49. Meeting the President of the Union and uncalled trouble

(A few days later)

My fever had come down and I could turn into a cat whenever I wanted. Mr. Kayden also taught me how to effectively use my powers when transforming. My training with Mr. Kartein was going well, but this time we mainly focused on strengthening my barrier, healing abilities, and some attacks.

For the past few days, I have been reading my book which I got from the principal about different types of healing and how to manipulate the force control for the same. Subin's situation wasn't getting any better. Jiwoo and the other kids sent her photos to make her jealous and come back, but none of it was of any help. I knew very well how bad her grandfather's condition was, so I took this as an opportunity to improve my healing powers.

Jiwoo and I were in The Union building, wandering to find Subin.

"What's up?", spoke a feminine voice we were used to but this time it didn't sound happy and energetic but was instead dull and lifeless.


Jiwoo greeted her and I smiled at her, surprised at how different she looked. She wore a sorrowful expression on her face and eyes which looked empty.

"Why aren't you getting back at us? Is there something going on?", asked Jiwoo.

"No. Why did you come anyway?"

"Cuz... I couldn't get a hold of you and we were worried", I said.

But she turned to walk away. "There's nothing you need to worry about. So... don't come anymore." Before we could utter another word, she walked away.

"Jiwoo and Eunwoo?"

It was Seonghwa and the Union president. We politely greeted them.

"Are you here to meet Subin?", he questioned, already knowing the reply he was to get. In his eyes, I sensed sympathy for a brief moment.

"Yeah, we are..."

"You must be Kayden's apprentice."

"Yes, sir", Jiwoo suddenly realized who he was speaking with and bowed. "Greetings, sir. I'm Subin's friend, Jiwoo Seo. And this is my brother, Eunwoo Seo."

I followed along and bowed to the elderly man.


"Yes, sir."

"Listen kid", he started and his voice was as cold as ice. "The word 'friend' isn't something you should blurt out like that."

"Sir, we are well aware of what a 'friend' means to awakened ones like us", Jiwoo stated more confidently this time.

"Did you say you know what it means? Does that mean you're willing to risk your life for your friends... and trust your life in their hands? Not only that, are you confident your friends won't betray you and take what's yours?"

"I am, sir."

"It seems like you don't know any better. You'll need someone to teach you where you stand. You'd be surprised to know how far people would go to obtain Kayden's force control and steal your power. And regardless of whether that someone's their true friend, a sibling, a parent, or a child... They'll still turn against them if they see a way to find leads to Kayden's power. And this might well apply not only to you... but also to my granddaughter Subin whom you consider your friend and also to your own brother." Saying that the elderly man left.

We left the building, with slightly heavy hearts. However, I understood that I needed to get stronger and improve my healing abilities sooner than I had thought. On our way back, Jiwoo decided to get takeout for tonight's dinner, so I patiently waited outside for him.

Sometime later three guys came up to me. They looked like they were freshers in a university and were undoubtedly looking for trouble. The tallest one of the three who was blond, bumped into me and held my waist to 'save' me from falling.

"Oh my! You alright?", he asked smirking with 'worry' lacing his voice.

"Ya! Why are you so clumsy, you idiot?", his friend 'attempted' to scold him

"I'm fine so can you let go?", I let out trying to get out of his grip without harming him.

His arm moved down and he was nearly groping my ass. My eyes widened slightly in surprise. As if witnessing my reaction he continued in a flirty tone, "C'mon don't be like that. Let me treat you to some drinks as an apology. Are you new here? Coz I can never forget someone as pretty as you..."

I felt disgusted by his voice and touch. "I'm saying this for the last time. Get. Off. Me. If you still won't listen, then I'll have to take action."

"Acting feisty? I like that even more", he licked his lips, showing no cues of backing.

"I warned you."

I jabbed my elbow to his belly and then punched his face. His other two friends cursed before trying to help him but got beaten up in a matter of seconds. Even though I used as minimum power as I could, they lay groaning in pain on the ground.

"Eunwoo... What happened here?", Jiwoo asked, rushing to me with a couple of takeout bags.

"Y-you're with him, right? I'm calling the cops! This bastard here attacked us!"

"Don't bother." I continued while glaring at him, "I will be the one to call the cops on YOU for sexually harassing a minor."

"Fuck this! Let's get outta here."

With that declared, they ran away from the scene. Jiwoo held my shoulders worriedly and asked, "Are you alright?! What'd they do...?"

"I'm fine, hyung. There's a camera, let's take the footage just in case they do come with the cops", I smiled as I gently held his hand from my shoulder.

He agreed and asked maybe noticing my sudden gloomy expression, "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'll be fine."

We entered the shop and explained the situation to the employee and they gave us the footage. After this, we went home with Jiwoo trying to lighten my mood by making small conversations.

"You're late", said Kayden as soon as we entered the house. He took notice of Jiwoo's worried glances and my sour expression. "So, what happened?"

"We met Union's president and he doesn't want Subin to be in contact with any friends saying awakened ones can never have friends", I explained.

"So it was that... I already told you that you and your friends are the weird ones. Anyways... What more happened?"

"Umm... Well, ...", Jiwoo explained what happened with the three guys and the footage we took.

"NO WAY THOSE LITTLE- @$&*%!#", Kartein angrily expressed himself as Kayden kept him back.

Kayden sighed. "You did well taking the recording and good job for holding back when you beat them up. But you should've broken some of their bones."

"That's what! One hit was all it would take to kill those #^$*&@!"

Well, he's not wrong... Even in my previous life I never experienced something like that...


Jiwoo opened the door and there were two cops with the three morons whom I had beaten up and one of them had a black eye.

"That's the kid who was with that bastard!", said the blond tall male.

"Sir, let us do our job", the cop said and then turned to Jiwoo, "Where is the other boy who was with you?"

"Sir, there's some misunderstanding-"

I decided to join the conversation and play innocent. "Who's at the door, hyung?"

"These three claim that you assaulted them. If it's true then you'll have to come with your guardian", said the other cop when I came near the door.

"They were the ones who sexually harassed me, sir. What I did was only self-defense", I say trying to make my eyes teary.

"I am his guardian so please explain why Eunwoo needs to go with you. I can't just let a minor go with three hooligans who harassed him!" Kartein spoke up angrily, now in his human form along with Kayden.

"We only bumped into him and apologized but he began hitting us", stated one of the three morons.

Maybe I should've broken some of their bones!

"Is that so? But the footage from the store shows differently", Kayden said and his voice sounded so calm that it was scary. He showed the recording to the cops and stood beside me.

When I was done collecting my tears, I suddenly burst into tears. "I-I don't wanna go with them, sir... I'm scared the-they'll touch me inappropriately again", I said holding onto Kayden's arm and getting behind him.

"You three need to follow us! The crime you are being arrested for is for sexually assaulting a minor! You have the right to remain silent and not answer any question and the right to speak to a lawyer and access legal aid." They then bowed toward us. " We are sorry for troubling you, sir. We will properly investigate this case so that they get punished for their crimes."

Once they left, I let go of Kayden's arm. "Ha! Serves them right. Anyway, what's for dinner, hyung?"

Jiwoo asked while he brushed my tears away, "Where did you learn how to fake cry?"

"This kid is so extra sometimes", Kartein said shaking his head.

"He got that from his mentor."