21. Seongik Han

He then insisted to teach Jiwoo one of his skills and after lots of convincing Jiwoo finally agreed.

"I should probably go back to the dorm now. I don't want to disturb your training with sir", I said looking at Jiwoo. I should go and practice force control and I shouldn't let the principal know that I know about force control just yet. At least not before the sparring match.

"Oh, Sir, I'll be back soon after dropping off Eunwoo at the dorm", Jiwoo said to the principal.

"It's alright, hyung. I can go on my own."

"It's fine for you to come along. I've been told that you're quite smart so I wanted to give you some books to learn more about the awakened world. Plus, it's not safe for you to roam around alone when there are the World Awakened academy rookies." The principal smiled down at me. His smile reminded me of a grandpa grinning at a little kid.

I nodded understanding his concern. "Then I shall be in your care, sir."


Seongik Han, that is the principal handed me the thickest book I had ever seen before moving on to teach Jiwoo his skill.

"If you don't understand anything in the book feel free to ask me." He said before leaving.

I was sitting a few feet away from Jiwoo with the book in my hands. 'FORCE CONTROL AND IT'S ELEMENTS' read the title.

Did he really give a book on force control? By the looks of it, this looks very old... Even though I was good at studies in my previous life I had quit school after coming of age. Because that was the time I was kicked out of my home for wanting to pursue MMA.

This guy Eunwoo was a total pushover from what I saw in my memories. Even with his unrealistic good looks he was an outcast in school and was picked on nearly every day. Still, this guy never told anyone about the bullying because when he tried to talk with the teachers they just called him 'a dramatic Chinese kid who was overreacting'. In my previous life, I remember breaking a kid's nose because he pushed me down the stairs.

Well, coming back to the present. Jiwoo was now getting a hang of how to control the principal's force control while the elder observed him carefully.

I started to read the 2000+ pages book. After reading about 20 pages I understood that every person's flow, dynamics, path of course, and rhythm is different. Maybe I can try creating a force control of my own and then try blending it with Mr. Kartein's.

I shut the book and concentrated on collecting my energy. Then I proceeded to slowly move it. This is much tougher than I thought... Trying to find a rhythm of my own is exhausting. After some time my flow finally settled with something to rivers. It was calm and continuous. I decided to maintain that flow for some time before halting.

This is too tiring... I should think of the dynamics and path of course later. I opened my eyes and found the principal standing in front of me along with Jiwoo.

"Well done", the elder said looking at my confused state. "I didn't expect you to create a force control of your own in such a short period. Even though it is a low-level one and incomplete now, you can work on it to make it better."

"I'll keep practicing. Thank you so much for letting me read this book, sir", I said giving him back his book.

Instead of taking the book, he patted my head lightly saying, "You can keep it. It will help you grow greatly, without a doubt."

I thanked him again expressing my gratitude before Jiwoo and I left bidding goodbye to the principal.

While on our way Jiwoo spoke up, "Why didn't you tell me that you were a genius? That was so awesome, Eunwoo! Your force control was so beautiful to look at."

"Really? What did it look like?" I was curious because Kayden's force control was blue, Kartein's golden, and the principal's a soft shade of purple.

Jiwoo answered, "They were like two ribbons, golden and black in color. It flowed as if it was in the water, intertwining with each other."

"You're giving me too much credit. Talk about yourself! You nearly mastered principal's skill."

"I'm still far from getting it mastered."

Our conversation went on until we reached the dorm.


Yep. That's how we were welcomed by the great Kayden.

"The principal taught me a new way of moving my power. I'm late because I was learning that", Jiwoo said rubbing his nape. He proceeded to explain how the principal taught him his skill before he helped sit on the bed. After explaining everything we went off to practice force control which he recently learned.

"And what's your excuse?", Kartein glared in my direction.

I showed him the book that the old man gave. "Principal said that it would be dangerous for me to roam around when there are world awakened rookies and gave me this book saying that it would help me greatly."

Both the cat's eyes widened. "He gave you such an advanced book?!"

"Yeah, he said I could keep it", I said blinking in confusion. Is this book important? It wasn't mentioned in the webcomic though...

"I get a feeling that he's interested in Eunwoo next or why would he let him keep the book?", Kayden said.

The white cat nodded. "How much did you learn from this?"

I nodded and demonstrated my force control. After about five minutes stopped and said, "It's not complete and there's still a whole lot of room for improvement."

"I can see why that old man let you keep the book. You do realize not everyone can create their own force control right?", Kayden asked.

"They can't?"

Kartein spoke up, "Of course. Even though it's only at a low level now it will become much stronger. Do you know why?" I shook my head and he continued, "Because you're my apprentice."

He laughed in an evil way while I just sat there smiling nervously. Maybe he's just feeling proud as my mentor.

Kayden shook his head in disappointment. "This guy was someone who rejected even the top 100 awakened ones saying he will never have an apprentice... Now look at him."

But Kartein ignored him and proceeded to explain to me how to improve my force control.