48. Side-effect

It was poring nonstop around midnight yet everyone was asleep without a worry about the world. Jiwoo cuddled me beside him, resting his hand on me, and wrapped us in a warm blanket.


Everyone was jolted awake by the sudden scream. I hopped near Jiwoo, startled by the shout. The cream-haired boy handed me to Wooin and rushed to the door. "Who could it be at this hour?"

Jiwoo opened the door and asked, "Who is it?"

Before the old man replied, Subin who had followed behind spoke up, "G-grandpa?"

"You're a mess", said the old man. "I came back in a long time while only to find out that you've switched schools without a word and wasting your time hanging out?"


"Not only that, you don't even come home after returning to Korea but sleep over with a group of boys?", he shouted again. "Come out of there. NOW!"

Subin's shoulders visibly dropped as she said in defeat, "Yes, Grandpa." She continued to Jiwoo, "Sorry. I'll catch you later."

Saying that she followed behind her grandpa. Jiwoo rushed to give her an umbrella but she had already left.

Jisuk took me from Wooin only to play with me like Subin did. Should I bite him to make him let go? He sighed. "Whew... Poor thing. She's dead now."

"What's going on?", Jiwoo asked.

"The president's super stern and scary... and obviously, so is the vibe in her home."

"Really? Seeing Subin, it didn't seem that way..."

"Subin's a lot different from before. Back then, she didn't even dress like now. Her style changed at some point. And her attitude was... nothing like now. She had an aggressive tone when someone talked to her... I don't think she even bothered to speak to anyone in the first place." Jisuk continued, "That's why the way she's changed lately had me pretty shocked. Anyways, I'd heard her grandfather was away for some unknown reason... I guess he's back."

It must've been tough for her... I know how hectic it is to forget who you are and only work on getting more powerful.


The next morning, Jisuk and Wooin had returned to their home and Jiwoo went upstairs to freshen up. Kayden was feeding the other cats and Kartein was napping after his breakfast. I was still sleepy, so I fell asleep on the couch again.

Sometime later Jiwoo came to make himself a light breakfast but halted when Kayden spoke holding back a laugh, "Oh, look who's back?"

"What do you mean?", Jiwoo asked coming near the couch only to find me back in my human form, still asleep. He lightly giggled. "How did he change back?"

"That remains a mystery for now."

Jiwoo covered me with a blanket and went to prepare breakfast again. But for two this time.

I woke up later feeling rather chilly suddenly. Did the weather change? It wasn't this cold last night. It's just now that I realized that I was back in my human form. Wrapping the blanket around me, I went to the kitchen and saw Jiwoo preparing breakfast and all the cats and Mago were asleep. Jiwoo noticed my presence in the room so he turned to me, smiling, and said, "Eunwoo, you're awake? I was about to wake you up. Come on, breakfast is ready. Wait... Are you alright?" He asked, concerned since I was still carrying the blanket around me.

"I'm cold, hyung", I said sitting on the dining table.

He placed his palm on my forehead and spoke out, "Just I thought, you have a fever. No wonder your face is so red..."

"Maybe it's because he just turned into a cat", Kayden asked, at which Kartein hopped on the table.

He commanded, "Lean down, kid." I followed his instructions and he inspected my condition. "Hmm... Your body isn't used to being a cat, so the energies are colliding. Such a thing didn't happen with Kayden or me because our bodies are fully matured as awakened ones but that's not the same case with you since your powers awakened much later than your peers. You'll be fine in a day or two, so just take this time to rest up, we'll resume our training once you're well."

"I understand..."


"And... He's back", Kayden said as I changed back to the white and brown colored kitten.

"He has no control over his transformation for now and that makes everything risky", Kartein said.

I was still sitting on the chair but somehow I felt worse than before. My breathing was heavy and I could bearly keep my eyes open. I thought the world was spinning and I would pass out at any moment, so I decided to lie down. *huff* *huff*

"Hey, kid", Kartein said to Jiwoo, "you should take him to a vet, and avoid crowded places. Kayden, you go with them as well."


"I don't understand the cause but he'll be fine after a shot and some meds", said the vet after checking my condition as I lay lifelessly. I get why Kayden hated this man... This is truly embarrassing!

The vet prepared the shot and lightly held the skin from my back. But as he injected me I let out a small sound, ''ouch''.

"What was that?", the vet asked surprised.

Jiwoo panicked as he spoke, "O-ouch! That must have hurt the kitty..."

"Hmm... Anyway, he'll be fine in a couple of days but if he isn't then bring him again. Other than that, he looks healthy for a three-week-old so just start giving him cat food which is soft to chew after two weeks. Also, do something about that fat cat's weight", he finished by pointing at Kayden who growled at him.

"Ah... yes... Thank you so much for your help, sir", Jiwoo thanked the doc by bowing before picking me up and wrapping a small woollen scarf around me.

We left the clinic with Kayden following along. "That was a close one", Jiwoo stated with a sigh.

"I think the fever has made his head hazy. Even now he looks like he would pass out."

"Yeah... but I think that shot helped, he feels less warm than before", Jiwoo said with a sudden sense of relief rushing over him.


"W-WOAH!", Jiwoo stumbled holding me but caught me before we both fell. "That surprised me for a second... Are you alright, Eunwoo?" I nodded. It's good that he followed Kartein's advice and avoided crowded areas, as we were in an ally now. My twin placed me down on the floor and checked my temperature. Taking off his jacket he helped me wear it and wrapped the woollen scarf around my neck.

"I'm sorry..." I felt bad for causing trouble to everyone since I wasn't used to being cared for in my previous life.

However, Jiwoo softly smiled and gently placed his palm on my left cheek. "There's nothing for you to be sorry about. Just take a good rest and let hyung take care of you."

I returned a small grin before he gave me a piggyback ride and within moments I passed out.

Kayden who was observing the interaction between the two twins spoke out, "Maybe it's because you guys are twins, you are much closer to each other than the other kids even though you've been apart for so long."

"I think so... But Eunwoo didn't change much from how he was in childhood. He's still as adorable as before", Jiwoo giggled.

Kayden scoffed. "That's that. But... I think this kid knows something that's why he insisted on learning how to be a cat. And despite so much trouble, he didn't complain, even though he's whinny when training."

"If it's so important why didn't he say anything about it...?"

"Because changing the future much can be much more dangerous and he seems to get that now."