18 Competence Verification

"... with this, let's finish it."

The sudden leveling was to meet the conditions written for [Beginner].

"Putting aside the max level, I wanted to meet the prerequisites first."

He moves to the "Town of Beginnings" again, changes jobs, and then returns to the grasslands.

He's been moving to the same place for the past few days, so he's gotten used to sneaking around.

"There are more and more good occupations… I can finally get one even if it's not a basic job."

For basic jobs, normal evolution will appear in the list once the level is raised above a certain level.

Also, it seems that a derived occupation will appear if certain conditions are met.

Since one of them was maxed out, the traveler must have had a derivation.

When you select the filter, there is something like a suitable job diagnosis function, and when you use it, you can find a good job.

"Well, it's something like this--"

**************************************************** *********

Job change [narrow down]

Summoner/Magic Warrior/Magician/Exorcist

**************************************************** *********

"Magic Warrior" is a class that appears as a result of raising the levels of warriors and wizards, "Magician" is a priest and a wizard, and "Exorcist" is the result of raising the levels of fighters and priests.

"Well, I'm curious about those, but... right now, what my heart desires the most is a summoner."

"Summoner, if that's what I expected, I can make familiars."

"In other words, it is possible to play a training game using those monsters."

"I've always liked breeding games... I've played quite a few Ho-Kemon series."

"Summoner-san is a little difficult though."

Instead of manipulating familiars and waiting in the back, I'd like to go to the front and fight like a berserker--I'd like to become a so-called summoner (physical), but I don't have the skills.

"The path to becoming a summoner has been decided, as it seems to be a normal person."

"And I left it to Nori..."

Standing in the grassland, I've already changed jobs.

"I didn't regret it, I didn't reflect on it, I just did what I wanted to do."

"Here's the status..."

-------------------------------------------------- -------


Name: Merus (Male)

Race: [Tenma] Lv18

Occupation: [Beginner] Lv18, Alchemist Lv1, Summoner Lv1, Thief Lv1

HP: 720

MP: 700→800

AP: 720

ATK: 90<+16>

VIT: 90→100<+18>

AGI: 90→95<+17>

DEX: 90→95<+17>

LUC: 98<+17>

BP: 0

skill list

Special New

(Thief's Knowledge Lv1) (Summoning Knowledge Lv1)

SP: 99

-------------------------------------------------- -------

The summoner's ability value is 20, twice the basic job.

The summoner's standard "summoning magic" was included in (summoning knowledge).

...Is there an opportunity to learn (summoning magic) alone?

"I wonder what bandit-like leveling is? I'll just do it secretly...well, let's try it for now."

What I'm going to do today is the advanced version, and I'll try to see what I can do.

"To what extent will the skills I've acquired so far become my strength?"

"And is it beneficial to achieve your goals?"

"I won't know until I look into it this time."

◆   □  ◆   □ ◆◆

On this day, what the players saw was an even more terrifying and horrifying experience of brutality than ever before.

As usual, a player with his face hidden suddenly appears.

...Let's put aside the fact that the number of people gathering to raise their (Appraisal) proficiency has increased recently, as it will be invalidated no matter how much (Appraisal) is performed.

"First weapons, then magic."

Using two techniques that would never intersect in reality, the player wreaked havoc on monsters.

(How are you going to fight today?)

"Everyone who gathered there thinks so."

--Is it a weapon today? "Or is it magic?" "Perhaps you'll use both!"

Such a mundane answer would be dismissed by the player's actions.


"It was only for a moment."

The person hadn't moved a single step from that spot...even though that was supposed to be the case, the surrounding monsters made the sound of their bodies being crushed, and were pushed from above and died.


"It was only for a moment."

The person hadn't moved a single step from that spot...even though that was supposed to be the case, the surrounding monsters were carved with scars as if their bodies had been gouged out by their fangs, and died.

The players were particularly surprised by these two.

The sensory players who were with her knew that she wasn't doing anything.

"Nevertheless, the monster actually died out and left a corpse on the spot."

(What did that player do!)

While the players watching the spectacle were pondering, the person was taking action.

Deliberately angering, touching, and attacking monsters... such actions like verification were repeated over and over again.

After a while, after manipulating the UI, he let out a sigh and left the place.

Some people tried to chase after it, but it disappeared in an instant, and that didn't happen either.

