The Game Begins.

Evelyn jumped off the terrace of the building, and Christoph followed her. They both landed on their feet in a dark alley. The lady said, "You will follow my actions and learn while on the job."

Christoph nodded and followed her as she slowly walked out of the street. Evelyn said, "Look at them."

His vision had appropriately adjusted to the darkness. Christoph looked at the entrance of the club. Six men were looking around vigilantly. The young man said, "They do not seem very strong."

Evelyn asked, "Explain your reasoning."

Christoph replied calmly, "They are not focused enough."

The six people were vigilant but not composed enough as they kept looking around the scene. They were all sweating, and vampire swear carried a faint smell of blood.

Evelyn nodded and said, "Good observation, so how to execute?"

Christoph thought momentarily and said, "Quick and long-distance attacks?"

Evelyn shook her head and said, "Vampires have heightened senses. Even if they are scared right now, once the attack commences, the adrenaline will kick in, and they will gain their focus. What happens when they get focused?"

The young man understood the point. If the people were to get focused, they might be challenging to handle. Evelyn took a silver knife from the holster on her left thigh and said, "Unspoken rules. Combat in open spaces has to be as silent as possible."

Christoph nodded, took out the silver dagger from the pocket of his windbreaker, and glanced at the shining silver knife. He sensed his hand shivering slightly, and his heart was beating faster. Evelyn looked at him and said, "Take a deep breath. You will calm down when the fight begins."

Christoph looked at her side profile, and gradually, his anxiety settled down. Ever since he realized what the true strength of a vampire was like, Evelyn had become his first goal. He wanted to catch up to her, and then only will he aim to surpass her and move forward.

The lady saw his stern gaze and slowly turned her head around. She held the knife in a reverse grip and said, "Go."

The two of them vanished from the spot at the same time. Christoph found the scenery around him blurred slightly as the target in his vision clarified. It was as if he was a sniper. He clicked his tongue, and this situation was a bad-news. He had been blinded-sided by Evelyn many times during the past week as he trained.

Seeing everything that was going on around him in a battle was necessary to ensure survival. Vampires had a lot of abilities. One of them was the sensory control over their organs. Christoph dilated his pupil, and the scene cleared up.

The enemy was not clueless. They were aware of the attack. They were also vampires. Christoph was aware of this. He was still wary of the enemy. This thing did not hinder him. On the contrary, the wariness made him more perceptive to the action.

Christoph closed in on the guard standing before him with a dagger in his hand. He could see that Evelyn was slightly faster than him, and she had stabbed the enemy before her. The other guards flinched. The enemy standing against Christoph was no different, but he still tried to struggle.

The young man could see the hatchet coming at his neck. However, he was calm. The blade got closer to him, but Christoph did not flinch as he closed in on the enemy. He was not fearless, but he closed the distance to cancel the strike's impact.

The hatchet had a bigger attack range, and to kill the enemy, there were only two ways: to shut down the brain or stab the heart with silver and trigger the genetic allergy and make the vampire burn up from the inside out.

The second plan would take some time to trigger. If the enemy manages to push the knife out of the heart, all the effort will be for nothing. Christoph knew this, and he lowered his head more than usual. He positioned himself as a boxer with his hands closed to his chest.

The enemy understood what Christoph wanted to do, but he was already too deep in the attack to pull back. Christoph was not going to give him a second chance.

The hatchet sliced the wind over Christoph's head, and the young man raised his hand slightly, followed by his hand. It was as if a viper had raised his head to bite the prey before him. The silver dagger flicked and passed from under the chin, piercing the skull.

The brain was damaged, and with the touch of silver, it began to burn up. Christoph did not have the time to watch the process. He released the knife and kicked the dying enemy in his chest.

The impact sent the guard flying back like debris. Christoph quickly grabbed the hatchet dropped by the enemy and slashed at the right to stop the incoming attack.

The blade clashed, and Christoph quickly followed up with a right kick to the enemy's outer knee. The impact made the guy wobble, and Christoph delivered a left hook to the temple. The enemy was not weak either, he tried to stab at Christoph's hand, but his hand moved through the air.

Christoph had interpreted the attack and had taken a step to the side to avoid the enemy's blade. This also gave him a way to counter with a backhand slash. With a perfect swing, the blade was lodged in the skull.

A few seconds later, the enemy burned up like flash paper and became ashes. Christoph raised his head and found that out of six guards, Evelyn had taken care of four, and she was already standing with her gaze locked on the club entrance.

Christoph was panting, and then he looked at his hand. He recalled the sensation from stabbing and hacking the enemy before. His body shivered, and his stomach churned. He could not help but wobble to the side and empty his bowels by vomiting the contents.

Evelyn looked at him and said, "We are getting late."

Christoph spat on the ground and wiped the corner of his lips before he took out his gun and said, "Let's go."

His resolve was not shaken. This reaction was within Evelyn's expectations. After all, how can he be okay with killing someone? This mission's purpose was to familiarize him with the feeling of taking a life.

Evelyn cast him a gaze, and Christoph raised his gun to eye level. The lady pushed the door, and the two moved inside. Christoph could sense the tension in the air. It was almost tangible. His instincts were screaming when suddenly a static sound alerted him, and his gun moved to aim at a speaker embedded in the wall.

"Welcome, very welcome, envoys of the Silvermoon family. I am your host for the night, Percival. The special attraction for the night is a game of hide and seek.

I will hide. You will seek. The rules are simple. Find the clues hidden around you. I hope you move faster than those hunters. Or you will die in their hands."

Christoph narrowed his gaze and mumbled, "Seems like we stepped into a maze you spoke of."

Evelyn nodded and said, "This is a mental maze. Do not react too much."

The young man nodded, and while holding the gun, the two moved forward. However, Christoph had just stepped when he sensed the tile under his foot sink in slightly, and Evelyn exclaimed, "Watch out."