20. Meeting the principal

The match between Jisuk and Arthur ended up as a draw. It was time for Subin and Duke's spar which made me nervous. By the end of the spar, Duke was about to nearly kill his opponent when Jiwoo used his super speed to protect her. This awestruck everyone in the stadium at how fast the young kid was.

I'm pretty sure Mr. Kartein is raging right now. Duke attacked Jiwoo again while he was still holding Subin.

Wait why is this different from what I know? Shit! He won't be able to dodge that!

I extended my arms toward Jiwoo and formed a golden shield around the both of them before the attack hit them.

"Who was that? Whose shield is that?"

"Isn't that Jiwoo's brother?"

"He was able to block such a strong attack? Crazy!"

I heard numerous murmurs around me. To be honest, with Mr. Krtein's training, my shield has gotten a lot stronger so Duke's attack felt quite weak. But that's not what I need to worry about now. I'm gonna get scolded by both Kayden and Kartein now...

"Who are you?", Duke asked and I get go of the shield knowing well that wouldn't attack Jiwoo again.

"Jiwoo Seo", Jiwoo answered. "I'm a student of the academy here."

Inhyuk apologized to the World Academy professors and claimed Duke as the winner.

"Jiwoo Seo I want to spar with you", Duke said. Then he glared at me, "I'd like to spar with you too but I don't think I will be allowed to this time."

"I want to spar with that kid", Dale said pointing in my direction.

Why the hell do you want to spar with me?! You already lost, jerk!

"How dare you both interfere with a spar! As to make up for that I want you to spar with me", Dale continued.

Duke joined him, "You do realize how big a problem it is to interrupt a match between the awakened ones right? Since you ruined my match, you both have no right to refuse."

"That won't be possible", Inhyuk joined. "Both Jiwoo and Eunwoo recently suffered a serious injury and are still recovering. They're in no condition to spar."

The World Academy instructor wasn't making anything easier for Inhyuk when Duke said, "We'll spar in three days."

Three days are not enough for me to prepare to spar...

"Make it seven days", I voiced out.

"Didn't you hear he said three and that's final!", Dale growled.

"It's seven or nothing. I didn't interrupt 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 fight so I am not accountable to make it up to 𝑦𝑜𝑢", I glared back at him.

"Tch. Fine. Seven days it is", Duke said before leaving the training hall.

Even though I know seven days are still not enough to prepare for my first spar I can still get somewhat better.


(Back at the dorm)


After what seemed like an eternity Kartein finally calmed down. "Jeez! You make sorts of trouble just like your mentor... And Eunwoo you're not off the hook just because you stepped in to protect your brother!"

"I'm sorry...", I said looking down at the floor.

"But you did well to at least bargain for four more days. You do realize you can't make that much of a difference right? This is your first spar that too against one of the top rookies of the World Academy!! What were you even thinking?!"

And he started to stress again and Kayden had to hold him down from pouncing on me.


After fooling Kartein yet again, Kayden asked Jiwoo and me to go out for a walk till then the former had many preparations to make for tomorrow.

Tomorrow shall be the last day of my treatment so I'm still sitting in my wheelchair while Jiwoo helped me by pushing it.

"Are you sure you're ready to spar with Dale? It's your first spar so I'm worried...", he spoke.

"I'm not ready but I still want to give it my finest. Dale and I are opposites in terms of fighting the only common thing we have is that we have close combat style."

"Do you have any strategy for the match? Your shield has gotten a lot more powerful. It was able to stop Duke's attack."

"I haven't thought much about it but we'll figure it out. Mr. Kartein has been focusing on strengthening my shield so the result is showing", I said recalling how much my mentor was concerned about protection than attack. "Anyways, aren't you nervous about your spar with Duke?"

"I am. But I'm excited about it as well."

After walking for some time we noticed the principal admiring the view in front of him.

"He's is the principal of the awakened academy. Let's go greet him", Jiwoo whispered to me and I nodded approving with him.

It is here when this old man will teach Jiwoo his force control right?

"Hello, sir!", Jiwoo said grabbing the old man's attention.

"It's been a while, Jiwoo. I heard you were badly injured, how are you feeling now?"

"I'm alright."

"That's a relief. I heard it was Kartein who healed you. His ability is reliable. Since he is the world's best healer" He then glanced at me and smiled. "You must be Jiwoo's twin."

"Good evening, sir. I am Eunwoo Seo", I introduced myself while smiling politely and bowing slightly.

"It's good to meet you in person. I heard you both will spar with Duke and Dale. Will you be okay? Using your power might take a toll on you now." He then looked down, his grey eyes meeting my green ones. "How will you fight Dale in that condition?"

"Mr. Kartein said he'll get us in shape for one sparring match", Jiwoo answered.

"I see... Isn't this your first spar as an awakened one, Eunwoo? Are you Kayden's apprentice as well?"

"Ah... No, I'm not his apprentice", I avoided saying that Kartein is my mentor as I shouldn't disclose it so soon. "And I've got to start somewhere right?" I looked up at him and gave him a smile to show that I was looking forward to the spar.

"I like your confidence. Now I'm curious to see how your spar goes. Are your abilities similar to Jiwoo's?"

"You will have to wait till the date of the spar, sir", I smiled back at him totally not showing my uneasiness. The elder looked a bit taken aback but still grinned at me.

He then insisted to teach Jiwoo one of his skills and after lots of convincing Jiwoo finally agreed.