
Christoph had a cheeky smile on his face as he faced Vance. This expression on his face was vexing for the manager as he charged. Christoph was not in a hurry to retaliate and wanted to understand his enemy better.

Vance used his hands like claws to attack. Christoph could see all his movements and thought, 'He is slower than Vincent.'

Christoph was gracefully leaning and ducking as the claws charged at him. However, Vance suddenly lifted his leg and lashed at the former like a whip. The kick was aimed at Christoph's waist. He did not have the time to dodge it.

The waist was a delicate part of the body, so Christoph raised his hand to cover his waist, but a punch greeted him in the face. The impact was strong and left Christoph slightly dizzy. He was pushed off his feet and landed five meters away.

Vance chuckled and said, "A newborn like you wants to go against me? One should dream according to their worth."

Vance closed in, and Christoph was pushed to the defensive. With every attack, he was made to take a step back. He was pressured into a defensive stance by the flurry of attacks. He could not find a gap in the attacks. Vance used his legs and punches very quickly and made no mistakes.

Even if he was making any mistake, Christoph was not yet strong enough to catch it. He had no battle experience to find which blow was a fake and which was an attack. Christoph himself was aware of this flaw and calmly defended himself.

In a mere minute, Vance had launched dozens of attacks, and a few times, Christoph wanted to move in, but the impact from the punch earlier made him hesitate. His steps were moving to avoid the attack, but that was his habit developed by facing Evelyn and Vincent.

As Vance attacked, Christoph thought, 'Since I cannot strong-arm him. I shall use my brain. I outwitted him once, and I can do it twice.'

Suddenly, while moving to the side to avoid a punch, Christoph took out his knife and slashed at the retreating arm. The attack was quick and decisive. He chose this option to harass Vance.

Wounds from a Silver weapon would not heal and irritate the blood as if it was on fire. This constant irritation will make Vance frustrated, and he will make a mistake.

While Christoph was fighting with Vance, Evelyn faced the obstacles and came to the monitoring room. Percival was shivering with rage when he saw this woman standing before him.

He clenched his fists and said, "Since you have reached me, why not end me? You know very well that I cannot resist you."

Evelyn nodded and said, "I can kill you, and I will do it quickly. But before that, answer a question."

Percival smirked and replied, "What makes you think I will reply to you? Hmph, kill me and get done with it."

Evelyn nodded and said, "You know very well what the Lady is capable of. She is willing to give you one chance, do not forsake it for something as stupid as pride. You do not have any. Otherwise, you would not have become a lapdog for Tyxon."

Percival opened his eyes wide and asked, "Ho—How do you know?"

His tone was evidence enough for Evelyn. She shook her head and said, "I did not before your question."

Percival regained his senses and realized he was tricked and yelled, "You cunning bitch."

However, Evelyn was done, her hand flickered, and a silver bullet entered the skull with a boom and killed Percival. The lady watched as the body of the old vampire burned and turned into ashes.

Suddenly, the alarm in the room went off. Evelyn turned to look at the monitor and found that one of them displayed a team of people in black rushing over. They were all carrying cold silver weapons.

She narrowed her gaze and looked at the details. The team seemed to be twenty kilometers away. Evelyn mumbled, "Hmm, this guy was careful."

Percival had set up sensors and remote tracking stations to monitor the hunters. Evelyn turned to look at the monitor where Christoph was fighting with Vance.

Christoph had been fighting with his wits but was still hit a few times, even with his strength being higher than a normal human's. He was not strong enough. One of the kicks from Vance had fractured his left hand.

Now that his left hand could not shield the attacks, it hung without movement, and Christoph was forced to change his stance. He was still cutting Vance with his silver knife, but the latter was not slowing down. On the contrary, the frustration made him even more furious.

When Vance began to slow down, Christoph's gamble paid off. The former did not show it on his face, but he was in pain. He did not know the reason but wanted to kill Christoph and run away from the place.

However, the flinch and reduction in power were caught by Christoph keenly, and he began to attack. The dagger in his hand was now aiming for the vital points.

Suddenly, they heard a voice, "Hurry up, Hunters are close."

Christoph recognized that the voice belonged to Evelyn and proceeded without replying, while Vance was enraged. He yelled, "You bitch, you killed my master!"

His blows again picked up the pace, and Christoph stepped back again. However, at this moment, he recalled what Ambrosia had told him before leaving, 'Do not hold back the instinct inside you.'

He took a deep breath and let go of his thoughts. At this moment, his instincts took over, and his body exploded with a strength he did not know he had inside him.

He moved closer to Vance in a blink, and his knife shimmered as it slashed against the enemy. Every stab and every slash was aimed at the vital organs. He did not know how he was doing it, but his blood was churning vigorously.

Just when he was about to stab the enemy in the head, a bullet flew past his hand and pierced through his enemy's skull. Vance caught fire instantly, and Christoph turned to look at Evelyn with some dissatisfaction in his eyes.

Evelyn said, "The hunters are just two kilometers away, we need to leave, or it will be too late. I am not in the mood of babysitting while dealing with them."

Christoph clicked his tongue and followed her. They were not going to exit the place from the same route where they came from. He did not know why, but Evelyn's decision was not to be questioned.

The two people came out of the building and moved toward their vehicles. A group of people moved through the streets heading to the building. Evelyn halted when she found Christoph gazing at the group and said, "Do you wish to die?"

Christoph looked at him, and the lady said, "Your hatred will alert them. Come, you will have your chance."