Recruitment for the royal army (4)

"Oh, are you not an inquisitive young man?" the medic responded with a kind smile. "Well, if you're genuinely interested, I'd be happy to share. You see, it appears that when the king decided to rebuild and restructure the royal court, he placed a significant emphasis on including Muslim courtiers. Additionally, the renowned medical knowledge rooted in Muslim heritage made the king prioritize having at least ten physicians stationed at each recruitment and training center."

He paused for a moment, his gaze reflecting on the past. "As for me, I graduated from the University of Salerno, a prestigious institution, and I've spent most of my life practicing medicine in my hometown. However, when a messenger from the king brought the opportunity to work as a physician in the army with generous compensation, I seized the chance, just as many others did. So, that's the story of how we've come to meet today."