Nikephoros at the move

Constantine, navigating the corridors of Arta with a measured gait, found himself enveloped in an air of boredom that had settled over the Epirotian court. The days lingered on, marked by a rhythm of monotony that left the general with ample time for contemplation. His sojourn in the Epirotian court had been characterized by moments of both intellectual pursuit andstrategy , a diversion chosen to counterbalance the tedium that surrounded him.

The halls, adorned with the tapestries of Epirus, echoed with his footsteps, providing a contemplative backdrop to his musings. Constantine, at times, sought refuge in the written word, immersing himself in texts that transported him beyond the confines of the court. On other occasions, he delved into the complexities of warfare and geopolitics, meticulously studying maps to discern the subtle nuances that would govern the Sicilian campaign.