51. Let the kitty sleep

In the evening, Kayden gave cat food to other cats and Kartein was in the basement to recover. I felt my stomach grumble but thank goodness it didn't make any noise. And my pride wouldn't let me ask Kayden to get me some milk, so I laid on the couch wanting to sleep. However, it was a bit chilly for me.

"Pss... Kitty, kitty", Kayden called, "It's time for your dinner and then you can sleep."

He picked me up ignored me whining and made me sit near the bowl of milk. "Aren't you enjoying this too much?", I say glaring at him from the corner of my eyes.

He responded with a hearty laugh which I dismissed and quietly licked the milk, which undoubtedly was as delicious as ever. Did he heat the milk? Or else why would it be lukewarm?

Once I was full, I went to the couch and I felt deja vu because I couldn't climb on it. Again.

Kayden picked me up in one hand and placed me on a pillow. "Mr. Kayden, please don't get started again", I nearly rolled my eyes at him.

"What? I didn't even say anything", he bit back a smirk as he shrugged. "Rest up, kid. You'll need some time to get rid of the exhaustion. Do force control after a good nap." I nodded before he covered me with a scarf that felt so warm and cozy that I fell asleep instantly.

Just a few minutes later Jiwoo, Jisuk and Wooin returned home. Kayden had become Casein Nitrate while Kartein was still in the basement.

"Finally!" Jisuk exclaimed plopping on the couch. He stretched his body and saw that all the cats were roaming around Jiwoo's place because of the noise they (he) made, except one. Eunho. "Hey, Jiwoo, is that kitty sick? And where is Eunwoo?"

"Ah... Eunwoo was drained so he's sleeping upstairs. I don't think we should disturb him...", Jiwoo explained feeling sorry for lying to his friends. "I think the k-kitty is a heavy sleeper since he is still so young." He said placing Eunho in his lap and seeing how the tiny creature cuddled against him. The older twin smiled despite feeling extremely guilty for calling his brother 'kitty' knowing well how he hated to be called that.

A few hours later Subin came with a bunch of snacks and insisted on thanking Kartein and Eunwoo but halted when Jiwoo told her that Eunwoo had passed out and Kartein had already left. So the kids slept their night playing (bickering) and snacking till late. Soon enough they fell asleep but Jiwoo kept his younger twin near him at all times and wrapped a warm blanket around both of them since the young 'cat' couldn't handle being cold.

Kayden and Kartein observed as the kids returned to their noisy selves again but were glad to see their apprentices not depressed any more. Just as Kartein was about to return to the basement to recover...


Yep. His apprentice turned back to his human form. For a split second, both Kartein and Kayden's hearts skipped a beat. But at least no one woke up except Jiwoo who helped the younger get on the futon and covered them both with the blanket.


"Ya! When did Eunwoo get here?", Jisuk whispered.

"When you were dead asleep, Sherlock. And shh! Don't wake them", she whispered back, looking at the twins who cuddled against each other. Jiwoo's right arm was hugging my waist and my arm hung around Jiwoo's shoulder and my left leg was on his legs, hugging him like a koala.


Jiwoo woke up from the noises the kids made. He soon noticed that I was still asleep so as quietly as possible he got out from the blanket. Jisuk, Subin and Wooin soon left for their training and Jiwoo began cleaning up the place. Kartein was back after spending hours recovering himself and Kayden was taking a nap after a good night's sleep.

Jiwoo picked up his younger twin, placed him comfortably on the couch, placed the blanket on him and then resumed cleaning. After half an hour when he was nearly finished, it was time for his training. While Jiwoo practiced his force control, his desire to get powerful made him lose control of his energy and it went out of control. When he snapped out of it, Kayden and Kartein explained to him how dangerous it is to desire so much power that even the body can't handle it.

Later in the evening, Inhyuk called Jiwoo asking him to come to the Shinhwa HQ along with me. However, Kartein refused saying, "Just say Eunwoo is too sick to come. I can't let my apprentice go to a potential spar when he's at his lowest. And since it is Shinhwa I don't think they would mind."

"You should do that. This kid is asleep for like a whole day. We'll be home so don't get into trouble", said Kayden.

So Jiwoo went to the Shinhwa building and met up with Patrick's younger brother who warned him to be careful of Patrick.

He came back home late at night and the younger sibling was still passed out but now in his cat form. "Did he not wake up the whole day?", he asked.

"Nope. Kartein had to check twice if he was really sleeping or had any abnormalities", Kayden explained.


Note: We have reached the last episode which is in Webtoon. Phew... But no worries! I'll keep on updating ;)