17 Magic Leveling

"Well, let's pull yourself together and go practice magic next time."

The next day, after logging in, I returned to town and changed jobs.

And then, after purchasing another item, I stood still at the "Meadow of Beginnings".

When it comes to magic, there are priests and wizards, and after leveling up to MAX, I changed jobs from warriors and fighters to new jobs.

"Well, I'm going to make the composition more magical, but it's a contradiction that it doesn't contain magic at all."

Let's take a look at the current main skill along with the changes since last time――

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Name: Merus (Male)

Race: [Tenma] Lv10

Occupation: [Beginner] Lv10, Alchemist Lv1, Wizard Lv1, Priest Lv1

HP: 600

MP: 600→700

AP: 600

ATK: 80<+8>

VIT: 80→90<+9>

AGI: 80<+8>

DEX: 80<+8>

LUC: 80<+8>

BP: 0

main skill

martial arts



(Water Magic Lv1:5) (Earth Magic Lv2) (Grant Magic Lv1:5)


(Precise Operation Lv30) (Meditation Lv10)


(Dual wield Lv30) (High-speed chant Lv1:5)


(All martial arts suitable, fine Lv10) (All magic suitable, fine Lv10)

(Whole body suitable / fine Lv10) (All skills suitable / fine Lv10)

(Beginner's Possibility Lv-) (Thought Lv10)

{Emotion Lv3}

skill list

Special New

(Monk Knowledge Lv1) (Magic Knowledge Lv1)

SP: 98

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"Originally (all ○○ appropriate/slightly), magic alone is enough, but...it has a discount effect, so it's better to raise it early anyway."

Just like last time, I added (meditation) and (high-speed chant) skills for growth correction and delicate operations, and in order to end the magic quickly in two ways.

"I want to finish my MP recovery quickly, and it's faster if I don't chant."

With AFO, physical strength is automatically recovered over time.

However, the time spent waiting is a waste, so I added (meditation) to speed it up.

As for chanting... that's it, I'm scared of my mouth moving on its own in a mysterious language.

It's really uncomfortable that the tongue automatically turns and says "■■■...".

If my guess is correct, the evolution of (high-speed chant) should improve this situation...

"I wanted to include (Magic Control), but I want to check all attributes without that."

"Magic can be used without (Magic Control), so it's not necessarily necessary to use it."

Besides, I want to investigate the changes when using magic of all attributes.

"Because it's a game where there is such a thing as aptitude, it might change something."

"Then let's go hunting!"

Wearing only a cloak without a cane, I started leveling against Momoto.

  ◆   □  ◆   □  ◆

"On that day, the feast of annihilation unfolds again."

Just like last time, the players who tried to watch the tragedy wielded by a lone person ended up seeing it.

--The violence that spreads even more than last time.

At some point, (fire magic) will be activated.

It's nothing more than a "fireball fireball"... that's how it should have been.

The fireball fired by that person burns down the area as soon as it touches the ground.

The monsters that were in the vicinity vanished without even having time to scream, leaving only scorched earth without a single vegetation left.

At some point, (wind magic) will be activated.

It's nothing, it's just a "wind ball"... that's how it should be.

As soon as the wind ball released by that person touches the ground, a storm blows all over the area.

The surrounding monsters were blown away without even having time to raise their voices, leaving behind a circular topography with all the vegetation crushed.

At some point, (water magic) will be activated.

It's nothing, it's just a "water polo water ball... that's how it should be."

The water ball released by that person causes a flood as soon as it touches the ground.

The monsters in the surrounding area were swept away without even having time to cry out, leaving only muddy vegetation in place.

"Sometimes (Earth Magic) activates." It's nothing more than a simple "earthball soil ball"...that's how it should have been.

As soon as the ball of earth that person hits touches the ground, dust spreads all over the area.

The surrounding monsters were swallowed up before they even had time to shout, leaving only the ground that had swallowed the vegetation underneath.

After that, the monsters continued to cry with various magic.

"What kind of emotion is it?"

Originally, there was no way they could understand this, but the players who were watching it somehow understood.

(... Ah, I'm definitely angry at unreasonable things)

"This area was supposed to be lined with only the minimum level of monsters so that beginners could use their own powers correctly."

Certainly, in a sense, what that person is doing is for that purpose.

However, on the other hand, it clearly deviates.

Even now, the spectacle takes place within the sight of the players.

A single shot of magic can defeat a monster.

"If it's just this, it's possible even for those watching the match on the spot."

However, releasing that magic at a level that would affect all things in the universe... that was something that was not possible yet.