  ◆   □  ◆   □  ◆


"I'm already used to receiving shocks, so let's take a closer look at the status――"

-------------------------------------------------- -------


Name: Merus (Male)

Race: [Tenma] Lv20

Occupation: [Beginner] Lv20, Alchemist Lv1, Summoner Lv15, Thief Lv30 MAX

HP: 720 → 740

MP: 800

AP: 720 → 740

ATK: 90 → 98

VIT: 100

AGI: 95 → 98

DEX: 95 → 98

LUC: 98

BP: 0→18→0

skill list

martial arts

[All Martial Arts Lv1]

(Fighting Technique Lv30) (Magic Fighting Technique Lv30) (Throwing Technique Lv30)

(Large Swordsmanship Lv30) (Daggers Lv30) (Large Shields Lv30)

(Small shield technique Lv30) (Double shield technique Lv30)


[Union Magic Lv1]

(Recovery Magic Lv30) (Storm Magic Lv30) (Sparkling Magic Lv30)

(Dark Magic Lv30) (Time Magic Lv30) (Space Magic Lv30)

(Hellfire Magic Lv30) (Give Magic Lv30) (Curse Magic Lv30)

(Blast Magic Lv1) (Mud Magic Lv1) (Wood Magic Lv1)

(Tenma Magic Lv20)


(Mai Sky Lv15) (Trunk Lv60) (Physical Strengthening Lv60)

(Magic Dominance Lv20) (Status Increase Correction Lv20)

(Meditation Lv40) (Leaving Front Lv53) (Evasion Lv25)

(Abnormal Decrease Lv15) (Precision Manipulation Lv45) (Tenma Eyes Lv20)

(Tenma Wing Generation Lv20)


(Alchemy Lv2) (Synthesis Lv1) (Intermediate Collection Lv1)

(Language Comprehension Lv50) (Presence Perception Lv30) (Dual Sword Lv45)

(Silent chant Lv20) (Omitted chant Lv20)


(Intermediate Appraisal Lv50) → (Advanced Appraisal Lv1:16[20-4])

(Intermediate concealment Lv50) → (Advanced concealment Lv1: 16 [20-4])


(Devil Killer Lv1) (Angel Killer Lv1)

(Attack Nullity Lv-) (Dragon Killer Lv1) (Big Eater Lv1)

(Thoughtful person Lv20) (Single heart Lv-)

(All martial arts suitable, fine Lv20) (All magic suitable, fine Lv20)

(Whole body suitable / fine Lv20) (All skills suitable / fine Lv20)

(Alchemy Knowledge Lv1) (Summoning Knowledge Lv15) {Emotion Lv5}

(Beginner's Possibility Lv-)

\ (Thief's Knowledge Lv30) MAX

SP: 121

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"[Emotions] alone made me 18."

"I've found out after testing various things--simply {emotions} are too cheat!"

It's full of noise and can't be seen even if you try to look it up, and for some reason you can't hide what you can see.

If I struggled a lot, my level would reach 50, and thanks to that, I would be the fastest among the skills to evolve to a higher skill.

{Emotions} demonstrate unparalleled power in combat (although there are many).

Some of the abilities caused too much trouble, but I managed to check the released abilities.

"The effect of the ability I was able to use was something like this--"


Arrogance: Improves stats in battles with inferiors

Wrath: Raises the status of angry opponents for a few minutes.

Gluttony: Can eat anything (demons and magic)

Laziness: Improves stats just by not moving

Lust: Abnormal state of wanting the person you touched

Greed: Steal the HP of the person you touch

Jealousy: Decrease the opponent's status in a battle with a higher rank

Moderation: transfer of physical strength (target must have physical strength)

Compassion: Greatly increases healing effect

Temperance: Greatly reduces physical strength consumed

Hope: Compensation enters mental events

Purity: Capable of purifying the energy it emits

Relief: Increases target's demerit recovery speed

Patience: Mitigate All Events

Justice: brainwashing the opponent


"Something's wrong."

"The effects overlap...I wonder if it's really okay for me to carry it alone (I don't think so)."

Moreover, this is just an ability that was unlocked at level 1.

"It was still over level 5, and it looked like something had been released."

When I checked with the advanced level (Appraisal), I was able to see new items, so I'll reveal the details next time.

"... Well, there are times when you think you'll achieve rapid growth like this."

"Even though it's a monster for beginners, this ability value that kills instantly――

"I wonder how much difference I have with the players now?"

"It'll be a while before we find out."