10. Dr. Delein's treatment

Eunwoo and Jiwoo lay in the emergency room waiting for getting treated. Both of them tried to act cheerful even with each other; not wanting to worry more.

"Hello, Dr. Delein. How have you been?", greeted Jiwoo when he saw Delein. While Eunwoo nodded his head not letting his act of not knowing anyone fall off. Delein stared at Jiwoo without saying anything both the twins feel awkward. Wooin had begged Dr. to at least try to treat Jiwoo and Eunwoo's injuries.

"Thanks", the elder finally spoke. "If I got a chance to meet you, I always to thank you for getting along with Wooin. And I wanted to apologize for what happened before. Sometimes I just lose it..."

"Oh, I see...", Jiwoo replied. "I get along with Wooin because I like him. He's my friend. Eunwoo and I love hanging out with him and the others."

Dr. Delein sighed in amusement. "You're his brother?"

"Ah... Yes, sir."

"I'm going to start examining your body. Try not to fight against my power and just accept it."


"How does it look?", asked Jiwoo when Dr. was done examining Eunwoo.

"I'm sure you've already heard... His legs were hurt with the intention to make him permanently crippled. I can't give any promises."

Next, the doc examined Jiwoo's condition and decided to first start healing him.


In between the treatment, Dr. Delein felt a strong presence behind him. Turning back he was met with Kayden.

"Don't mind me. Just focus on treating them." He said to the Dr.


Jiyoung fought against Amyeong and won. Capturing him to interrogate him. For interrogation, Kayden entered the room because he needed answers for himself.

"Tell me how you got your hands on the information of me and my apprentice... And who helped you get into this country? Why did you not leave Eunwoo alone when he did not know of any of the matter." He asked. His voice contained authority and power like no other.

"I see... That apprentice of yours is the reason why you're acting like a completely different person? I don't understand. So many awakened ones who had proved themselves pledged loyalty to you, yet you didn't take any of them as your apprentice. Why did you take that kid of all people?" Amyeong asked angrily.

"He was different from the others."

"How different...?", he was nothing but confused at this point.

"He didn't want anything from me.", Kayden replied.

With that being said an annoyed Amyeong gave Kayden all the information that he had. "I took the other boy only as a hostage but Dran got mad when he protected that kid."


After a few days, Dr. Delein exited the emergency room after treating the twins. Soon the four teens stood up to ask him about their friend's condition. Delein already felt bad for not being capable enough to heal them fully.

"So how's Jiwoo", asked Wooin worriedly as the other three stood behind him.

"Oh... sorry to break it to you, but I couldn't heal him fully. He's able to move his arms. However, I wasn't able to fix his core. It'll be less painful now but still, he'll feel pain now and then." The doc informed nervously after trying his best to heal the siblings for the past few days.

"And what about Eunwoo?", asked Jisuk already worried about a friend who he knew for just one day.

"It will take him at least a year's physical therapy to be able to walk again. Other activities are not possible but he won't need a wheelchair. Since his core is fine, his lower body will be pretty much numb and paralyzed for a few months."

This was somewhat a piece of good news.

"At least they can recover to that extent. Even the best healers from other groups were unsuccessful." Jisuk said expressing his gratitude to the elder. The four teens bowed thanking Dr. Delein.

These kids are making me feel bad... Thought the doc because he wasn't able to heal them completely.

"I should get back. Seeing you make friends make me relieved", he smiled warmly patting Wooin's shoulder.

Jisuk, Wooin, Subin, and Iseul entered the room where the twins were resting. Jiwoo was sitting up with his hands fully bandaged while Eunwoo was laying on the bed with a blanket covering him to his mid-torso.

"Hey, you guys!", Jiwoo greeted them with a bright smile.

"We were all waiting for you outside", Subin said returning a toothy grin.

"Hi guys...", Eunwoo shyly waved at the trio.

"Dude, this is the second time we meet and you're already in the hospital", Jisuk joked sitting beside Eunwoo.

"Haha... you'll have to get used to it."

"You plan to come here every once in a while or what?!"

Iseul asked, "Jiwoo are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"And that is...?", she asked slightly pointing toward Eunwoo.

