45. Phoenix

Just before Jiwoo agreed to the match, Amyeong's voice said, "If you want to fight Kayden's apprentice, you'll have to go through me first."

"Amyeong... Why are you here?", Roist inquired. Upon not receiving a response he continued, "Forget it. I couldn't care less about your business. Just get lost. I'm here to fight with Sir Kayden's apprentice. It has nothing to do with you. Or... pfft! Are you considering yourself as his apprentice?"

"...No. I'm indebted to Kayden's apprentice... Let me ask you, Roist. Isn't it you who's still bitter about getting ditched by Kayden?"

"Say what?!"

"I know how you begged Kayden to be your mentor but got kicked to the curb before you became Schnauder's apprentice."

Roist trembled with anger as he spoke up, "Amyeong... I see you have a death wish."

"And I've heard that from you before."

And their fight began. They threw powerful attacks one after another at each other. Jiwoo moved closer to me since the attacks were getting stronger and since I had used up my energy earlier, Jiwoo stood slightly in front of me to keep me from getting hurt from the attacks. However, Kayden stood before us protecting us by activating his shield which was a form of his energy.

"Kayden, please stop them. Because of me, he's-", Jiwoo said since they didn't look like they would stop anytime soon.

Kayden cut him off saying, "He made his choice."

"He'll be fine, hyung", I assured him placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Don't get sidetracked and focus", Kayden said looking ahead. "You can learn a lot just by watching powerful ones fight one another. Even at your current level, there'll be something for you to learn from watching those two fight."

The fight went on to and fro and Roist got angrier. "How dare you...", he snarled.

"ENOUGH!" announced the world awakened academy principal who came with his Phoenix. "How dare you come into my academy and wreak havoc? Roist. Even if you're an apprentice of the world's top ten, there's a line you shouldn't cross."

"It's a shame I wasted all this energy and didn't even get to fight the one I wanted to face. Let's finish our unfinished business next time we meet", he said looking at Jiwoo. "I'm also looking forward to meeting you again, Kartein's apprentice. And Amyeong, you better consider yourself very lucky." Saying that Roist dashed away.

"Hyung, are you okay?", Jiwoo asked as both of us rushed toward Amyeong and checked out his injuries only for him to regenerate in a matter of seconds.

"...I'm fine", he answered plainly.

"Thank you for stepping in, hyung", I said.

"It's nothing..."

Just then Kayden called Amyeong to have a talk with him and Jiwoo and I sat with Mago and Kartein understanding the fighting pattern of both Roist and Amyeong.



It was the principal's Phoenix! Jiwoo and stared at it with stars in our eyes and Mago jumped down to see the big bird.

"Who's this buddy? Is it your mythical creature, like Cain's Lancelot?", Jiwoo asked.

"That's right."

"It's so beautiful...", I said unable to take my eyes off the large owl-like creature.

"It's name is Phoenix. It's one of the most powerful mythical creatures of the Luterain family", explained the principal.

"Woah... Even the name is super cool."

Phoenix leaned down and Mago began hopping on its claws. Seeing that Phoenix was harmless to us I let the pup play and relax from the earlier chaos. Before I touched the white creature, it extended its wing and pulled Jiwoo and me like it was hugging us. We happily hugged it back, loving the feeling of its soft feathers.


The next day we departed to our country after bidding everyone goodbye.