
Evelyn was struck in a daze when she heard these words. She did not expect Christoph to have bought up this topic, and she narrowed her eyes at him while saying, "Did you forget what I told you back then?"

Christoph smiled silently and walked closer to her. He gazed back into her angry eyes calmly. His smile had a sultry charm, as if provoking Evelyn to do something violent to show her stance. He placed his left hand on her waist and pulled her closer.

He whispered, "On the contrary, I remember everything a bit too well. If you have forgotten, should I help you refresh your memory?"

Evelyn was not taking the tease too well, and she clenched his neck in with her hand and warned, "This is the last chance. If you do not back off now, I will kill you."

Christoph smiled and leaned closer to her ear as he said, "If you could kill me, you would have done so when I saved you in that motel. Did you think I would not notice how your perception has changed? You would not have taken me to the task if Ambrosia did not tell you. You must have asked for a reason, and she told you. I am not a fool to believe that a woman with all your skills would be friendly with me without anything to gain."

Evelyn's pupils constricted when she heard this. Christoph raised his head, and his gaze locked with hers. He asked, "I will not ask you what you learned from her. However, some things cannot be hidden if you are trying to get close to me because of some mundane thoughts of gaining anything.

I suggest that you back off. I do not care about anyone more than my own goals. Suppose any of you stood between my goals or tried to distract me. I do not mind killing more than I wish to."

Evelyn could tell that this young man was not joking. He really would not hesitate to kill someone. Christoph was not as simple as he seemed to be. Her grip around his throat loosened, and the young man leaned in to kiss her.

She opened her eyes wide and tried to evade, but Christoph did not leave her anyway. He charged and took the lead. His lips devoured hers as he sucked on the petals. After a while, when he saw that Evelyn was not reciprocating, he broke the kiss and said, "This was your punishment for taking me as a fool. Next time you try to be friendly, be sincere."

The young man picked up the bags and entered the house. Evelyn could not wrap her mind around what just happened. The docile and humble Christoph suddenly became a dominating guy who could see through all the ploys. What happened to him?

If someone asked Christoph about what happened just now, the young man would not be able to answer. He sighed as he looked around at the elegantly decorated villa.

This place was three floors high, equipped with a state-of-the-art security system, a well-furnished kitchen, gym, game room, and whatnot. The rooms were located on the second floor, and the first floor was for guests and a small study room.

Christoph selected a room at random and went inside. He placed the bags on the side and entered the bathroom to shower. However, as soon as he closed the door, his body shivered, and a cold sweat began seeping from his forehead.

He patted his coat, and from the pocket inside, he took out a silver vial and quickly opened it to drink the content inside. The young man shivered briefly before his body gradually calmed down. He had not taken a single drop of blood in the past twenty-four hours.

It was not that he did not need to drink blood, but he had been trying to see the limit of his body these past few days. He wanted to see how long can he survive without consuming it. So far, he has been able to manage for twenty-four hours without any sign of fatigue, but as long as the clock hits the twenty-four hours mark, he will shiver, and strength will seep out.

Christoph wanted to increase his tolerance. Putting things aside, the young man stood up from the floor and quickly showered. As the cold water dripped over his head, he thought about the incident with Evelyn.

These sorts of thoughts would often occur when he was reaching his limit. The hunger will alter his personality completely. Christoph did not like to give in to the vampiric nature. It made him vexed with himself.

While Christoph was taking a bath, Evelyn talked to Ambrosia and told her everything about the day. She also mentioned what happened at the door, including the kiss.

Ambrosia had arranged for her to stay beside Christoph to monitor the young man and ensure he does not consume human blood. Although Evelyn did not know why Christoph was restricted, since it was a direct instruction from Ambrosia, she would follow it.

After the call disconnected, she went to take a bath.

In the Silvermoon manner, Ambrosia placed the phone on the table and leaned back in her chair. She was sitting inside her study room. The events narrated by Evelyn did not bother her, vampires often had such outbursts, and she could even tell why they were happening, but it was normal for a newly bred vampire to accept the consumption of blood.

When she wondered if her decision was correct, Vincent walked inside the study and said, "My Lady, the elders have arrived."

Ambrosia mumbled, "They always arrive at the same time: Tsk, the so-called element of drama. Serve them with the wine. I will be there shortly."

Vincent nodded and turned to leave before he paused and said, "Madam, Duke Obsidian has brought Count Moriarty."

Ambrosia furrowed her brows and waved her hands. Then the lady sat up in her chair before she said, "I wonder if I cried to Christoph, what would he do? These people are testing my limits."

I thought she had stood up from her chair and decided to leave. Lest the 'elders' decide to barge in.