Tragic wedding

Hey, guys could let me know what you thought about the battle of Benevento? Also if you could review my work it would be swell.


The banquet hall, adorned with beautiful decorations and the warm glow of countless candles, exuded an air of extravagance and merriment. Guests mingled, their conversations filled with laughter and animated gestures. The tapestries that hung on the walls depicted scenes of grandeur and valor, a fitting backdrop for an occasion that held such significance for the despotate.

Philip and Maria, the focal point of the celebration, moved graciously among their guests, accepting congratulations and well wishes. Their smiles radiated genuine happiness, their eyes sparkling with the promise of a shared future. As the evening wore on, they found moments of quiet intimacy amidst the bustling revelry, stealing glances and exchanging affectionate words that spoke of their deepening connection.