Wanted to Win

Jiang Ting kept staring at Yan Jian. These siblings had come out of nowhere in this lifetime, nowhere to be seen in the last, He had already been confident that someone as beautiful as Yan Ping would have had made waves at the academy, thus there was no way she simply escaped his attention.

Now, it became apparent that her talent was also beyond, excellent, her cultivation speed almost comparable to what his used to be, although his speed could have been faster if he had waited till the age of fourteen and built a solid foundation. Nonetheless, such a person could not go unnoticed under any circumstances.

This could only mean one thing. Due to the ripple effect, some action of Jiang Ting has set off a course of events causing the Yan siblings to appear in Fudi. Given Yan Ping's talent, this matter needs careful consideration.

Seeing Yan Jian focus on the fight while completely ignoring them, Jiang Ting, Zhao Song and Lin Fan also turned around to look at the match.

As predicted by Zhao Song, the match continued in Sun Mei's favor. She elegantly glided her way through Yan Ping's attacks, before weaving into her weaknesses to deal attacks.

Even though Yan Ping utilized her defensive technique to mitigate the damage, the difference in cultivation level between the two made it so that she did take some damage every time she was struck.

As the fight dragged on, it became more and more apparent that Sun Mei was going to win the fight. Yan Ping had taken injuries all over her body, avoiding damage to vital areas. As the injuries accumulated, Yan Ping's breathing quickened, her movements started faltering, and she started to spiral towards defeat. At that moment, she suddenly took up a completely different stance from earlier.

Yan Jian's eyes furrowed.

'Don't do it.'

Just as he was thinking that, Yan Ping suddenly lashed out with overwhelming might like a Qilin, coupled with her agility martial arts, directly striking at Sun Mei in the middle of her attack.

Sun Mei, noticing the new technique, immediately flickered out of the way to avoid it. At the last second, however, Yan Ping's fist turned midway, landing a direct punch on Sun Mei's abdomen.

Sun Mei was directly blasted out of the arena, clutching her stomach as the crowd fell completely silent.

Yan Jian sighed as he looked at the scene before him.

Jiang Ting felt some familiarity towards that martial art, and he frowned deeply. Those who cultivated that technique should be much weaker than the strength Yan Ping could exert with it, and furthermore, there was no way those people would appear in a random place such as Fudi village.

Meanwhile, up on the stage above, the core elders all looked at the fight, stunned. Given Sun Mei and Yan Ping's talent, they had been focused on this fight since its beginning and didn't expect such a turn of events.

"What...What grade of technique is that, for crying out loud?" Chen Mei muttered.

The same thought was running through everyone's minds. For Yan Ping to step across the level difference in such a dominant fashion, without a doubt, the martial art she just used must be higher grade than the one Sun Mei was using.

The only problem was that during the previous competition five years ago, Sun Mei had ranked third, becoming Chen Mei's disciple, and getting access to the grade five agility martial art. So, Yan Ping's technique surpassed any martial art Fudi could offer, and there was quite a significant difference at that. Even the Red Tiger Battle Art was probably nothing in front of Yan Ping's martial art.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to everyone, Wang Chun's mind was in a frenzy. He was panicking.

'That technique, it really resembles the martial arts they use. Why? Why did these guys come here then. What did we get dragged into when we allowed Yan Ping and Yan Jian to move into the village?'

Thankfully, after the incident at the martial arts gathering fifty years ago, the core elders of the village of the current generation were extremely united. Wang Chun directly laid out instructions.

"Don't make a fuss, we can't let anyone know that Yan Ping practices an extraordinary technique. I've seen another technique during my training outside the village, and it has some resemblance to this one. They likely come from a similar source." Wang Chun's voice was unmistakably grave.

The village chief took in a deep breath.

'Just who exactly could make the infallible Headmaster so concerned. The man who is a renowned martial artist of the peak of the 4th level of the body forging realm, famous even outside of Fudi for his terribly powerful combat strength, who has fought above his level and defeated the all-powerful experts at the fifth level of the body forging realm. What kind of terrible background does that young girl have?'

"Heed my orders, core elders of Fudi. From now on, we will treat the Yan siblings with extreme care, and even Yan Ping's brother, despite his disability, will become the disciple of a core elder. Junior sister, you will personally train Yan Ping to the best of your abilities."

Wang Chun looked pumped up, as if he had worked through some strong mental hurdle.

"Yes, Headmaster!" Acknowledged all the elders.

The village chief sighed. 'To put Wang Chun under so much pressure, the situation is obvious. The technique just displayed by Yan Ping belonged to some high-level faction that could easily overpower Fudi. Fudi village must tread lightly and navigate the situation with utmost care. Fortunately, we have a decisive man like Wang Chun at the helm, so things shouldn't fall too far out of control.'

At this time, the referee called out. "The match is over. Winner, Yan Ping!"

The crowd went crazy. Nobody could have expected such a turn of events.

At this time, Yan Ping, who had walked off the stage, approached her brother. Yan Jian spoke up.

"It would only take a few years. Why now?"

Yan Ping stood there for a second, secretly glancing at Jian Ting. "I just didn't want to lose today."