Drinking like peasants(3)

Conradin's formative years in Bavaria were marked by a comprehensive education that extended beyond the realms of academia. As part of his well-rounded training, the young king delved into physical pursuits, finding himself immersed in the ancient art of wrestling. Under the guidance of a seasoned instructor, Conradin learned not only the physical techniques but also the strategic intricacies that defined this age-old sport.

The grassy training grounds of Bavaria witnessed countless afternoons where Conradin, alongside his fellow young nobles and aspiring knights, engaged in the grueling yet enlightening practice of wrestling. His instructor instilled in him the nuances of balance, the significance of leverage, and the artistry of technique within the wrestling arena. Wrestling, he came to understand, transcended mere displays of strength; it was a calculated dance, a strategic battle that demanded both wits and agility.