
Christoph and Evelyn rode the bikes back to the Silvermoon Manor, and on the way, Evelyn calmly followed the young man's trail. She could not help but recall what Ambrosia told her the night before.

She recalled the answer Ambrosia gave her and could not help but feel her heart pick up pace. This naive young man before her would hold the key to a big shock in the vampire world if the reason were true.

Ambrosia and Vincent were in the study room when Evelyn asked the former why she treated Christoph differently. Why does she think his potential was higher than the rest?

Ambrosia hinted that the secret lay in Christoph's change. Steeling her heart, Evelyn asked, "My Lady, what is the difference?"

The lady smiled and asked, "Have you ever heard the term Shadow Moon?"

Evelyn nodded with some surprise in her eyes and asked, "Is it not the legend about one of the progenitors of the vampires? He was like a shadow, and no originals know of his existence?"

Ambrosia nodded and said, "The very same. However, you or none of the people other than the original families' leaders know that when the nine progenitors decided to end their lives, they left their heart blood in the care of the nine original families they trusted the most."

Vincent asked in a low voice, "Pardon me if I am out of line, My Lady, but is it necessary to tell her about this?"

Ambrosia replied faintly, "You worry too much, Vincent. I trust Evelyn, and since we have already used up the heart blood and it succeeded. We have no chance to use any more of it. So, sooner or later, the entire vampire community will know."

Evelyn recoiled in shock and took half a step back as she asked, "My lady, do you mean to say that Christoph was transformed using the blood of the Progenitor?"

Ambrosia nodded with a praising glance. Evelyn was smart to put two and two together. She was agitated, and her breathing was ragged. Ambrosia said calmly, "Now that you know the secret, it would be nice if you kept it to yourself. None of the nobles can know that the Silvermoon family has a potential contender for the chalice."

Evelyn woke from her daze and realized they had almost reached the Silvermoon Manor. She approached Christoph and said, "I will race you to the gates."

Christoph was surprised, but he followed her whim, and they raced for ten kilometers. The result was a win for Evelyn. She had a better understanding of the last corner turn.

Once the bikes were parked inside the garage, a staff member came to them and said, "Madam Evelyn, the lady has called for you both in the garden."

Evelyn nodded and gazed at Christoph. The young man asked, "Can I take a shower first?"

Evelyn shook her head, and the young man sighed as he followed her. The path to the garden was not very long, and Christoph opened his eyes to the most beautiful sight in the world.

He gulped down a mouthful of saliva as Ambrosia appeared in front of her, wearing body-stuck jogging pants highlighting her curves perfectly. The charm of this woman was so great that Christoph could not take his eyes off her. It wasn't that he did not want to, but something inside him told him that if he looked away, he would regret it.

Ambrosia noticed his gaze but did not comment. She looked at Evelyn and said, "After you are done resting, get someone else to take over that clubhouse and send out a message to everyone that if they wish to remain intact, they better cough up everything they have swallowed, or I will visit them in person."

Evelyn bowed her head and nodded. This was a common pattern in the Silvermoon Family. Suppose someone was to go rogue. Ambrosia will ask the others to come clean because she is not a fool. She closes one eye and keeps another eye open most of the time to maintain harmony.

However, once she gets pricked, she takes out every thorn. After she finished instructing Evelyn, Ambrosia gestured for the lady to leave. Christoph was still gazing at her. His sight was not locked onto a single point, but the entire being of Ambrosia was being checked out.

Evelyn left the place, and Ambrosia walked closer to Christoph. She asked, "Why do you look at me like that?"

Christoph gulped a mouthful and replied, "Because you are very attractive."

"Physically?" asked the lady.

Christoph nodded calmly. Ambrosia leaned closer, and her palm gripped Christoph's neck as she questioned, "Give me one reason not to kill you?"

The young man did not budge and even looked her back in the eye. He clenched his fists to suppress his urges and said, "Well, why don't you give me a reason to look away?"

Ambrosia raised her eyebrow in surprise. She did not expect him to retort her. She looked into his eyes, and a familiar vibe struck her heart. Her legs shivered slightly, but she did not show any fluctuation on her face. She would never forget this gaze, arrogance, and cheeky aura.

Just when she was about to dig deep into the matter, Vincent appeared behind Christoph and cleared his throat. Ambrosia woke up from her stupor and took a step back. The young man coughed up and eased the tension in his throat. Vincent said, "My lady, the signet ring."

Ambrosia nodded, and Vincent came forward. He held a silver ring in his palm. The lady took the ring and said, "This will be your proof of identity from now on. This ring symbolizes that you are one of us. Never take it off your person."

Christoph nodded and extended his hand to accept the ring, but Ambrosia held his right hand gently and slipped the ring around his index finger. Christoph was surprised, but Ambrosia acted like nothing was wrong. Christoph made no fuss since the lady did not think it was odd. He replied, "Thank you, Lady Silvermoon."

Vincent narrowed his gaze and said, "Don't you think your way of address needs some adjustment?"

Christoph gazed at the old man and replied, "Let the Lady judge that."

He was not intimidated by Vincent, nor did he lose his calm. However, the old butler did not back off, "If the Lady does not give you that signet, you would have no place in the vampire world, nothing but a mere rogue. Yet you dare not to acknowledge your status?"

Christoph sighed and said, "You must have grown up in an era where the subordinates were treated like slaves. However, the Lady is not like that. If she was someone who did not respect the people around her, then the moment you ran your mouth to advise her. She would have turned you into a mound of ashes.

I will not put the Lady on a pedestal, even if I am a subordinate. I will serve her to the best of my abilities and even lay down my life if needed. However, I will not give up on my self-respect. Even if I have to go and be a rogue."

Vincent was unsatisfied, but Ambrosia cut in the conversation, "Enough. Christoph, you may leave. Your next task will be arranged soon. Take this time and learn from the battle. Consolidate your experience."

Christoph nodded, bowed slightly to Ambrosia, and then walked away without paying attention to the grumpy butler on the side.

Vincent turned to look at Ambrosia, who said, "Arrange for him to go and work as the manager in one of the smaller companies."

The butler nodded and said, "His growth is incredible, My Lady."

Ambrosia smiled and said, "It has only begun."