15. Talking cats?!

(At home)

'I don't see my suitcases here... Maybe Mr. Kayden kept them inside.'

The cats surrounded Kayden as he played with them. "Geez look at the sleep in your eyes."

"Let's not waste any more time. Lay him on the couch so that I can begin the treatment", ordered Kartein.

Kayden sighed before picking up Eunwoo from the wheelchair.

"I feel like I'm a baby again...", Eunwoo mumbled unconsciously pouting a bit.

This made the older male chuckle in amusement. "Bare it just a few days more."

Kayden laid him on the couch and moved back. Kartein sat on the floor beside Eunwoo and put his hand on the younger's forehead.

"Catch some sleep. I'll be done by the time you wake up."

With that being said, Kartein used his ability and Eunwoo was fast asleep.

"When did you grow soft for some kid?", questioned Kayden scoffing at the blond's gentleness.

"Shut up and let me concentrate."

After some time Kartein broke the silence, "This kid calls your apprentice 'hyung' but he doesn't look much older than him."

"That's because they're twins."

"That makes sense... But both their awakened abilities are so different."

"Yeah... But why did you offer to teach him to force control? He'll be in danger again."

"And he won't be in danger with your force control?", said Kartein still treating Eunwoo. "At least I'm not as reckless as you. And the reason why I decided to train him... It's the first time someone injured told me to rest first and heal..."

"This place is weird..."

"It sure is."

Kartein was done with Eunwoo's treatment in half an hour but the younger was still asleep after three hours.

Kayden had gone to feed the cats when Eunwoo woke up. Sensing him Kartein said, "You're awake? Can you try wiggling your toes?"

"Huh? Oh alright..."

Eunwoo could somewhat feel his legs as he tried to move his toes and succeeded.

His eyes widened add he looked at the blond who chucked at his astonished expression.

"You wanna try walking?"

"Can I?!"

"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't think you could."

Despite his remark, Kartein helped Eunwoo stand up. Kayden who just entered the room was confused.

"What are you both doing?", he asked.

"We're checking how much he has recovered." He continued moving a few steps back, "Eunwoo, now try to take a few small steps."

Even though his legs trembled he took a tiny step forward. "W-woah...!" He exclaimed. In all honesty, he had lost hope that he will ever be able to walk again. He took a couple more tiny steps before his legs lost their strength making him fall forward. He squeezed his eyes shut ready to fall face-first on the floor. Kayden was about to catch him but Kartein beat him to it.

"I think that's enough walk for today. Rest well, we'll continue the treatment tomorrow",  Kartein said now lifting Eunwoo and helping him to the couch.

"Mr. Kartein, thank you so much for treating me... I didn't think I would be able to walk again...", Eunwoo explained shyly.

"There's nothing too difficult for me, kid. Recover fast because I won't go easy on your training", Kartein sat beside him folding his arms.

"Is he affiliated with any group?", Kartein asked Kayden.

"Nope. He just got introduced to this awakened world", explained Kayden looking at Eunwoo who was busy petting a grey cat.

"Mr. Kayden, can you help me go upstairs? I wanted to freshen up a bit..."

"Okay, let's go. I'm gonna go back to get Jiwoo now. I'll come back in some time to get you", explained the elder. The younger nodded in response.


Kartein were in their cat forms when Jiwoo entered the house along with Kayden.

"Guys!", Jiwoo greeted the cats and hugged them. "I missed all of you."

He then noticed a skinny white cat that he hadn't seen before. "I've never seen that cat before!"

"It's Kartein", Kayden explained now in his cat form.


"What took you so long? I'm hungry." Said the white malnourished cat confirming that he was indeed Kartein.

"Are you... really Mr. Kartein?"

"Right. That's me." He continued, "You didn't even recognize me either. Well, I turned myself into a cat perfectly, so no wonder you couldn't even imagine."

"Huh? Why is his ear...?", Jiwoo mumbled to himself before the realization hit him like a ton of bricks. His eyes widened and his face became pale. "...his ear?", he said to Kayden who only shook his head and whispered back, "Don't say anything."

Since Kartein was hungry, Jiwoo first fed the six cats before asking, "Mr. Kayden, where's Eunwoo?"

"He's upstairs. He must be done freshening up by now."

"Oh! I'll go get him then."

Jiwoo rushed upstairs and found Eunwoo sitting on the bed while putting on a woolen vest.

"How are feeling?", Jiwoo asked softly catching Eunwoo's attention.

"You're back, hyung?", said the younger happily. "I feel so much better now! Mr. Kartein even helped me walk a little."

"Really? That's great. You can recover faster now." He continued, "Shall we go downstairs?"

Eunwoo nodded before Jiwoo gave him a piggyback ride.

"Hyung, I'm hungry...", Kayden and Kartein heard Eunwoo whine.

"Should I order bibimbap?"

Kayden said, "What took you both so long?"

'Wait they're in their cat forms...? Time to act! If I mess up then they'll find out...' Eunwoo panicked.

"Hyung... Am I hallucinating? Or are you seeing the same? Th-that fat cat... can talk?"

His grip on Jiwoo's shoulders tighten as he shook him a little.

"You brat who are you calling 'fat cat'?"

"Pfft- He's not wrong", Kartein laughed at the ginger cat.

"Now even that skinny cat is talking?!", Eunwoo shook Jiwoo really hard now while fake panicking. "Hyung, let's get out of here! I can't believe-"

Jiwoo cut him off while giggling nervously, "Calm down, or else we'll both fall down the stairs. The ginger cat is Mr. Kayden and the white one is Mr. Kartein."

"...This is too much...", He mumbled only loud enough for Jiwoo to hear.

Jiwoo was quick to make him sit on the couch and explained the situation.

Meanwhile, Kartein whispered, "So he really is unaware of everything? But why does it not seem like that..."

"You felt it too, right? Even though I don't think he has any harmful intentions I feel like he's hiding something important. Why not confirm your doubt before you start training him?", Kayden whispered back.

"Hmph! I don't need you to tell me what to do."