22. Training and Jiwoo's spar

(Next day)

Kartein has cured my legs fully and moved to continue Jiwoo's treatment. Kayden was now in his human form because as per Kartein's orders, he had to help me stretch a bit before training considering that my lower body had been immobile for very long.

It felt a bit odd to stand now but after a while, I was able to walk without any trouble.

"I know your physical strength isn't promising at all and we can't improve it a lot in just a week, but do you know how to kick?" I nodded and he continued, "Good. Let me see what you got." He gave a small smile telling me to attack.

Now I'm excited. I got into the position with my left leg in front and my hand in front of my face. With this stance, my defence was up. One of my favourite kicks was Brazilian kick and my favourite fighting technique were Muay Thai and Kyukoshin karate, then Taekwondo followed behind with kickboxing and jiu jitsu though I didn't enjoy boxing just as much. I wasn't much of a fan of wrestling, judo, kendo and fencing but still learnt them nonetheless.

I went to kick Kayden's ribs first. He saw my lane of attack and was about to block it when I changed the angle of the kick mid-air and went to kick his head instead; knowing well that he would block that as well and so he did. He caught my leg before it hit him. He proceeded to punch me in the stomach with his other hand which caught me by surprise because I thought he only wanted to evaluate my technique. I used my hands to block him but his punch never even touched me.

I looked up and saw him smile in amusement before he let go of my leg.

"You were better than I predicted. I didn't know you would know some combat techniques. But you still lack strength and speed. You can't afford to lose against that world academy. Because he won't think twice to overthrow you up even after you lose consciousness." I nodded remembering how Duke had nearly murdered Subin.

"But I'm sure you have many tricks up your sleeve. Say, Jiwoo feels it's unfair for Duke but do you feel it's unfair that you know about Dale's ability and he doesn't know about yours?", Kayden questioned.

I thought for a moment before answering, "If it was hyung, then yes he would think that it's unfair for Duke but I don't think such differences concern in real life. Yes, I do know about Dale's ability but he has years of experience already, and on top of this, this is considered to be my first spar. When Amyeong attacked us he said we would have been able to escape if he didn't know about Jiwoo's ability. So it doesn't matter in actuality if you lost because you didn't know about your opponent's ability or if you let your guard down. A fight lost is a fight lost and no one else is to be accused for it."

"You've got a good way of thinking, kiddo", Kayden said patting my shoulder.

Kartein sighed while treating Jiwoo who was asleep, "At least I don't have to stress about my apprentice getting into meaningless fights, unlike a certain mentor."

After that was the beginning of hell as Kayden began to train me.


I walked toward Jisuk with the white cat (Kartein) in my arms and others since my spar will be after Jiwoo's. Seeing me come Subin and Jisuk waved their arms excitedly. I smiled at them before Jisuk got me in a headlock.

"I'm so glad you've healed! Are you sure you're ready to spar yet?"

"Yep! I'm as good as new."

Subin asked, "Isn't this your first spar? Will you be fine?"

"Honestly, I don't know..."

"Hey, Eunwoo, long time no see huh? How have you been?", Gangseok asked.

"Hi Gangseok, I'm feeling better now", I smiled at him before greeting Wooin.

"Tch!", I heard someone scoffing from behind. It was Siyeong, the blond awakened academy instructor. "I don't see anything worth mentioning in him. Late awakeners are always trouble. They are bound to be a failure. I don't get why the academy even accepts such things."

Kartein was trembling in rage and I don't know how to calm him down. But this guy did cross the line. If I could then I would have given him a bloody nose right now!

"That asshole...", Jisuk said. "Just ignore him Eunwoo. I'm sure you'll do great!"

"He's at it again", Gangseok mumbled.

I nodded despite feeling sullen. He's such a rude jerk... Inhyuk was about to argue with Siyeong when Jiwoo entered the arena. The atmosphere suddenly got tense. Wooin urged me to sit down somewhere and I agreed.

Soon the spar began, I let my mind wander off because I already knew the result. I was busy forming my strategy for the spar. With Kayden's training, I had gotten a bit stronger and faster. My force control was fine as well. But how am I supposed to defeat a man made of iron who's twice my size?!