Holding court (2)

With profound respect etched in every line of his demeanor, the soldier knelt before the monarch, his actions executed with practiced grace. His head dipped low in a deep, reverent bow, and his gaze remained unwavering, filled with unwavering determination.

As Conradin, the wise and compassionate king, observed the soldier's humble display, a faint smile graced his lips, indicating a kind-hearted understanding that flowed within him. "Rise, good soldier," he said in a tone that resonated with both authority and warmth, casting a reassuring presence in the grand court. His eyes held a genuine curiosity, eager to hear what had brought the soldier before his throne.

The soldier, now back on his feet but still conscious of the solemnity of the situation, took a moment to collect his thoughts. He recognized the profound significance of addressing his king in the royal court, every word he spoke needed to be chosen with care, for there was no room for error.