44. Revenge and Roist

Jiwoo and I were taking Mago on a walk after dinner. It's been a long time since he walked around so he was hopping every few seconds.

I giggled at his antics as Jiwoo said, "He looks so happy now. Mago must be tired of staying in one room for so long."

I nodded and just then I felt an unfamiliar and unpleasant presence nearby. Jiwoo threw me on his shoulder, took Mago in one arm and jumped back. He placed me down and I saw a huge hole in the ground where we were standing moments ago. Mago stepped behind me, trembling in fear.

Oh, no! Is that Frame again?!

"Too bad that didn't get you", I heard a deep voice speak out.

He looked like someone in his late twenties and had silver hair and very sharp features. His dark eyes glared holes at me and didn't spar a glance at Jiwoo.

Why is he after me? I don't even remember reading anything about this guy!

"Well let's see how long you can hold on. The slower it is, the better."

With that being said, he attacked us again. This time I put up my shield. His attack looked like a purple ball which could dissolve anything. Was that acid?!


A loud noise was heard not far from where we were but it was not the time to focus on that.

"What do you want? Why are you suddenly attacking us?", Jiwoo asked staying as close to me as possible.

"I only want Kartein's apprentice. You'd better not get in the way if you don't wanna die with him, kid", he warned but didn't stop attacking.

"What do you want from me? I don't even know who you are!" I needed answers because I knew Jiwoo wasn't leaving my side until we were done with this guy.

"What I want, you ask? Well, I want you dead! Because Kartein didn't heal my master, I lost him! I want him to feel the same pain when he sees his only apprentice's lifeless body", he said smiling maniacally.

His attacks got even more aggressive and all I could do was hold on to the shield. If I let go of it even for a second, it would be fatal for us considering that my energy was not enough for a proper attack. His strength was just a tiny bit less than Jurion's and that worried me since neither Jiwoo nor I stood a chance against him.

It got tougher to keep up the shield as I started trembling from lack of energy and sweat dripped down my face.

"Eunwoo, let it go. I'll get us away from here using my speed", Jiwoo whispered crouching near me.

"We can't... He's nearly as strong as Jurion."

"Ha, You little... Who'd think you'd keep that up in such a state", he mocked. That means he was aware of the state my body was in that's why he chose to attack now!

He attacked again but stopped when he saw another golden shield cover around us. Kartein spoke up, "You might be having a death wish, Fedor. For attacking my apprentice like this."

The guy Fedor was blinded with anger as he launched at Kartein. "It's because of you that Sir Ivan died!"

"You think that's uncommon among awakeners? And why would I help my own enemy?", the blond trapped him in his swamp. "It was a big mistake to attack my apprentice."

"I-I WILL- AHHHHH!", Fedor screamed before vanishing in the swamp.

He then let go of his shield and came toward us. "You both alright?"

We nodded but he still examined our condition.

"Good. You only lack energy and don't have any injuries", he mumbled. "Anyways, that was one of the people I had expected to come after you. There will still be many to come in future so you'd better train harder from now. You both did well not trying to fight back against him. None of you are in the condition for another spar for a week at least."

"It's great that you came soon, Mr Kartein. Eunwoo said that Fedor was nearly as strong as Jurion..."

I nodded yes before straightening up and holding Mago in my arms. "He was. That little fella got scared", Kartein said indicating toward Mago. I patted the pup's back lightly to try and soothe him.

"But what was that loud noise?", Jiwoo asked.

"Yeah, it sounded like a building blew up."

Not answering our question, Kartein turned into his cat form suddenly. After like ten seconds after Kayden came to us with a member from the Frame. He keenly observed both Jiwoo and me.

"This kid is my apprentice", Kayden introduced Jiwoo.

"My name is Roist. I'm lord Schnauder's apprentice", he introduced himself.

"Ah... My name is Jiwoo Seo."

"Then you must be Kartein's apprentice", Roist stated pointing in my direction.

"Ah, yes. My name is Eunwoo Seo", I said looking up at him. He looked intimidating and that's the reason I shouldn't avoid eye contact with him.

"There are many who would love to meet Kartein's apprentice since he has rejected just as many. It has been every healer's dream to be Kartein's apprentice or be treated by him", he said while smiling.

I smiled back at him. "I'm well aware of that, but still, thank you for telling."

"It's nothing. Anyways... I came to this place to meet you, Jiwoo Seo."


"Yes, you. To meet Kayden Break's apprentice. And to pit against you", he said bringing his face down to be at eye level with Jiwoo while also observing his reaction.

"Roist that's enough", Kayden warned.

"What's the matter? My master lord Schnauder acknowledges your mighty power. Why is it an issue for me to compete with the apprentice of someone like yourself?"

"It's only recently that I took Jiwoo under my wings. Are you saying you wanna compete with a novice?"

"I don't see why not. After all, he's the apprentice of the man who is recognized by the world's top ten... If not him then how about you, Eunwoo Seo, Kartein's apprentice?"

"It hasn't long since he awakened and you want to compete with him?", Kayden asked seeming annoyed by now.

"Well, it's his choice to make. After all, Kartein is also recognized by the world's top ten."

"I refuse", I said.

"Any why's that?", he asked now turning toward me and glancing down for a moment at Mago who was shivering in my arms.

"I've got reason to. And Mr Kartein is mainly recognized throughout the world for his healing abilities instead of fighting", I said confidently looking into his eyes.

"Fair enough, I guess." He then turned to Kayden. "You're the Kayden that used to fight everyone powerful who came your way. I must say, it's quite ironic to see you stand in between your apprentice and me... Especially when this isn't an attack but an official request for a match... Jiwoo Seo, right?"


"Are you gonna stay behind your mentor's back? Sir Kayden is recognized by the world's top ten. The apprentice of a such highly respected individual refusing to compete... You should be ashamed of yourself. Don't you realize your actions are bringing humiliation to Sir Kayden?"

Kayden who knew Jiwoo very well assured him saying, "Jiwoo, don't mind any of it. He's just provoking you."

Just before Jiwoo agreed to the match, Amyeong's voice said, "If you want to fight Kayden's apprentice, you'll have to go through me first."