"Oh, Iseul meet my twin, Eunwoo."

"Hello", Eunwoo said. He knew very well about her crush on Eunwoo and would never miss the opportunity to tease her with Jisuk and Subin in the future.


"I heard you can use your arms now," Jisuk said. "As for Eunwoo, a year flies by quickly. Let's spar when you've healed."

Eunwoo's sweat dropped, "I don't think I'm anywhere near your level..."

"I'll go easy on ya!"

"Hey, you idiot! Let him rest. Let's order chicken next time", said Subin.

"Jjangmyeon for me."

"Can we have sweet and sour chicken?", Eunwoo asked as his mouth watered.

It was like something clicked in Subin and Jisuk's heads. "I'll order ten servings for you after you recover."

"Make it twenty! He'll need more energy", exclaimed Subin.

"I don't think I can finish that much...", said Eunwoo nervously wondering if they really got that much.

They stopped chatting when Kayden entered the room and left soon enough to give them some space.

"We're gonna get going now. See you tomorrow both of you", Subin waved followed by the other three.

To say that Eunwoo was overwhelmed by Kayden's presence would be an understatement. It was his first time meeting him in his human form.

"I heard you can move your arms freely now", he said to Jiwoo.

"Yes, I'm feeling less pain, too."

"Oh, right! Eunwoo, meet Mr. Kayden. He's the one I was telling you about."

Why did you introduce us?! I was about to act unconscious...

"Hello, sir", said Eunwoo politely bowing his head while laying on the bed. "I'm sorry I'm unable to greet you properly..."

Surprisingly Kayden smiled at him saying, "It's okay. Just focus on your recovery. Are you feeling any pain in your legs?"

Eunwoo was afraid that Kayden would hear his heartbeat because it was just too loud right now. "None at all, sir"

"I see." He continued after some time, "It turns out that Baekdu's chairman sold our information and helped your kidnappers get into the country."

"Baekdu's chairman...? You mean Sucheon's dad?", asked Jiwoo nervously.

"What a cruel world we live in. You're ought to be attacked if you're weak, and you get eaten up for not fighting back."

"It must've been tough."

"Hmph, he wasn't a match for me."

"What I mean is... It must've been hard for you to live in that kind of world all by yourself."

"That must've been so frightening...", it was Eunwoo who said that. "I think you're really awesome, Mr. Kayden. But it must have been so lonely going through all that all on your own."

"You both sure are twins. Haha, I wasn't weak like you two", Kayden said jokingly.

"Hehe... I've been feeling weird lately. They said my core that holds my awakened power is broken... And as a result, I've lost all of my power, right? To be honest, I never liked having this kind of power. After I realized that I was an awakened one, I even prayed not to have it. But then now, I feel so down thinking my power is gone. After the injury, I wasn't in my right mind for a few days...Now after I've started feeling my own head, I realized I am sad. Thanks to this power I got to meet you... And become friends with so many people... I wanted to teach Eunwoo so much about awakened abilities... I won't be an awakened one without the power, and I feel like I might lose friends too... and Eunwoo might return to Australia... That makes me upset and sad..."

Jiwoo was trembling and sobbing into the blanket while Kayden sat and patted his back to provide him some comfort. "You're thinking way over yourself. Just get some rest", said the elder.

Eunwoo who was carefully paying attention to Jiwoo's every word assured him, "Hyung, I came here to stay with you... I'm not going back even if you want me to."

Jiwoo acknowledged the younger's comfort by nodding. Eunwoo turned his face to the other side while silently crying into the pillow.

After some time, Jiwoo had fallen asleep from crying. Kayden sat back in the chair observing him and thinking of ways to help him.

"Mr. Kayden", said Eunwoo making the elder glance at his red eyes and tear-stained face. "Is there no way to fix his core...?"

Even though Eunwoo knew what was about to happen, he decided to play ignorant but seeing his brother cry truly broke him.

"I'll see what I can do...", answered the elder. "How are you putting up with everything? You're pretty new to the awakened world."

Eunwoo replied maintaining eye contact with him. "It's been overwhelming for sure. Dr. Delein said I'll be able to walk with some time of therapy. I'm more worried about Jiwoo"