25. Healing Duri

(Two days later)

"So you had a spar with Cain and Mr. Kayden defeated his mystical animal? Wow... I really missed all the fun", I said. I woke up last night before eating dinner and going back to bed.

A few moments ago Iseul came to say goodbye because she had to return since her dog Duri was injured.

"It didn't seem like a serious injury, but the dog must've hurt his eye badly", Kayden said.

"That's too bad", Kartein said sitting on the couch in his human form. "Those with the ability to commune with animals usually have a special bond with their animals. They spend time together from childhood and commune with each other deeply. Was it Iseul? From the way she cares for her dog, that must be the case for her too. Her friend from childhood is about to go blind..." He said dramatically.

I can clearly see where this is going. It looked like Jiwoo would break into tears at any moment.

"Mr. Kartein can you heal Duri's eye?", he asked worriedly and the blond smirked.

"Well, it hasn't been long since the dog got injured, so it should be possible", saying that he stood up. "I'm... the great Kartein after all."

I sighed feeling somewhat second-hand embarrassment. Jiwoo is probably worrying because he has nothing to offer Kartein in exchange.

The blond said, "Well, I can heal the dog if you make a deal with me."

"What kind of deal?"

"That punch you threw with that fat body. If you teach it to me I'll heal him."

I might pass out from trying to hold in my laughter...

Kayden ' reluctantly' agreed and the deal was set.

But I interrupted saying, "Mr. Kartein, is it alright if I try healing him? If I can't do it you'll take care of it right?"

"Hmm... That would be better. You can learn something new this way. Alright, I'll guide you but if you're unable to, then I'll heal the dog." Kartein replied.

"I'll go tell Iseul!", Jiwoo said.

This is a win-win situation for everyone.


"I need everyone to leave the building", Kartein said.

I was standing beside him and the word had already gotten out that I was his apprentice.

Without waiting for a reply Karetin entered the room where Duri was. I told Iseul that I'd try my best to heal Duri and Mr Kartein would help if I couldn't do it to which she agreed.

"Kayden, you better take guard of us while I teach him how to treat the dog", Kartein said glaring at the ginger cat. unlike the webcomic, the blond was in his human form instead of the cat. "Oh! Teach me that skill as soon as I'm done."

"Yeah, okay..."

"Now, Eunwoo, focus here. This is how you examine..."

I observed him carefully and tried to do the same by letting my force flow into Duri's body before bringing it back. It looks like the pupil is hurt the most. I'm not sure if I can't cure it fully but it will take a lot of energy.

"Do you understand his condition?", Kartein asked and I nodded in reply. "Then start the treatment. Just keep your calm and recollect what you've learned till now."

Taking a deep breath I closed my eyes and placed my hands on Duri's injured eye. I collected my energy and started the treatment.

Kartein observed his apprentice with a proud smile playing on his face. 'This kid can be a prodigy in healing ability', he thought.

"How's he keeping up?", Kayden whispered to the blond.

"What else do you expect from my apprentice? I'm afraid many will come to seek treatment from him soon."

Kayden scoffed at Kartein's remark but didn't deny it.


Now I get why Mr. Kartein refuses to heal many times. This is freaking tiring! And while healing takes a whole chunk of energy, it also means that I'm defenseless when healing and if someone was to attack me at that time I would get severely injured. I should make sure to only heal others when I'm around someone strong and reliable.

I was done healing Duri and sat on the floor as Kartein studied his condition again. My legs lost their strength again so I'd better remain seated for a while.

"I can see you're at your limit already", Kayden said coming beside me.

"It's exhausting! I understand why Mr. Kartein doesn't go around healing everyone..."

"You've learned a lot today, kiddo", Kayden laughed.

After examining Kartein said, "Good job, kid. You've got a hang of it now but it requires too much of your energy. We'll have to work on that. Apart from that, he is good to go. He'll wake up in some time so let's go."

I got up and could feel my muscles quiver. While making our way outside the building, Kayden asked, "Are you still reading the book Seongik gave?"

"Yeah, it even had things about healing ability. I try to apply it with Mr. Kartein's technique."

Kartein asked glaring at me from the corner of his eyes, "You do realize that you need to work on your strength, speed, and stamina as well right?"

"Yes Mr. Kartein... but I'll probably pass out today. Can we begin tomorrow?", I asked looking at him with hope in my eyes.

The older sighed before answering, "Fine we'll work only on force control today."

I took a breath of relief.

"You're becoming soft", Kayden commented.

" No, I'm just not crazy about fighting, unlike you ."

Once we were out Iseul came running towards us asking with Jiwoo.

"How is Duri?", she questioned worriedly.

"He's fine now just let him sleep for some time", Kartein responded.

She sighed in relief before bowing. "That you so much, sir. How can I ever replay you..."

"You don't need to because it wasn't me who healed Duri. It was my apprentice who cured him", Kartein said placing a hand on my back.

Iseul blushed a bit but was quick to bow and thank me.

I spoke while giving her a small smile, "It's alright. I too learned a lot today."

"Woah, Eunwoo... You're really incredible!", Jiwoo exclaimed with his eyes sparking with admiration.