Clean Up.

Ambrosia walked through the long winding corridors of the Manor slowly and came out to the garden. Here she had a big pavilion with twelve chairs placed in a circle. Each chair had a small table placed beside it. Twelve maids stood two steps behind the tables in a disciplined stance.

Outside the pavilion, a dozen or so men and women mingled. Ambrosia's arrival made the people fall silent, and they all greeted her. The lady did not show much fluctuation on her face and calmly nodded. Upon reaching closer, she said, "I apologize to everyone for the delay. Something came up."

The people expressed their understanding, and Ambrosia said, "Please take your seats."

Everyone entered the pavilion and took seats when Ambrosia said, "Duke Obsidian, today is the inner circle meeting. Before we all start, may I ask why you have a companion?"

Duke Obsidian was a burly man who looked to be of age, around twenty-eight or so, but he was a centuries-old relic. Hearing the question, he said, "Well, Count Moriarty entered service not long ago, and thus he wanted to pay respects to all the Dukes and Duchesses. That was why I bought him here."

Ambrosia nodded and said, "I think he must have had the chance to meet the rest of you before I arrived?"

The people nodded, and Ambrosia said, "Duke Obsidian, please have the Count leave. He can wait for you outside the estate."

The eviction order was too sudden, and the people did not expect this to happen. Duke Obsidian asked, "Duchess Silvermoon, is this not too curt of you? Count Moriarty is my guest."

Ambrosia sighed and said, "It is not that I wish to embarrass you, Duke Obsidian, but the rules of the progenitors state this clearly. Any companion or guest shall not be allowed to witness the inner circle meeting."

The others exchanged glances, and Ambrosia said, "This is why I have to do things I would not usually do. The Silvermoon family will adhere to the rules made by the progenitors."

The rest of the people nodded, and one lady in a red gown said, "Duke Obsidian, I also support Duchess Silvermoon. The rules were made to maintain a few standards in the inner circle. If you or Count Moriarty have any concerns or wish to challenge the rule, pick any of us, and we shall have a duel right away to refute us."

Count Moriarty was standing outside the pavilion, but the sultry voice he longed for landed on his dignity like a whip. He knew the lady was shoving him away because she did not like the smile he flashed at her arrival.

Everyone in the inner circle knew that Count Moriarty had a hots for Ambrosia Silvermoon, but how could the two come together? Moriarty was a half-breed known for his notorious actions in the community. He was so ambitious that he challenged the head of the family to climb the throne when the latter suffered from a high-level silver poisoning.

Rumor had it that the Count was in cohorts with the hunters and helped them hunt the old family head. How can such a person be trusted and get in the eyes of an Original?

Duke Obsidian would not throw his face away in front of his peer and said, "Well, since the circle has spoken, Count Moriarty, you should leave, or would you like to contest?"

Moriarty did not raise his head but replied, "I shall leave, Your Grace. Pardon me."

That said, he left the place quickly. Ambrosia waited for him to vanish from her sight before she snapped her fingers, and an electromagnetic field cordoned off the pavilion.

She said, "I did not expect him to try getting close through you, Obsidian."

Duke Obsidian sighed and said, "You know how it is, Silvermoon. This guy is a sleazy rat. I wish I could skin him, but the protection from the hunters gets in the way. After all, we do not have any proof that he orchestrated it all."

Duchess Rose, the lady from earlier, said, "I have been digging into it. If you do not mind, I can provide the proof you need."

Duke Obsidian nodded, and a gruff voice sounded, "Obsidian, why did you bring him here? This man can lead the hunters to us."

The rest of the people voiced their concerns, and Duke Obsidian said, "He will not. I have checked him personally."

Ambrosia watched them debate within themselves and said, "If the hunters came here, they could forget leaving. As for Count Moriarty, Vincent should be dealing with him now. Duke Obsidian, if the hunters find you, tell them the inner circle does not tolerate traitors to the kin. If they have a problem, then the world will turn into a graveyard.

These past few decades, these excuses of human protection organizations have forgotten their place. Just because we are silent does not mean we are scared of her. We do not wish to fall to their level. You are a Duke, do not forget that you are not alone. The differences we have, they are ours to deal with. We should face these outsides together."

With a gruff voice, the people nodded, and the Duke asked, "Duchess Rose, I heard that you gained a progenitor successor?"

Duchess Rose looked like a middle-aged lady, but her charm was even greater than Ambrosia. She smiled with her bright red lips and said, "Yes. Thank you for Duke Mallet to bring it up. We are blessed to have a talented young lady pick up the mantle of the successor. However, she was not yet prepared to meet the inner circle."

Another lady said, "I understand what you mean, Duchess Rose. Our Bard family also found a young man who is in training too. The powers of a progenitor are not easy to grasp. The change in potential and personality is too drastic as well."

Ambrosia did not expect the two to accept this so quickly and asked, "Since that is the case, would you like to share the observation with us?"

Duke Mallet asked, "Why do I feel like Duchess Silvermoon is interested? Did you also find someone?"

Ambrosia shook her head and replied, "I transformed a young man. Something about his strong will to stay alive captivated me."

She did not hide from the attack but parried it bravely. Duke Mallet asked, "Where is this young man then?"

Ambrosia replied casually, "Relic City, to learn the business."

A scream echoed in the Manor, and Ambrosia said, "Oh, that must be Vincent cleaning the garden."