Janice and Tana are hiding out in this phone booth on top of a car bridge. The booth's all red, with that red light on the door telling us someone's using it. The place is cramped, and the air's thin, so Tana's gotta crack open the door a bit now and then, but not too much.
Janice just needs to look up, and there's this white phone hanging right over her head.
Michael's got his head resting on her shoulder. Janice knows he's still breathing, but his breath keeps touching her ear as it comes out of his nose, making her cheeks go a bit red.
"You still say you don't like him?" Tana's trying not to laugh, looking around as she cracks the door open a bit more.
"It's just that his breath keeps hitting my ear, and it's making me uncomfortable," Janice tries to explain.
"But you seem to be enjoying him lying on your shoulder," Tana closes the door with a grin.
"Uh, well... never mind, are you my mom?" Janice's face gets even redder.
"That was close," Tana lets out a sigh of relief.
"Good thing you closed the door just in time," Janice breathes easier too.
By now, both Janice and Tana are drenched in sweat, not to mention their faces and hands. The air's got that sweaty smell all around.
Then Janice suddenly catches a strong manly scent – she knows it's coming from Michael's body. She's gotta bear with it.
"Oh... so you've got this kind of kink," Tana teases Janice, pointing and smirking.
"What?" Janice doesn't get it.
"Smelling your lover's scent."
"He's not my lover!" Janice tries to control her voice, but her cheeks turn even redder.
"Well, well, isn't this romantic? A 17-year-old girl falling for... a 50-something-year-old dude."
"Enough already!" Janice tries to keep her voice down.
"Alright, enough teasing," Tana stops goofing around, pressing her ear against the door.
Outside, it's dead silent, not even the sound of the wind.
Tana slowly gets up, turns herself into water, and oozes through the door crack.
All Janice needs to do is sit there and wait for the signal.
dong, dong, dong.
Three taps on the door with the fingers.
Three taps – seems like things are alright outside.
Janice gets up slowly, gently rests Michael's head on the floor.
She opens the door.
"Let's get Michael out," Tana tells Janice with a grin, her hairpin with a flower on it making her look cute.
Tana goes inside, lifts Michael up with the quickest pace and heaviest steps, walks out, and closes the door with her foot, almost folding herself over in the process.
"Good job," Janice says before briskly walking towards the railing, Tana right behind her.
"OH MY FREAKING GOD!" Tana grabs Janice and they jump off the railing before gravity pulls them down. Right before they get pulled down, they feel the bullets behind their backs.
Tana turns her lower half into water, landing it on the ground. When Janice and the others land on it, they feel a soft force pushing them upwards, and they land softly in mid-air.
Except for Michael, who's unconscious and on his back, but he's okay.
Just as Tana lifts Michael, they hear a sound coming from the dark tunnel in front of them, a sound that makes Tana decide it's time to run.
"Janice, run!" Tana shouts with all her might, pushing forward. Janice does the same.
Their feet suddenly gain strength, and they're running at top speed, bullets flying their way, wind blowing their hair all over the place – they're a mess.
Something heavy hits the car behind them. Their curiosity gets the best of them, and they turn their heads to look...
The car spins in the air twice and crashes back down on the bridge, almost teetering on the edge.
They look at the person who gave the car such a beating.
There's a girl, wearing a black jacket with gold trim and a black military cap.
'HERO' – Alice Justin!