The Golden beetle and The Yasha.

After some time, roughly a few months after the whole incident with Tiger Niko and his situation, Genji was all healed up and had already begun training. Genji is now twelve years old, Under Niko's Tutelage, He has gotten four basic Techniques although they haven't been mastered, they have been acquired. The first move he learned was something he personally wanted, It belongs in the Adamantine Kata of the Niko Style. Its name is 'Indestructible', Through tensing one's entire body as much as possible can increase one's physical durability and offensive ability for only a moment. This very move was the first one that Genji had read in the books, To him, It was perfect and could be used in almost every single situation that involves a punch. However, The glaring weakness of this move is that it only covers the muscles durability, Not the joints, A kick to the knee or a strike to the chin is where this Technique cannot be used.

The second move Genji was taught is dubbed 'Flashfire', A footwork that creates after images to confuse the opponent so the user may create an opportunity. This Technique was in the book of 'Flame', The Flame Kata is centered around footwork to create offensive and defensive movements so stay alive within a fight. it's mostly noticed in the Mixed kata techniques due to its high striking capabilities and compatibility with the Adamantine Kata. Though some of its movements are quite linear and very predictable.

The third skill he learned was 'Weeping Willow', This ability alters the Opponent's flow from their attack with that it can also be used to also quite easily knock an opposer off balance. This can be used to set up other techniques within the Niko Style, Most notably the Water Kata techniques. Though if someone is physically strong enough, this can be resisted or if they have better flow control than the user, it can be resisted.

The last technique he had learned was 'Screw cutter Jizo', Through forcing an opponent into a prone position, Grabbing the wrist and forearm and sitting on the opponent's shoulder and pulling to make the arm lock. It's meant for instantaneous snapping of the elbow but if the user isn't strong enough it won't snap immediately. The Water Kata techniques are centered on Grappling and uses the Techniques as finishers or set ups.

In a small building within the Ichiryu district, In a random Forest within the district. Genji and Niko were just walking until they arrived at a shrine where two others were at, the figures were clearly a young boy, of similar build to Genji. The boys hair style consisted of thick black dreads that end at the nape of his neck. The kid had a white shirt that has the Brazilian flag on the back and Black shorts, The man next to him however, was a man of the same skin tone. The mans hair is a simple short afro and he had a small scruffy beard, The man turned and faced Niko, as if he was expecting the arrival. "Hey, You're actually here, Bernardo."

Niko simply smiled as he placed his hand on the back of his head, his palm rubbing against his long strands of hair. Genji start staring at Armando, Armando's dark skin is what got his attention. "Master, Why is that kid staring at me?" Armando asked his teacher while looking upward at the older man. Before the Bernardo could utter a single word, Genji interrupted him and began speaking. "Who are you calling kid!? I'LL RIP YOUR FACE OFF" Genji attempted to try and get to Armando, However, Niko got a grip on the back of shirt. This prevented him from advancing forward as he pulled Genji back. "Genji, You need to chill out. Me and Bernardo have something to discuss, Hangout with Armando for a little bit." Niko stated as he let go Genji, The young boy Stopping in his tracks.

"That's crazy, but this foot hitting yo nuts is crazier." Armando said before looking away, his eyes going to the ground as to divert his attention away from Genji. The young man mumbled and Genji didn't hear his response, "Hey! I've an idea Bernardo, Let's put your Capoeira vs My Niko Style. Genji and Armando go at it and we supervise." Niko said while placing his hand on Genji's shoulder and looking at Bernardo. The older Brazilians glanced at Armando with a smirk, The boy looking back up at the man. Armando's eyes, full of interest in fighting with the young Niko Style practitioner. "Sure, then we talk without them trying to kill each other. Armando, Show him the wonders of Capoeira." Bernardo patted Armando's back to encourage him to go forward, The youngster took steps forward as exclaimed; "You got it. Vamo nessa!" He spoke in a different language that Genji didn't understand so Bernardo was gonna have to translate. "Genji, He said let's go, He has a habit of mixing his languages." Genji stepped forward, taking off his hoodie and tossing it on the ground.

Armando smiled as he started his 'ginga', The basic footwork of capoeira, by first starting the paralelo - a strong squat position where the arms defend the face and body. Then by proceeding to step back and to the side, entering a lunge-like position then repeating the motions back into the paralelo while you do that same lunge motion with the opposite foot. You've performed the 'Ginga'. Genji was intrigued by the motion, The young Asian boy took a basic Kick boxing stance as he knew no other stance. Armando took the initiative, Darting at his opponent with speed Genji wouldn't be able to dodge. When he was at the correct distance, he'd jump and perform a drop kick, The Vôo Do Morcego, A drop kick technique in Capoeira. Genji didn't have enough time to dodge but putting up his forearms to block the drop kick.

Before Armando's feet had hit Genji, He quickly forced his forearms up to block as he hastily applied the indestructible technique that kept him rooted to the ground. While Armando started falling he'd quickly got his hands to the ground and started spinning around like some sort of spintop to kick out Genji's calf, making him fall. Genji tucked his chin so he didn't hit his head and he'd immediately start rolling to try and get back on his feet. Taking his stance once again as Armando slowly flipped to get back to his as he entered his Ginga again. Genji's eyebrows furrowed a bit as he as he started think, 'His balance and that kick was abnormal, His legs.. are they hyperdeveloped?' He thought while looking at Armando.