"It's certainly possible with magic that contains an excessive amount of MP."

If you think about it, it makes sense.

"But they were already watching."

"That person used a weapon to commit a similar tragedy."

The player, who was thought to be a member of the forest tribe because he used (wood magic), continued the tragedy until he finally mastered the technique of activating magic without chanting.

The last thing they saw was the moment when the giant tree created by that person disappeared.

◆   □  ◆   □ ◆◆

"Very well... have you done it?"

As a camouflage to escape, I used the new magic I learned to divert attention, and then strengthened my physical abilities with magic and ran.

Now he's moved to the same place as last time and is sneaking around again.

"It will disappear over time, so there's no problem... Ah, it's really gone."

I let out a sigh of relief as I watched the large tree that was towering in the distance disappear.

...Maybe because I used a lot of MP, the magic effect was amplified more than I expected.

"Even though it was to hide myself, I felt a little guilty."

"Is it really okay to take it?"

If you let out your negative emotions like that, you'll start to regret your choice.

Including the previous issue, let me introduce the two skills that I learned this time that are likely to be problematic――

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Magic: (Wood Magic Lv1:9[10-1])

A magic that can only be used by races that have an affinity with the forest.

Can enhance and manipulate plant growth

Correction increases as Lv rises

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Magic: [Allied Magic Lv1:25[30-5]]

A magic that can freely handle attributes called basic attributes, even among magical powers that spread throughout the world.

By storing a skill of level MAX, the number of attributes that are automatically combined increases.

As the level increases, the number of attributes that can be handled at the same time increases.

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The first (wood magic).

At the very least, it seems that Tenma, a race that mixes angels and demons, has no affinity with the forest.

In other words, it is highly possible that he was able to learn it due to the influence of (All Magical Aptitude/Minor).

"Well, it's fine, but it looks interesting."

The problem was the second magic――[Allied Magic].

"Basic attributes" is a general term for the six attributes of fire, water, wind, earth, light, and darkness, as well as the attributes that are the basis of recovery magic.

The so-called ─ ─ all attributes apply to one of the basic attributes.

And this [Allied Magic] is a value pack that collects and strengthens them――well, it's a magic version of [Martial Arts].

It seems that if you raise your level, you can use several types at the same time... I think you can do something like a certain ninja's limit.

"No, no, if you manipulate multiple attributes like that, you'll stand out.... After other players can do it."

"If I do it alone, it will obviously attract attention."

"I had to hide myself as much as possible, and even if I did reveal it, it would be disguised information."

"I don't want to stand out as a quiet topic

"... Well, for the time being, I've maxed out the target job, and I'm going to drop it today."

Just like yesterday, he activates ``adventure interruption'' and logs out on the spot.

"Seriously, I'm sorry for the trouble."

 This time's results

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Name: Merus (Male)

Race: [Tenma] Lv18

Occupation: [Beginner] Lv18, Alchemist Lv1, Wizard Lv30 MAX, Priest Lv30 MAX

HP: 600→720

MP: 700

AP: 600→720

ATK: 80→90

VIT: 90

AGI: 80 → 90

DEX: 80 → 90

LUC: 80→98

BP: 0→72→0

(fluctuation value)


martial arts

no change


(Recovery Magic Lv30) (Storm Magic Lv30) (Sparkling Magic Lv30)

(Dark Magic Lv30) (Time Magic Lv30) (Space Magic Lv30)

(Hellfire Magic Lv30) (Tenma Magic Lv18)


(Grant Magic Lv30) (Curse Magic Lv30:5) (Wood Magic Lv1)

(Blast Magic Lv1:9[10-1])(Mud Magic Lv1:9[10-1])

(Water Magic Lv30) (Earth Magic Lv30) (Fire Magic Lv30: 5) (Wind Magic Lv30: 5) (Light Magic Lv30: 5) (Dark Magic Lv30: 5) → [Alliance Magic Lv1]


(Meditation Lv35) (Precision Manipulation Lv40)


(Dual Sword Lv40) (Intermediate Appraisal Lv45) (Intermediate Concealment Lv45)


(Fast Chant Lv30: 5) → (Silent Chant Lv10: 9[10-1])・(Omitted Chant Lv10:9[10-1])


(All martial arts suitable, fine Lv18) (All magic suitable, fine Lv18)

(Whole body suitable / fine Lv18) (All skills suitable / fine Lv18)

(Beginner's Possibility Lv-)

\ (Monk Knowledge Lv30) MAX (Magic Knowledge Lv30) MAX

(Thought Lv18) {Emotion Lv4}

SP: 94

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