Epirote's royal family

In the dimly lit corridors of the royal palace, Anna, the wife of the despot of Epirus, moved swiftly, her elegant gown flowing as she navigated the labyrinthine passages. Beside her, Queen Mother Theodora, a figure of regal poise, matched Anna's pace. The urgency of the situation painted a sense of determination on their faces.

The clatter of armor and distant echoes of the city in turmoil reached their ears, signaling the invasion of the Sicilian forces. Anna, with a quick nod to the royal guards accompanying them, urged them to hasten their steps.

The small group reached a seemingly ordinary section of the palace corridor. With a practiced ease, Queen Mother Theodora approached a particular tapestry, adorned with intricate patterns. With a swift movement, she revealed a concealed entrance, exposing a narrow passageway hidden behind the rich fabric.