The Golden beetle and The Yasha, Part two.

Indeed, Armando's legs were abnormally developed he was always extremely active as a kid and was most of the time, Having extreme power and Endurance to his legs. While an average pair of legs can usually push roughly four times the weight that your arms can pull, Armando's legs can push over ten times the weight his arms can pull. That makes his kicks much more effective than his punches. Genji watched Armando's Ginga, studying it to find the timing of it, dashing in when Armando is bringing his foot back. throwing a Right straight punch to Armando's face, The Brazilian boy not having enough time to change his direction of motion due to his Ginga. The Young Brazilian simply swayed his body backwards until his hands reached the ground and with the momentum created by him reaching the ground, He flipped his legs upward and struck Genji on his chin with the roof of his right foot. The strike landed Successfully and it caused Genji fall, Landing on one knee and catching himself before he hit the ground.

The father of the young Tokita whistled, he was impressed at Armando's counter, He also saw where Genji messed up. "Should have used Flashfire, Genji! It wouldn't have made you as easy to hit, Moron." Niko spoke after heavily sighing at his students stupidity, Knowing it was his fault for having taught him better. Bernardo looked over at the older Tokita, "You sure you taught him? The Niko Style I know wouldn't have gotten hit that easily." The Adult Brazilian voiced while raising an eyebrow and crossing his arms over his chest, his lean muscles in his arms were very noticable. Genji turned his torso and looked at Bernardo, Raising his voice so that he could hear him loud and clear, "I only started a few weeks ago, Gimme a break man!" The Afro headed man looked over at Niko with a bit of a glare, "I see." Speaking with a hint of annoyance in his voice. "Listen, Bernardo, I never said the kid was elite, I just said I saw potential." Niko spoke with a bit of a chuckle at the end of his sentence.

Genji turned his attention back to Armando, The eyes of the young Tokita staring daggers into Armando. Both these young boys stayed in the line of sight of their opponent, then suddenly, Armando took the initiative! He dashed forward, reeling his right hand back as if going for a punch, however he would swing a bit too early, throwing a hook before he was within range, but that was what he planned. He used the momentum of the hook to spin and place his right hand on the ground, swinging his hips around and throwing his heel directly at Genji's temple. This was Capoeira's signature move, the Meia Lua de Compasso. Given it's unorthodox nature combined with the hook feint, this would be reasonably difficult to deal with. Genji did fall for the feint, moving his hands try and block the hook but he was confused. Why did Armando miss and hit the ground? He'd realize why once the heel to the temple landed, It wouldn't completely knock Genji out but certainly daze him to where he'd drop on his butt and elbow.

"Alright boys, Exchange is over, Come on back." The Afro headed adult said, Uncrossing his arms and clapping his large muscular hands. His clap was loud, booming loud enough where they could hear it. "Man, I was just about to do something to.." Genji mumbled as he relaxed out of his stance, the former close guard fighting stance turning into a normal standing position. Armando exhaled aggressively, "Ta bom." A Brazilian term for agreeing with someone, at such a young age, Armando was learning two languages. "You two go play around somewhere, no fighting, am I clear?" Niko raised a questioning eye-brow, Making sure these young men understood him. "Yeah, yeah, Don't need to be such a joy killer." Genji mumbled under his breath as he walked off to find some shade to sit under. Finding a conveniently placed rock underneath the shade of a Kousa dogwood, a tree native to Japan. Once sat, he would reach deep in his hoodie pocket, pulling out a hand sized notebook.

The Notebook Itself had pages full of information, it was a book notes Genji took after fights. He unhooked the pen that was attached to the book, the write down the advice that Niko had given him earlier about using flash fire to make it harder to hit the user. Especially one that is fast than you, Armando being physically faster than Genji, that would have been a good opportunity but the young had failed to realize that. After writing that information down, he went to the first page and started reviewing his notes. Armando was bored, the only joy he had at the moment was fighting, though he had an idea if Genji was interested. After a minute, Armando walked up to the Niko Style apprentice, standing in front of him as he was still in the sun. "Yo, Uhhh.. Genji. You busy?" The darker toned boy, asked the young Asian male. "Not necessarily, just got done writing some stuff down. what's up, Mando?" The boy looked up to Armando, he was sitting down of course he had to look up. "You like video games? I have a some consoles in my room." Genji was genuinely caught off guard by this, After an exchange he didn't expect someone to invite him to play games. "Uhhhh, Sure. What kind of games do you have?" The Tokita spoke as he put the notebook in his Pocket again, zipping up the pockets. A nice feature he felt kept his belongings much more safe. "Just some old Retro arcade games, Tekken, Street fighter, Streets of Rage. Nothing too serious." He spoke as he just began to walk to the building he was staying at, Genji following as he was interested in the games. "Which Tekken games? I like Tekken 2 the most. It was the first one I played." Armando nodded with an impressed expression, The first Tekken Armando had play was Tekken 5. "Wow, you've been playing Tekken longer than I have. Who is your main? I play Eddy Gordo." Genji sighed as he shook his head, sort of expecting him to play Eddy as they have the exact same style of Combat; Capoeira. "I play Mokujin and Just normal Jin. I don't see how people struggle to use the Electric wind God Fist." He spoke while Armando opened a door, then another door after going down a hallway. Getting to Armando's room. What is inside would shock Genji.