16. Peek into the future

After dinner, Kayden looked at Eunwoo and said, "Now that you're well rested and your recovery is going well, I want you to answer some questions honestly."

Jiwoo and Eunwoo confusingly glanced at each other before the latter nodded.

"It's not been long since you came here but when Kartein offered to heal Jiwoo you were fully confident that he could heal him. How were you so sure when you don't know about how the awakened world works? When I met you for the first time in my human form it looked like you already knew."

"Is that true Eunwoo?", Jiwoo asked.

Eunwoo's face paled and his palms became sweaty. 'What do I do?! I can't just say they are the characters of a webcomic!!'

Kayden continued softly after taking notice of Eunwoo's nervous state, "I know you mean no harm. Just answer how you knew that information."

Now the three males were curiously waiting for the younger's answer who was subconsciously fidgeting with his fingers

"I... I have another awakened ability... I can peek into the future..."


"Can you explain a bit more about this power?", Kayden asked calmly.

Eunwoo nodded. "I discovered this the same day when I got the other ability. Though I've got no control over seeing the future... It just comes and goes whenever it likes and I don't know when that certain event is gonna happen either..."

"That's interesting...", Kartein mumbled.

"So you knew Kartein would come to Korea to heal Jiwoo?"

Eunwoo nodded, feeling proud of himself to have made the best possible excuse.

"Did you know that he would heal you as well?", Kayden asked remembering how upset Eunwoo was earlier at the hospital.

"No. I only saw him treat hyung."

It was Kartein's turn to ask, "Did you know that I would offer to teach you my force control?"

The younger shook his head and answered. "I didn't. In fact, I still find it hard to believe."

Jiwoo rubbed the younger's back because he was too tense but asked, "Did you see Amyeong attacking us back then? Is that why you accompanied me?"

"I did know that he would attack but I didn't know when", he answered honestly.

"That's so cool! Eunwoo you should've told us about this sooner", Jiwoo claimed excitedly.

"Well... the circumstances surely weren't good... hehe."

Kayden and Kartein nodded at each other, satisfied with the younger's explanation.

"Can you tell me something you saw recently? You don't have to if you don't wanna", Jiwoo asked curiously.

On the other hand, Eunwoo tried to recall the events that happened during that time frame.

"Hmm... I think Jiyoung told you about awakened academy or something?"

"Woah! She told me about that today! Mr. Kayden isn't his ability so awesome", to say that Jiwoo was amazed would be an understatement. You could practically see stars in his eyes.

"The awakened academy?", Kayden asked. "Wasn't it said to be done during vacation?"

"Yes. But it said it moved up. You're coming along again, right?"

"I should. You're not even at your best... Eunwoo, you should come as well. You'll be able to learn a lot there."

"Can I come along?", he asked tilting his head.

"You should. It will be dangerous to stay here alone", said Kartein. "I guess I'll come along too. Though I'm busy... Jiwoo still needs my treatment and even though Eunwoo will be healed by then, I still need to train him."


"I'll get that", saying that Jiwoo went to open the door.

Stepped in Jisuk, Subin, and Wooin.

"What the heck? We found out that you left the hospital only when we got there." Jisuk complained and Subin joined him.

"You didn't even answer your phone."

"Sorry. I was too out of to check my phone."

Jisuk offered some cat treats to Kayden like he was some king before plopping down beside Eunwoo on the couch. "You look better now. Did Mr. Kartein start treating you already?"

"Hehe... yep he did." Answered the boy.

Subin was playing with the cats before she noticed the white skinny bag of bones. "Who's that new face?", she asked. "But I feel bad for him. He's too skinny... You should feed him a lot." She continued with pity in her eyes. "Huh? He's even neutered!"

That shook Kartein to the core and started shaking...

"Huh? Jiwoo. He's shaking. Maybe he feels cold without much fur."

Kayden, Jiwoo, and Eunwoo tried to avoid eye contact and refused to see the scene unfold even though one was trying his hardest to not laugh.