The Two Tigers.

As if on cue, a man from a shadowy corner of the Warehouse stepped into the light. His Features are now visible, Blazing Red hair, Lean muscles all around and Crimson Red eyes. His clothing consisted of a Black Beater shirt and grey shorts, "So.. How've you been? Rasho." The man's expression was a smirk, It seems he knew Niko and by the tone he used, It seems he knew well. Niko stood and stared at the Red head with an angered and sour expression, "What do you want? Niko."

The Red haired Niko, Who we'll call Tiger Niko for now, Changed his smile into a frown, "Aww, What's wrong little Brother? You clearly don't miss me much." Tiger Niko said as he came closer to his adoptive brother stopping once he got only a meter or two away. Niko spoke after Tiger Niko got where he stopped, "I'm gonna ask you one more time, What do you want? I'm not gonna ask you again." Niko's fist started to clench his fists as he was about ready to just punch his adoptive brother in the face. "Okay okay, I get it chill out dude, I came to check up and see if you had picked up a student or not. Clearly, the boy has piqued your interest."

Tiger Niko said before looking over at Genji while slightly tilting his head to get a look at the boy who was sleeping on his back. "He's an orphan I picked up off the street because he was badly beaten up. I noticed his injuries and that they were caused by fists. I won't let this one follow your vision of power." Niko stated before glaring at his older brother, Tiger Niko chuckling at what Niko said as he put his hands in his pocket. "We'll see about that baby brother, Not to toot my own horn but I got a few students with some serious potential. This kid uhh.. his name is.. uhhh.... Ah! His name is Kumo Rin!."

Tiger Niko said before he started to walk away, "Let's see which path of the Niko leads to greater power. Your's or Mine, Who will come out on top?! It seems like we're in a comic or something. Anyway, see you around baby brother, I'll come back when that 'Cub' Has matured." Tiger Niko said before leaving the warehouse, out one of the few doors that actually works. Niko sighed as he sat down after Tiger Niko had left, Finally feeling what felt like relief. Niko would look over at Genji who was currently sleeping, "Kid, I hope you're prepared for what's gonna happen to you. Life isn't gonna get easier, I can only hope that I can prepare you well enough."

Niko spoke to himself as Genji was obviously asleep as his body was relaxed his position was definitely one of a heavy sleeper. Niko smiled as he folded his arms while shutting his eyes, relaxing his entire body and drifting off into sleep. While they were asleep, The other side of this story has yet to be discovered. In a forest, near the Kumo district, a young boy with long black hair and pale skin, alongside his clearly Asian features, was practicing diligently. His moves flowed and had great form, the internal flow of his body is what the kid was working on. He seems to be roughly the same age as Genji.

"Nice moves kid, I see you practicing urgently, I respect that." Tiger Niko said as he found a shaped tree stump to sit at. "Drop the act, how'd it go with the so-called 'student' and the vermin that is his master?" Kumo said as he continued to practice his movements with as much precision as he could. "What act? I'm saying you're progressing much faster than the rest, The kid was asleep but he's alive. I expect his student to be a good rival for you, Try to kill him when you find him at his 'Peak', Do you understand?" Tiger Niko spoke while he leaned forward as he pulled out a cigarette then took out his matches from his pocket.

"So that's what you're prying after? A favor..? Why couldn't you kill him, I don't mind doing it myself, but I've got better things to do than do your dirty work." Kumo side eyed Tiger Niko as he continued his training, Sweat dripping down his face and shirtless body. "Kid, if you had better things to do, You wouldn't be my fucking student. It's also sort of a competition between me and my Brother, We're trying to see whose path of strength is superior. Mine or his, You two just happened to be stuck in the middle of it." He lit the match after speaking as he put the fire to one end of the cigarette.

"I'm your student, but not your lap dog. Besides, by the time that failure reaches his peak, I'll have unlocked the path to divinity. I'll do this on one condition." Kumo spoke confidently as he agreed to the conditions but what could he possibly want from the man? he has given him tutelage, What more could he want from Niko. There was a long pause before The boy spoke again. "You buy me ice cream." Kumo said with a blank face, Tiger Niko blink about twice as he started to process what was said and suddenly, He started laughing his ass off, Even falling off of the stump and rolling on the ground. "Hehahaha! okay kid, What flavor? Next time I come around, I'll get it at the store. Continue to grow stronger for your sake and mine, See ya around, Kumo" Niko stood up off the ground and started walking away from his student. "MAKE SURE IT'S VANILLA!!!" Kumo yelled as he threw a punches in the air.