
Christoph had retired for the day and was not bothered by any staff members. He spent his day in the gym training. He did not wish to miss out on the practice. (Unlike the lousy author, who skipped on updates)

Evelyn was nowhere in sight, nor did he have the mind to look for her. She was his senior. It was not appropriate for him to look for her. The day went by in a blink, and Christoph went to sleep.

The next day when he woke up, after freshening up, he had just stepped out of the room when Vincent appeared before him. Christoph stood tall, with his gaze matching that of the old man.

Vincent did not budge either. He extended a letter in his grip and said, "Your orders."

Christoph received the envelope and directly opened it. He read the letter's content, his brows wrinkled, and asked, "May I have an audience with Lady Silvermoon?"

Vincent thought briefly, saying, "If you can find her, sure."

The old man vanished from sight. Christoph thought, 'One day, I will have him wag his tail on my command.'

After shaking off his frustrated expression, the young man walked around the manor. He asked around with the staff but could not find a trace of the lady. Just when he was about to return to his room, he spotted Evelyn. She had just come out of the garage.

Christoph ran up to her and startled her. The lady wanted to punch him when the young man asked, "Can you tell me where I can find Miss Silvermoon?"

Evelyn nodded and replied, "The lady has visited the Flora Nation. She has an estate there, and a few things need her attention."

Christoph sighed and clenched his fist as he cursed, "Fuck you, Vincent."

Evelyn was surprised by this sudden outburst, but since she gained some impression of Christoph's nature, she asked, "What is it about?"

Christoph took out the letter Vincent gave him and handed it to Evelyn. After reading the letter's content, the lady said, "It is normal for you to be posted to a business front. The expenses of the family have to come through somewhere. However, what seems to be the problem?"

Christoph sighed and asked, "Miss Evelyn, this letter is sending me to the country's far east. What will I do in a place I have never been to?"

Evelyn understood that it must be his stigma about going to the new place and said, "Do not worry, I am also posted to the same place. So, you can follow me around."

Christoph sensed relief and let out a sigh. He asked, "I have no idea how to interact with humans anymore."

Evelyn smiled faintly and said, "Do not worry. It is only normal. You will get a hang of things when we get there. Let's go."

Surprised, Christoph asked, "What do you mean let's go? I do not have to pack anything?"

Evelyn amusedly gazed at the young man and said, "You do not have to worry. You can find everything you need in the place of accommodation. The thing that you need now is identity proof at the airport and in the system."

Christoph nodded, and the lady extended a wallet to him. Looking inside, Christoph found that he had a passport, a driver's license, and a whole set of credentials that would allow him to move smoothly.

His name has been changed, though. He was now called Lawrence Christoph Silvermoon. Surprised, he asked, "Why do I have to be called Lawrence, and why Silvermoon?"

Evelyn replied, "To points, one is to avoid trouble from the hunters. They will not engage you easily if they know you are a named member of the Silvermoon family."

Christoph nodded, and Evelyn continued, "Second is to give you an identity among the vampire circle."

Christoph could not help but look at the ring on his index finger, and Evelyn patted his shoulder gently, "Do not let these things get to your mind. This is a general process."

The young man sighed and replied, "Yes, I probably need to let my nerves ease up."

A few minutes later, they boarded a car and left the manor. Christoph was driving. It did not take long for them to reach the airport. The crowd present at the place made the young man tense up. He did not know how to calm down.

His palms were sweating, and his blood coursed through his veins faster. When he was getting an impulse to suck dry every human present before him, he sensed something cold and soft sleep into his palms. He felt around, and it seemed to be a hand.

He looked to his right and found Evelyn holding his hand with a calm expression on her face. She did not seem to be shocked like he was. The lady said, "Calm down. They are just like you and me. We only have some dietary differences."

Christoph could not help but chuckle. He nodded and said, "You can let go now. I will be okay."

Evelyn nodded and took back her hand. Then she led him through the security checkpoint and the formalities. Christoph was not new here, but she wanted to ensure he did not lose control of his emotions and bared his fangs at a juicy jugular.

When the two were waiting in the lounge, Christoph asked, "Does this happen all the time?"

Evelyn asked, "What do you mean?"

She was confused regarding the context of the question. Christoph asked, "I mean this, the stares. I do not know why everyone is gazing at me as if I am some exhibit."

Evelyn could not help but chuckle and said, "Do you not notice all the men looking at me? This is normal. Vampires have charm. Humans find it hard to overlook us."

Christoph nodded and said, "Seems like a handy skill.'

Evelyn nodded in agreement. Suddenly, there was an announcement at the airport, and Evelyn said, "That's us."

Christoph asked with his eyes wide open, "Are you sure? They said something about a chartered flight."

Evelyn nodded as she patted his face and said, "Let me take you to fly in style."