
Yan Jian noticed Yan Ping take a peek at Jiang Ting. He couldn't help but sigh.

'Perhaps there is no use telling her off. It is not as if we can return even if I get my arms back. Besides, it's been two years already. Even an incident as massive as that couldn't attract the attention of those people to this backwater place. This is indeed a great place to be forgotten by the world outside.' He couldn't help but remember that day. He had been sitting outside, deep in cultivation, when suddenly he felt the spiritual qi in the surroundings act weird. When he located the source of the abnormality, it was the sky. Nine long, bright emerald lines illuminated a pitch-black broken sky.

He turned to look at Jiang Ting and back at Yan Ping. 'Maybe there are yet good things for us to look forward to.'

Letting out a bitter smile, he said to Yan Ping, "Let's go home."

Yan Ping nodded gently, knowing she had made a big mistake, walked back with her brother obediently.

Jiang Ting, meanwhile, was still rather disturbed by the whole incident. He shoved all those thoughts aside as he heard a referee call out Zhao Song's name.

"Let's go, senior brother."

They walked off, Sun Mei still clutching her stomach. 'It seems Yan Ping went easy on her, that's good.'

As they walked to the arena, they saw a young man standing in the arena.

"Who's your opponent, senior brother?"

Zhao Song looked at the arena, "No idea."

He walked onto the arena, nodding at his opponent.

"Greetings, brother Zhao."

Jiang Ting asked Sun Mei, "Senior sister, do you know him?"

"Yes, he's Chang Ke. Rather mediocre among our generation of disciples, as far as I can remember. No wonder brother Zhao doesn't have any recollection of this guy."

Jiang Ting and Lin Fan were speechless. It's pretty harsh out there for the ordinary folk, huh.

The referee shouted, "Fight!"

Zhao Song nodded to his opponent, "Why don't you start things off, brother."

Although Zhao Song usually couldn't be bothered by such small fry, at such a public event, he, as the Headmaster's disciple, must show the magnanimity, good character, and, of course, strength, that the Headmaster's disciple must possess. His actions represented his master.

As such, he was polite to his opponent, allowing him to display his skill first instead of ending the battle in an instant.

Chang Ke nodded, understanding Zhao Song's intent. The spectators at the arena also praised Zhao Song.

"Such good bearing. Zhao Song was so brash at the previous tournament. As expected of the Headmaster, he has really trained Zhao Song to be quite a gentleman!" Someone in the crowd exclaimed.

Jiang Ting and Sun Mei's brows twitched as they heard this comment. Zhao Song? A gentleman? Have you ever even met the guy?

Anyways, Sun Mei couldn't help but think back to the conversation she had earlier that day with Zhao Song.

'He used to read all day, huh. Maybe he could be a proper, learned gentleman. All I have to do is teach him.'

Meanwhile Tang Hao, who came to watch the match, couldn't help but tremble as certain memories from the previous competition's finals that he had worked hard to suppress came to the fore.

'Gentleman? That guy is not gentle, I can assure you of that!'

Meanwhile, Chang Ke rushed at Zhao Song, lashing out with a grade three offensive martial art, Zhao Song countered with one fist, blocking the blow.

"Judging by your strength, you should be at the initial stage of the second level of body forging realm, right? What is your mastery of the martial art?"

"Brother Zhao, I have cultivated the grade one agility martial art, Snake Skin to middle stage mastery, the grade two defense martial art, Bull Shout, to middle stage mastery, and the grade three offensive martial art, Wolf Charge, to middle stage mastery."

"You worked to get merit, got a grade two technique, dropped your previous one, then did the whole thing again when you had gathered enough merit for a grade three technique, is that right?"

Chang Ke looked a bit embarrassed, "Yes, brother Zhao."

"That's quite alright. Since you've got a decent set of moves, don't change them now till you've mastered them all to peak stage, while also focusing on improving your physique cultivation level. You can get a grade 4 technique when you've mastered the martial arts you already have."

"I understand, brother Zhao." Chang Ke bowed, before leaving the arena.

The crowd was extremely impressed. Zhao Song really had become mature and patient, guiding his batchmates instead of oppressing them like he did five years ago.

Jiang Ting and Sun Mei weren't just impressed, they were so stunned it made their jaws drop.

What?? Where did this guy from? Where's the awkward fellow?

Meanwhile, Tang Hao, in the crowd, could barely suppress his rage.

'Where was this Zhao Song five years ago when I was getting a beating?'

Zhao Song walked down from the arena, joining Jiang Ting and Sun Mei.

"Let's walk around, he said."

He walked off, as Jiang Ting, Sun Mei and Lin Fan came out of their daze and hurried to catch up with him.

"Zhao Song, you were really impressive," Sun Mei was all smiles as she continued, "Now that junior sister Yan knocked me out of the competition, I will be rooting for you. You better win, alright?"

"Win, huh. I was completely confident against Tang Hao and you guys, but against Yan Ping's technique, honestly, I can't say how the match will turn out."

Sun Mei's eyes sparkled, "That is to say, even after watching that move, you still see a chance of victory?"

Zhao Song nodded indifferently, "I'd say my chances are, what, 80%?"

Sun Mei was stunned. As she recovered, she gave him a smile. "I'll come cheer you on, then."

Lin Fan was also extremely surprised. 'Defeat that monstrous senior sister? Turns out this senior brother was no less capable. Sure enough, none of the Headmaster's disciples are anything less than amazing.'