24. Meeting

I nervously stood in the room filled with some of the strongest awakened ones in the country.

The principal asked, "Eunwoo, you made incredible use of the things you learned in such a small period even that healing skill. If I'm not wrong you're unaffiliated, right?"

"That's correct, sir", I said trying not to reveal my tiredness from the earlier fight. I felt fatigued and my knees were weak at the moment.

"Then would you like to join Baekdu?"

"How about you join XXX?"

The instructors offered except one. Siyeong. Who was likely feeling bitter.

"I'm sorry but I don't desire to join any group right now," I stated firmly.

"You can take your time to think-", some instructor said but was cut off by the principal.

"Then how about becoming my apprentice?" he said giving me a kind smile.

"P-pardon?" I absolutely didn't see this coming... What am I supposed to even do in this situation? Rejecting the principal without a good reason isn't something I can do...

"How about I train you myself? I can help you release your full potential."

I bowed 90° in front of him as I said, "I'm sorry sir but I'm afraid I must deny your offer..."

"The audacity of this boy...", Siyeong hissed angrily under his breath but the principal continued.

"Can I know why?"

"Sir I-", I was interrupted when the door opened and to my astonishment, it was Mr. Kartein. In his human form. I straighten up and my eyes enlarged from surprise. The instructors' reaction wasn't much different from mine as they were equally as surprised.

"He can't be your apprentice because he is under my guidance", he said.

Did he just- What- I didn't have any words so I just kept reserved.

The principal looked taken aback. "Long time no see, Kartein. What you mean to say is..."

"That's right. This kid is my apprentice so you can't have him." Karteins eyes were piercing as if he dared anyone to speak up against him.

"First Kayden and now you, Kartein. Though I can't blame you. Now I get how the kid's healing skill is so good. I wish you good luck, Eunwoo." The principal said laughing a little then yet again patted my head.

Kartein then glared in Siyeong's direction and said in a cold voice, "What were you speaking about earlier?"

Siyeong visibly flinched. "W-what do you mean?"

Kartein's glare only hardened as he narrowed his eyes. "Were you claiming that MY apprentice is a failure? Do you even realize the gravity of your words? Are you trying to make me your enemy? Because if you are, then you're doing an outstanding job."

"I- I'm sorry... It was my mistake..."

"I'm not the one you should apologize to", Kartein said folding his arms. No one dared to say anything and I was starting to feel anxious.

Siyeong looked at me before bowing. "I apologize..."

"It-it's okay...", I said even though I heard no solemnity in his words.

"Then we'll be leaving." Saying that Kartein left the room. Since he said 'we' I bowed to the principal before following him.

"Mr. Kartein, you didn't have to do all that..."

"These arrogant jerks need to be taught a lesson. If someone mocks you like this in the future don't keep shut and just fire back. I'm here to back you up."

"Thank you so much, Mr. Kartein!", I beamed at him. I felt truly happy to have him as my mentor. He's such a tsundere sometimes...

" Anyways, you did well in your first spar. You do realize that if that provocation didn't work you would've gotten hurt, right? "

"Yes, but I also know that he had a big pride for that", I giggled and the blond ruffled my hair.

"That was clever and you held yourself well. Your healing has gotten faster as well. But now you need rest. I can tell you've worn out your body", he gave me a side-eye chuckling.

I knew I couldn't conceal it from him because my muscles were quivering begging for rest. "Agreed. I think I can sleep-"

I couldn't continue because I stumbled a little. My vision was getting blurry with every passing moment. I squinted my eyes to get rid of the dizziness that I felt but it didn't work. Mr. Kartein held my upper arm to keep me in place. I looked up at him with my half-open eyes.

I felt like I had no strength in my knees or my shoulders and since I wasn't with the principal and other instructors right now, I had no reason to hide my exhaustion.

"You shouldn't have gone with them if you were this tired", Kartein continued to scold me before offering a piggyback ride which I reluctantly agreed. I lightly held his shoulders for support while struggling to keep my eyes open. Kartein continued, "Get enough rest because once you're well rested we'll resume our training. You still have far to go."

I've still lots of training to do, then I need to read that book and make notes of it, prepare and evolve my weapons, then I need to practice my healing skill along with the golden chain. I like the golden chain the most so maybe I should name it or something.

With all these thoughts in my head, I didn't notice when I fell asleep. My head was leaning on Kartein's shoulder and he lightly chuckled. He thought that he had picked the perfect kid to be his apprentice because unknown to the kid, he had a good grasp on medical skills and his force control was much similar to Kartein's as well.


Kartein reached the dorm with Eunwoo was still asleep. Opening the door he was met by Kayden who was explaining Jiwoo about the match.

Seeing Kartein with an unconscious Eunwoo on his back, Jiwoo asked worriedly, "Is Eunwoo alright?"

"He just sleeping. He overused his powers and is now exhausted."

Kayden helped the blond lay the young kid on the bed before covering him with a blanket. "So, why did they call him?", Kayden asked.

"When I got there, that Seongik was asking him to be his apprentice. Plus, I needed to teach a pest his place", Kartein replied feeling pissed yet again remembering how the blond instructor insulted his apprentice which made him enraged again.

Kayden was reading Eunwoo's notebook and said while turning the pages, "I didn't think he was this studios... He has made notes of whatever he learnt from the book Seongik have him along with the structure and formation of his weapons. How did he not awaken sooner?"


In the evening the rest of the kids came to check up on the twin's condition. Jiwoo invited them in.

"Both your spars were freaking dope!", Jisuk exclaimed.

"Speaking of dope, where's Eunwoo?", Subin asked plopping on the couch with Iseul, Gnagseok and Wooin.

Jiwoo answered, "Mr. Kartein said that he overused his powers so he's asleep right now."

Subin laughed at that saying, "Most of the time we come that guys is sleeping. Is he sleeping beauty?"

"Haha... Let's call him that from now on", Jisuk joined.

"Go on and try it. I want to see him throw you to the north pole using his chains", Gangseok snickered.

"Why you..."

And the bickering went on.