Battle of the hills (9)

The unfolding clash between the Sicilian and Epirote forces bore witness to an intensity that echoed through the undulating landscape. The Sicilian soldiers, fortified by the advantage of higher ground, advanced with unwavering determination. Their ranks moved in seamless unison, shields raised and weapons poised for the impending clash. As the opposing forces collided, the Sicilian infantry, strategically entrenched on the elevated position, exerted their collective strength. A cacophony of shield-on-shield impacts resonated, and the Sicilian warriors, leveraging the topographical advantage, exerted a relentless force that compelled the Epirotes to yield ground. The momentum of the clash painted a vivid picture of strategic prowess, as the Sicilians deftly harnessed the terrain, asserting their dominance and compelling the Epirotes to retreat before the unyielding assault.