
Christoph was dressed in a black T-shirt and black track pants. He also put on a pair of comfortable black sports shoes. Although Evelyn asked him to wear something that made him feel comfortable, he prioritized that he would need as much mobility as possible in a battle scene.

He wasn't being too careful, and it was what he experienced while training these past seven days. After he dressed up, he pulled out a windbreaker and stowed away his gear inside the windbreaker pockets. The young man checked himself in the mirror and mumbled, "Lawrence, I have to say, you were one handsome man."

Christoph left his room and found Evelyn wearing black jeans and a pullover. Her long black hair was tied in a high pony, and her gun and knife were stowed away in leather holsters tied around her thighs. The sight of her curves made the young man dazed for a moment.

The lady narrowed her eyes, and Christoph said, "You look good."

Evelyn did not reply and gazed at him. She said, "Follow me. We don't have much time."

The young man nodded and followed her to the garage. Christoph asked, "You haven't told me where we are going?"

Evelyn picked up two keys from a small cabinet on the wall and tossed one to Christoph as she said, "We are going to Moon fall city."

The young man nodded and took a key from Evelyn. He looked at the logo and asked, "Can we not drive?"

The lady said, "Bikes are faster and provide better mobility in avoiding the enemy."

Christoph nodded and took the key. Evelyn pointed at a dazzling bike and said, "That is your ride."

Then she went beside a bike and checked a few things before getting on the seat and wearing the helmet. Christoph followed her example and then used the key to ignite the engine. He felt the vehicle tremble between his legs, sending shivers down his body and calming him down.

Christoph turned the throttle several times to rev the engine and picked up the helmet from the side. After he was done, Evelyn pressed a switch installed on her bike, and the garage door opened. She pressed the left side of her helmet and said, "Enable your radio, and I will fill you in on the target details."

Christoph felt the left side of the helmet and found a slight bump. He switched on the device, and the duo left the road. This was the first time Christoph was dealing with a superbike. However, he felt like he has been riding the bike since birth.

He was exhilarated by it. He asked, "Miss Evelyn, can you go faster."

The lady smirked, and her bike shot off on the asphalt. Christoph followed her like a shadow. After a few minutes, the feeling of exhilaration subsided. He asked, "You can tell me now."

The lady hit brakes and made a quick turn to pass between two vehicles, and Christoph did the same as if it was something he would do daily. Evelyn said, "The target was a bookkeeper for one of the family clubs. His name is Percival. He is three hundred years old, a bred, like you. His specialties are mind games and mazes."

Christoph asked, "How are the specialties related to this task?"

His question was standard. The task was to kill someone. It should have been easy to shoot someone in the head. However, Evelyn showed him the reality by saying, "You think this is going to be a walk in the park? Is this a movie?"

Christoph gazed at her back and asked, "What do you mean to say?"

Evelyn leaned the bike to turn on the road and said, "The man will not sit by and watch us kill him. He has been involved in the scene for a long time to know the result of his actions. The Intel confirms that he has been holing up in the club establishment he used to run."

Christoph commented, "Isn't that a bit too much confidence?"

Evelyn nodded and said, "He has the capital to be confident. The place has been renovated into an escape room. The hunters will get him first if you cannot locate his hiding room. From what I know, those hunters must be on the move too."

Christoph's pupils constricted momentarily, and then he asked, "So, we are running on a time constraint?"

Evelyn hummed him, and Christoph accelerated the bike, passing the former, who asked him, "What is the hurry?"

The young man said, "I do not have the skills to face a group of people who specialize in hunting vampires. I do not want to entangle with them."

Evelyn nodded and said, "Good thinking."

She was worried that Christoph might bite off more than he could chew, but her worries were unfounded. Christoph knew he had no experience killing an ant, let alone facing a vampire or a vampire hunter. He needed to accumulate experience and find what he has become deep down.

The bikes roared as they glided on the asphalt. It took them two hours to reach their destination. The sky was dark, and as the two people parked their vehicles in an abandoned alley, they took the roofs to move through.

Christoph was still following Evelyn to get through the city. He did not have time to admire the city's nightlife. Vampires were the beings who dwelled in the darkness. Today he realized what this meant.

After jumping and running through the roofs of almost half the city, the two found themselves standing atop a building opposite a club bustling with activity. Christoph asked, "They have high security on the exits, and I think these people are all in cahoots with the target?"

He looked at the situation objectively while making the analysis. Evelyn nodded and said, "We have to kill all these men to get inside the building, then find the target and kill him. Lastly, we must leave the place undetected, meaning we must clean the closed circuit camera footage and leave no prints."

Christoph thought briefly, saying, "We have the gloves from the biking gear, so the prints are not a problem. The ammunition in the guns is procured from the manor, so it must be traceless. After all, if we are dealing with a vampire, it would be silver bullets. As per my knowledge, I do not think any weapon dealer makes silver bullets."

Evelyn was surprised by how he was thinking at this moment. However, she did not know that Christoph was surprised by himself. All the things he had read these past seven days were flooding his mind, and his mind was working with utter calm.

He did not know how this all worked, but there was a better time to bother. He asked, "How will we deal with the crowd below?"

Evelyn took out her mobile and placed a call. When the call connected, she said, "Evacuate the place."

"Roger.", a voice sounded from the other side.

Christoph asked after she disconnected the call, "Who was that?"

Evelyn smiled and said, "They can be called the back-end department of the family. They do not show up in front of anyone. You will get a chance to ask them for stuff when you have reached the level."

Christoph nodded and watched the scene below. Soon several police cars appeared on the road below. The cops got down and told the gate security guards a few things. Soon a burly man came out. He was dressed in a shiny black suit. Evelyn said, "Although every vampire in this place has been deemed a target, this man interacting with the police is the right hand of the primary target."

The young man nodded, and his gaze focused on the man below for a second. The man below raised his head to look at him, and their eyes locked. Christoph did not know why, but he couldn't help smiling.

The man turned back to nod to the cop and waved his hand to the crowd as he told them to leave. Evelyn watched this scene and asked, "Why did you let him see you?"

Christoph said, "Before I graduated, my graduation major was psychology. Humans or not, I am guessing the brain works similarly when given an unexpected spark, whether the brain belongs to a vampire or a human. Even a momentary surprise is fine. What I did made us look confident and prepared. It will surprise the snake."

Evelyn was again surprised. She learned about Christoph after Vincent inquired about Pearl Water City. They provided people with a fake corpse with exact matching details and arranged for the DNA to match so the nosy hunters believed it was his body. So, she knew where his specialty lay.

Christoph suddenly smiled and said, "Is this why Miss Silvermoon gave me this task?"

Evelyn nodded and said, "Glad for you to catch up on the situation. Now, shall we begin?"

Christoph nodded, and after a second, the area blacked out. The stage was set.