEERR!!"

"Hey uh mister-mister sir, uhm so hows your day?" she asks awkwardly

Tai now downstairs and seeing unknown kids ask drunkenly "Wh-hiccup-o Are yOu hiccup KIDS!" then got ready to fight "YOUR Roo-hiccup-BBERS!!" then launched a punch.

She dodges with ease and pushes him down with one finger "just listen to me" she says 

"Ooohhffff" Tai, then more angry tried using his aura to get up "get OFF ME YOU ROBBING BITCH-hiccup-!!"

She places her foot on his chest and says "stop being so difficult man, im tired and sure as hell not a robber"

"THEN WHY ARE YOU IN MY-hiccup-HOUSE AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY BEER BRINGERS!!" Tai yells acting more like a baby.

"Look Tai, your daughters are safe, and im here to talk to you, so snap out if it" she says slapping him

As I'm watching all this at the front door all I could mumble was "Talk she says while slapping the shit out of him."

"QROW WHERE ARE YOU!! THEREs -hiccup- ROBBERS AND YANG AND RUBY ARE GON-hiccup-E!!" and that was when a loud sound as if someone is falling down the stairs revealing Qrow.

Her eyes widen as she feared Qrow "ah hell…" she then says

Tai, seeing Vi scared smirks and laughs "HAHHAH BET YOU-hiccup-RE SCARED NOW BITCH!!" Qrow, not being drunk, says "TAI STOP ACTING LIKE A BABY THERE JUST KIDS!"

She looks at Qrow and tilts her head while stepping a bit closer, analyzing him

As this was happening I just stood there looking at the scene that was happening as hoping Qrow wouldn't attack me again. Tai, seeing an opportunity, launches up and punches at Vi with an aura attack.

Her senses kick in as her entire body turns to pink energy dodging barely while getting a bit away"Well uh thats new" she says discovering heightened senses

Qrow, not expecting to be hit by Tai tries to doge but slips on a beer bottle and jets hit by Tai the only thing he could say was "just my luck." then gets launched.

Vi awkwardly goes ovre to him and offers him a hand

Instead of going towards Qrow I try and sneak up behind Tai and put him in a choke hold but before I could.

Qrow who is grateful for the gesture of support nods but doesn't accept it not wanting to pass bad-luck onto anyone else not after… "TAI WAKE UP AND STOP ACTING LIKE A BRAT!!" then moved and slammed Tai onto the floor and also sending him flying towards Vi.

Vi grabs his shirt and sprouts her wings dragging Tai along the floor and throwing him "Thats enough man cmon" she says flapping her wings in the air

Qrow seeing all this could only whistle at how strong the girl is "Damm that's one good throwing arm, best if I handle it from here you go look for Ruby and Yang I have a feeling they'll be in trouble."

"Me?" she asks

"Yeah you and that brat trying to hide." Qrow says before leaving to go and find Tai then takes a swig of his flask.

She retracts her wings and nod at Qrow "cmon lets go Edgar" she says

As they were leaving, Qrow began to think of the girl as 'her aura feels weird and those wings don't seem to be her semblance… whatever.'

Outside "Where are we going? Vi." I wondered.

"Honestly, good question" she says

"..." unsure what to say I just stayed quiet then said "Best we follow the path and tracks." With that conclusion I started waking.

Check out @HershMaster at Wattpad. Just saying definitely don't have a gun to your head or anything and this definitely wasn't just copy and pasted here... me... nnnoooooo go check out @HershMaster at Wattpad nnnnnoooooowwwwww!!!!

Now try and tell the difference!