
*Music Recommendation: Etude in B Minor Op 35, No. 22 by Barry O'Sullivan./ You can find the track in the 'Chalic Of Blood' playlist on spotify.*

Christoph heard what Evelyn said and followed her. He knew that he was not yet strong enough. Soon, they were on their bikes, but when Christoph thought they would leave the city, Evelyn took him to a rundown motel on the highway close to the city entrance.

The place looked very plain, like wooden walls erected on gravel. However, he did not comment. He was curious but not impatient. The lady parked the bike and said, "Come along."

Christoph nodded, and after parking his bike, he followed her. Evelyn did not go to the motel's main office but directly came to a room. She took a card from her pocket and waved it in front of the door handle. A click echoed, and then she moved her eye to the peek hole.

The next moment a ray of light flashed, followed by another click as the door opened. Evelyn opened the door wide and glanced at Christoph before walking inside.

The young man was surprised, but he followed her inside. Christoph closed the door and found that this room was lavishly designed despite being in such a motel. He looked around and sat on the chair beside the king-size bed. He gazed at Evelyn, who stood beside a window with her phone beside her ear. It was understood that she was probably calling Ambrosia.

Soon, the call was answered, and Evelyn said, "Task complete, no casualties. The rookie provided a crucial assist."

And that was it. The call was disconnected. Christoph asked, "What is this place?"

As she sat on the bed and leaned against the headrest, Evelyn replied, "This is a hideaway."

Christoph asked, "To hide from the Hunters?"

Evelyn nodded, and Christoph asked again, "Are they really that strong?"

The lady looked at his confused face and shook her head before answering, "They are not strong enough to scare me. However, they work in groups. One team acts like the strike force, and the rest covers the city exits to prevent the escaping vampires from fleeing.

Although we can kill them, it will be a hassle. Also, you have been exposed to silver nitrate. You better rest and consume some blood to alleviate your condition."

Surprised, Christoph said, "I don't feel any discomfort."

Evelyn replied indifferently, "Wait for a few minutes."

Christoph tilted his head to look at her face. He did not know what to say to her in response. However, as time passed, his breathing became ragged. His body seemed to be on fire.

He began to shiver, and Evelyn said, "See, that is the effect of silver nitrate. Increasing your blood cells is the only way to fight against that."

She stood up, walked up to the mini fridge, and found a bag of blood. She tossed the bag to Christoph and said, "Drink that."

Christoph nodded with difficulty as he picked up the bag from the floor. He was already kneeling as the bag came close to his mouth. His fangs grew, and he slowly poked a hole in the bag. Cold blood flowed inside his mouth.

As he was drinking blood, his gaze landed on Evelyn. The lady was looking at him, and her brows were wrinkled. Christoph lowered his gaze and turned around. He did not wish for her to see him like this. Although he had agreed to this life, he did not wish to be judged.

Evelyn turned her gaze as well. She was not judging him for what he was, but because she felt uneasy too. She thought about the reason behind this and found it was probably silver nitrate.

She got up from the bed and checked the mini-fridge. She found another bag of blood and tore it open. She poured the content into a glass on the bedside table. She was not as uncouth as Christoph.

While she was drinking her fill, Christoph had just finished his bag. He turned around after wiping the corners of his mouth with his windbreaker. The young man looked around, and Evelyn asked, "Do you need more?"

Christoph nodded with some hesitation, and Evelyn extended the bag she was holding and said, "This is all there is."

Christoph took the bag and thanked her. He also picked up the glass from another bedside table and poured the content inside to drink. While drinking, he could not help but think about how Evelyn handled the situation inside the club building.

She was a strong person, and her skills were no doubt either, but he also understood that she must have faced a lot of things to get where she stood. He could not help but think if one day he would know what it was to be like her. He glanced at her from the side, curious to know more about her.

After finishing the blood in the glass, he said, "It feels like all my blood has been replaced."

Evelyn nodded and said, "That is how it works. The new blood provides energy to expel the silver particles in your body. I do not know how that works."

She sounded curt and deliberately stated the lack of knowledge to prevent him from going deeper in the conversation.

Christoph sighed at this, but he had no reproach. Evelyn was just like that, a cold sculpture of ice that could be admired from a distance.

Suddenly, Evelyn said, "You should inspect the situation outside."

Christoph was surprised and turned to look at her, only to find Evelyn breathing heavily. He noticed her face was pale, and her fingers dug into the mattress. He walked around the bed and asked, "Are you okay?"

Evelyn glared at him, saying, "You need to get out before I lose control."

Christoph did not understand what she meant, and he asked while approaching, "Do you need anything? Can I be of help?"

His tone was filled with concern and worry. His eyes could not hide the uncertainty he was experiencing.

Evelyn's body was turning red by the second. It was as if she was on fire. She was no longer able to speak. She hissed and bared her fangs at him as a warning. The young man flinched back a bit. He was scared of her rage and power. He was confused.

If he left and something happened to Evelyn, what would he do? He was not used to such situations, and what if he stayed, but Evelyn attacked him? Would he be able to handle that?

As he thought about all this, his gaze lingered on Evelyn's new face. Her smooth skin, her bright red lips. Her glistening eyes, everything about her was attractive to him. Ever since that day in the library, he had not been able to forget about her. Not because it was his first time but because Evelyn was everything he could ask for.

Despite her cold attitude, she took his first kiss. She was careful and precise and always had complete control of the situation. Watching her like this triggered something inside him. A curious desire to know her more. As if a switch flipped inside him, he lunged forward.

A light grunt sounded in the room. Evelyn had coiled her arms around his waist and held his hair as her fangs dug into his jugular.