"So you guys are now back together then?" Sebastian asked.

"Yep. I'm sorry again that I used you."

"Hey no worries. I hope that he'll treat you good, it's what you deserve. If he doesn't,  I'm always available. I'll get out of your hair now, bye." He said with a little smile leaving me with a bitter sweet feeling.

"You honestly deserve so much, you're so nice." I whispered to myself.

"YOU BITCH!" I looked over at Mason and Zara and saw Zara slapping Mason across his face.

"Sorry! How many times do I have to apologise!?" Mason replied trying to defend himself.

"ME FOR HER!? YOU ARE CRAZY, IGNORANT, MEAN AND DESPICABLE YOU HEAR ME!?" Zara walked away making sure to bump into Mason's shoulder. What did he say now?

"The things I do for you." He said turning over to me.

"You poor thing are you ok?" I asked moving closer to Mason.

. . . . .

The Next Day

The doorbell rang through the house and I went to open it up.

"Are you Liana Ash?" I nodded at the delivery man. He pulled out a big, big bouquet of pink orchids and also a form for me to sign.

"3,000 orchids from Mason Gray." He said smiling, I took the bouquet feeling like the most special girl in the world. He got me 3,000 orchids? As I shut the door, I looked down and noticed a white sheet of paper. I pulled it and read it.

'I hope I put a smile on your face angel, I wrote down on each flower why you are so special to me, also enjoy the bracelet, yes it's real diamonds.'

What bracelet? I looked down and spotted the shiny, silver bracelet. It had our initials attached to it and gosh, it looked so pretty. He got me a fucking diamond bracelet and 3,000 flowers with 3,000 reasons why I'm special as an apology? I pulled out my phone and started calling him still admiring the gorgeous presents. I've fallen completely...

. . . . .

3 Weeks Later

"Are you ready yet?" I hear Mason call out to me, I turned down 'mistakes like this by prelow' before responding.

"Come up here would you?" I told him, I heard his footsteps start to approach me. "Back, get the back please." Today was the meet the parents dinner and it was happening at his house. I was...very very nervous. I mean for a few weeks now me and their son have been going on these semi 'wild' adventures together and I just hope I haven't made a bad reputation for myself already.

"Back is zipped up for you." He said as I turn to look at him, I see him gazing at me with his eyes almost as if he's entranced. "You look far too good tonight, you know that right?"

"Thank youuu. Do you think tonight will be ok? What if they don't like me!? What if they think I'm not classy enough?! What if they think I'm not right enough for you!?" Mason took one of his fingers onto my lips and smiled at me.

"You're fine. My parents are nice ok? They know about you and they like you. You have nothing to stress over. Now let's go." He reassured me and his finger fell off my lips. Currently we were at my house and we were now going to make our way over to his house with my foster parents. His big, big mansion that is.

. . . . .

When we arrived, Mason opened up the door first and stepped inside.

"Welcome to the Gray House." He said opening the door open for us.

"We should seriously start thinking of moving houses." I heard Sophie whispering to Nick. To be honest, they're both doctors so I don't know why they don't?

We stepped inside and as we did, it was even more magnificent. There were these big chandeliers, currently there was a line up of workers just staring and waiting for us.

"Of course." I heard Mason mutter.

The workers made a space in between them and on the enormous stairs, stood a couple, dressed extravagantly. His parents I assume. Wow, and I taught we came overdressed.

Mason took a hold onto my hand and took me forward to meet his parents.

"Mom, Dad, this is Julianna."

His mom finished applying on her lipstick and in seconds a maid came by to grab it from her.

"It is so nice to meet you sweetie. You look fantastic! That dress, oh you must simply let me borrow it one time. He really was right, you are so beautiful!" His mom praised and her elbow hit her husbands hand so he'd start to focus on the moment not his watch.

"Hello...Julianna yes? Well it's nice to have you here. Now, as a welcome to our home," Mason's dad's hand snapped and a guy came over with a black velvet box. "Open it, Mason picked it out for you. Actually no he saw it, said it reminds him of you, but stupid kid didn't get it." I looked over at Mason with a mini smile on my face. I opened the box and saw a gorgeous silver necklace with a halo diamond.

"This is too much...I can't take it."

"Oh please we insist! You've made him a better person, really and anyone who can do that, deserves the biggest jewels money can buy." His mom added.

I looked to Mason and he nodded. I HAVE A DIAMOND NECKLACE.
