Kings' gazes(1)

''Hey guys consider reading my other novel transmigrated in another world as a magicless person''

On the morning of July 5, 1267, the anticipation of battle hung heavy in the air. Soldiers bustled about the camp, their movements purposeful and determined. The day they had trained for and dreaded had finally arrived, and each warrior was prepared to give their all in the impending conflict.

As the soldiers emerged from their tents, they were a sight to behold, clad in armor and armed to the teeth. The infantry and crossbowmen donned their chainmail, padding, helmets, and weapons with precision and care. Crossbowmen meticulously polished their weapons, ensuring that no imperfections marred their effectiveness, preventing any potential injuries from recoil. The infantry and men-at-arms, on the other hand, focused on sharpening their swords and axes to razor-like perfection, ready to deliver precise and lethal blows to the enemy.