Start of the war

As the days gradually grew longer and the icy grip of winter began to loosen its hold, signs of life began to stir in the countryside. The landscape, once blanketed in a pristine layer of snow, now revealed patches of green peeking through the thawing ground. The air, which had long carried the biting chill of winter, started to embrace a milder and more inviting quality.

The first whispers of spring manifested in the form of delicate buds on the trees, cautiously unfurling their leaves as if testing the readiness of the season. The melodious tunes of returning songbirds permeated the air, signaling the impending arrival of a warmer chapter in the seasonal symphony.

As the last vestiges of winter's frost melted away, the earth seemed to come alive with a burst of vibrant hues. Daffodils and crocuses emerged from the soil, their petals unfolding like a kaleidoscope of colors, announcing the imminent arrival of April.