43. Traitors

It was nighttime and Jiwoo and I were on a walk around the academy. We had a lighthearted chat about how fun it was to spend time around the rest when we came across Duke, Cain and Professor Andrea from Frame.

"Duke?!", Jiwoo said in shock at the scene before him. "What's going on? Why's Cain injured like that?"

"The professor just attacked Cain", Duke stated worriedly.

"What?!", Jiwoo exclaimed. He signalled me from behind to move behind I followed him and acted shocked as well.

"Right, I recognize her...", I said indicating to the professor.

"Here, take Cain away while I deal with the professor", Duke said handing Cain over to Jiwoo.

"Are you okay?", he asked the injured boy.

"Hyung get him here so that I can heal him", I said stepping a step behind.

"Run...", Cain weakly mumbled.

Just as Duke was about to attack them Jiwoo used his super speed to come to where I was.

"How were you able to react so quickly? As if you'd moved ahead of me", Duke asked.

"Because I never believed you to begin with. I just pretended like i did to save Cain."

"Hang in there. I'll treat your vital injuries soon", I said placing my palm on his chest to examine and treat him.

But he gripped my arm tightly saying, "I'll manage, so don't worry about me. But those two... We can't let those bastards run away. They've sacrificed many people in the academy. None of the students died... But a lot of academy security guards have been killed. All because of those traitors... We can't let them just walk away."

Jiwoo placed Cain near a pillar and said, "Eunwoo wait here for me with Cain. It won't take long."

I reluctantly agreed and continued healing Cain because my energy was at its lowest and I couldn't even form a strong enough shield.

Jiwoo and Duke fought neck to neck but the silver-haired male ended up losing. Andrea had to do something since things were slipping outta her hands, she reached her hand to attack me probably wanting to take me as hostage.

"No! Eunwoo!", Jiwoo screamed.

I tried to for a shied but it didn't last even a second. I flinched when the shield broke on its own and shut my eyes while holding Cain tightly waiting for the attack but it never came. I peeked through one eye and saw that Kartein was holding Andrea's and by the herm of her clock as if she was a dirty trash bag.

"What on earth... is this thing...?", he said looking down at Andrea.

The woman jumped back in shock. "Kartein? W-Why are you here?"

"I what? Of course, I'm here for my apprentice." His presence suddenly darkened as he continued, "I have to step in since I know people like you will only go after my apprentice when he's not in his fighting state. And no one looks down on MY apprentice, since that means that they are looking down at ME."

Kartein attacked Andrea with his swamp-like skill and she got sucked into it.

"GAAAAH!", she screamed trying to get out but nothing helped.

I carefully watched the scene in front of me and the professor vanished. That was so damn cool! I never knew Kartein had that kind of skill!"

The blond then turned to glare at Jiwoo, "And you! You're fighting again? Huh? So you can bother me again?!"

"I'm sorry...", Jiwoo said apologetically.

"And you, kid! Why did you jump in when your energy hasn't recovered yet?!"

But I looked at him with stars of admiration in my eyes. "Mr Kartein! That was so cool!" The elder man rubbed his temple.

"I don't see Duke", said Cain.


"He ran away not too long ago", Kartein stated.

"Eh? Then why didn't you hold him back?", Jiwoo asked.

"And why would I?"

"Are you alright, Eunwoo, Cain", Jiwoo asked changing the subject.

"I'm not hurt but we need to get Cain treated because I only healed his internal injuries", I said handing the injured boy over to my brother.


I was chatting with our academy's kids along with Arthur about how Duke's betrayal had affected everyone.

Arthur expressed his worries, "I also have to lay low once I return to my family. They're anxious, worried I might've sided with Frame like Duke."

"But Arthur, you did not", Jiwoo said to him.

"Well... Of course not."

I remember reading that when the world academy students fought the students from the frame, most of them were fatally injured...

"You alright?", Jiwoo asked again.

"Of course. At any rate, this incident shouldn't be bad for you guys"

"What do you mean?"

"Any doubts about whether you might be related to the Frame have been rooted out as all of you stood up to them in order to save us. Welp, I hope all the best for you guys."

Saying that Arthur was about to leave but I stopped him. "Arthur, wait!"

"Huh? What is it?"

"When in future, you or anyone has to fight against the Frame or Duke, just don't. Get away from there and don't indulge in a spar with them at all."

"Why... do yousound so sure...? That sounds creepy", he nervously laughed.

"It's one of my skill but I have no control over it. Just don't get tangled with them."

"Thanks for telling me. I'll be sure let other kids know as well."


"And don't worry I won't tell them about your skill", he said while smiling at me before bidding us goodbye. Jiwoo went after him to talk to him.

Subin said, "Why didn't you ever say you could see future?!"

"That's right! You betrayed us by hiding such a treasure!", Jisuk joined her.

"I can't 'see' the future. I can only peek into it but it's never on my control."