50. Healing Subin's grandpa

Later Jisuk and Wooin came over, discussing how to get Subin back which Jisuk suggested to leave her alone.


The door opened and there stood a furious-looking Subin. "What the hell man! What's up with you and those damn pictures, huh?!", she shouted.

"What?", Jiwoo asked in confusion.

"Why do you keep bothering me with those pictures?! If I don't reply after checking your messages, you should quit it! CAN'T YOU TAKE A HINT?!"

"I-I'm sorry... I didn't expect you to be this mad..."

Jisuk spoke out, "Stop being an asshole. All you gotta do is just ignore them if they bother you. Instead of bringing your ass here to give us shit... WHY DON'T YOU JUST BLOCK US, SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO DEAL WITH US, HUH?!"



"You think... I really wanted to ghost you guys?", she started with a soft and trembling voice. "I... I wanna be with you, too... FOR FUCK'S SAKE! I ALSO WANT TO BE WITH YOU ALL!"

Jisuk angrily held Subin by the collar of her shirt and said, "Then do that. Do we ever stir shit when we're together? What's the issue?! Why can't you tell your grandfather what you just told us?"

"Jisuk, let go and just look at her", I calmly told him as I noticed her trembling form. It hurt me to see someone so cheerful and energetic such as Subin slowly break in front of me.

"I can't...", she started with tears streaming down her face, "My grandpa... he's gonna die soon..."

With that, she broke down and Jisuk hugged her in an attempt to comfort her.

(Next day)

Jiwoo had gone to meet with Subin's grandpa and I decided to stay home this time. I felt upset for my friend even though I knew what was to happen but seeing her cry...

I was sitting on the couch in my cat form, with a sad expression on my face while reading about healing properties. I lay on the book with my ears falling timidly on my face. Which made me look even more pitiful and that was exactly what I was aiming for.

"What is this? Do you like being a cat or something?", Kayden asked as he poured cat food.

"I'm just practicing as you asked me to", I said without looking at him and then sighed.

Kartein who was about to clean up after the cats, left the tray and sat on the couch. He picked me up to make me look at him and asked, "What's with you today? You're acting weirder than usual."

I avoided eye contact, made my ears fall, and nervously said, "I just... I just feel sad for Subin... I know Wooin's professor will go to treat Subin's grandpa today but he's not an expert in healing. It hurts me to think that Subin will be left all alone in this huge world when she's so young." I looked at him with teary eyes and continued, "Mr. Kartein, is it impossible even for YOU to heal Subin's grandpa...?"

"Ha! Did you forget I can heal anyone as long as they're alive? Come on, let's go. It's about time for you to upgrade your healing abilities!"

Saying that he went to first clean up the cat's mess and I silently celebrated fooling my mentor. Kayden hopped beside me and said, "That's smart, kid. Hehehe." He laughed evily and I joined him.

"I learned it from you, Mr. Kayden. Hehehe."


"Who's looking for me? You're that... Kartein?!", exclaimed Subin's grandpa.

"It's a pleasure to meet you again, sir", I greeted with a bow and a smile on my face.

"Aren't you Subin's friend? What are you doing here?!"

"Scoot over," Kartein said pushing past the awakened academy's principal. "Perfect timing. Get on your back. Let me check you out."

"Are you trying to examine my body?"

"Yeah!", Determination was blazing in my master's eyes.

"...and why?"

"That's none of your business."

"Here, this is his current status", doctor Delein said handing over the medical report. "My treatment wasn't enough, so I tried using cultured cells... They did help but to a minimal extent."

"So what was the outcome?"

"All I could do was reduce his suffering and increase his life expectancy from three to six years."

Kartein looked up from the report and said, "You must be Wooin's mentor."


"Not bad at all. What you did to Jiwoo's core a while back was pretty helpful as well. Even your treatment for Eunwoo was quite well."

"Hold on...", the president of the Union spoke up, "Why are you trying to treat me out of nowhere? I know you're known for not treating anyone unless it's a special occasion..."

"Do I look like I'm enjoying this? I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for this child", he grumbled angrily. "Alright, focus here, Eunwoo. This is how you read a report. Understand it and tell me where the problem lies." He showed me how to understand the report and I carefully analysed it.

"What does that kid have to do with any of this?", the old man asked.

The principal of the Awakened Academy explained to him, "I think you don't know yet, but Eunwoo is Kartein's apprentice. Though he became one just recently, his healing abilities are outstanding for someone his age and experience."


I told Kartein about what I understood from the report and he explained the situation in more detail to me. The door opened and it revealed Kayden.

"Are you about to start? Let me keep watch during the treatment session." He then asked, "How long do you think it'll take?"

"I'll have to see. It's hard to say, but it could very well be days since I'm going to teach Eunwoo as well", Kartein explained.

For the next couple of days, Kartein was busy teaching me new techniques and force manipulation asking with healing Subin's grandpa. This had to be one of the most draining days for me, for it was my first time learning and healing continuously for a few days.

We exited the room only to meet many pairs of anxious eyes. Subin looked at me and then at Kartein and asked, "How's grandpa...?"

"I know he can manage on his own from here", explained the blond.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!"

I smiled seeing my friend celebrate. Jiwoo came to me and slowly asked, "How are you holding up?"

"I'm drained", I whispered back, the smile never leaving my face even though I was barely hanging on. I excused myself to return home with Kayden and Kartein.

"Should I tell them to come to you for help from now on", Kayden teased.

"Ugh! What are you saying?!" Kartein continued, "Anyways, this kid needs to get home. Right now. He's faint and will turn into a cat at any moment. I know you can feel it coming as well." He glared at me from the corner of his eyes and I nervously sweated.

Kayden inspected our surroundings for a minute and said, "There's no one here and no cameras either. Transform now, it will be less risky."

His suggestion sounded good enough so I complied with it. As soon as I became a cat, all my muscles felt even more heavy and all I wanted was to sleep.

"Our kitty is back. Would you like to have some milk, kitty?", Kayden began his teasing again as he carefully picked me in his arms.

"Pfft-", Kartein lost his composure for a moment.

"Not this again!"

Kayden finally dropped it and continued his conversation with Kartein while I fell asleep.