
Ambrosia and the rest of the elders discussed a lot of things. When the sun came up, the people decided to return. The lady watched the people leave before moving around the manor and entering a locked room. She opened the door and was welcomed with muffled groaning.

She entered the room and found Count Moriarty tied up to a chair. The young man was struggling very hard to break free from the binds. Ambrosia did not say anything, and she stood a few feet away from the man. She watched the young man without saying anything.

She did not have any expression on her face. She could tell that he wanted to say something to her. Yet, it did not matter to her. She was uninterested in listening to anything this guy might say. The door was opened from the outside, and Vincent came in.

He greeted the lady and said, "My lady, they have left. Shall I remove the tape?"

Ambrosia shook her head in denial. She said, "Let him sit on the chair till the night. Then ask him what he knows about that matter. If he gives a satisfactory answer, free him from the bind and let him go."

Vincent nodded, and then Ambrosia left the room. The old man sighed and said, "You have no eyesight, do you? The lady is not someone a maggot like you should even think of, yet you dared to make a move here? Why throw away your life?"

The young man struggled to say something, but the binds did not come off. Vincent would never go against the instructions of his Mistress. Moriarty was enraged. His eyes were red from anger. Some of it had to do with the silver chair he was tied to, but he incurred this upon himself.

Vincent sighed and left the room with a bitter sigh on his lips.

The sun rose, and Christoph decided to go and hit the gym in the villa. He worked out and practiced his boxing and shadow knife skills. He sensed Evelyn enter the gym, and she was training on the treadmill. However, the young man did not have many things to say, and after finishing his workout, he decided to leave the gym.

Evelyn said, "I apologize for my actions. It was on the command of the Young Lady. She did not wish for you to feel lonely."

The young man nodded and said, "I am also at fault, but if I had done it any other way, you would have brushed it off, thinking of me as a fool."

Evelyn sighed and did not comment on the topic any further. She said, "Well, let bygones be bygones. Today we have to conduct a few interviews inside the company."

Christoph nodded and said, "I will profile the candidates. You can conduct it however you want."

Evelyn nodded, and Christoph left the place. She knew he was not very interested in the technical details of the company. They had other people for that. He wanted to focus on profit as soon as he could start making money.

Christoph was a man of focus and was sent here to understand politics and diplomacy while making the most of it for himself. This trait was to be learned by every vampire in a high position.

He did not struggle with these things because he knew he needed someone to back him up to survive in this new life. This backing will come at a price. For as much as he cared, only his vengeance mattered to him.

After showering and dressing up in a black and formal suit with a white shirt, he had just come out of the room when he found Evelyn wearing a red silk shirt and a black pencil skirt with red stilettos.

She looked ravishing, and he nodded in greeting before they moved to the ground floor and ate a few chicken sandwiches with a glass of beetroot juice. It may seem like they were eating a normal meal. However, the juice and the sandwich did have some trace of blood in them to satiate the blood lust.

The two prepared to leave when the doorbell system alerted them of visitors. Christoph asked, "Was anyone going to visit?"

Evelyn shook her head, and the young man checked on the monitoring system. He found an unfamiliar car standing in front of the camera. He wanted to ask Evelyn if she was sure that she did not know this person.

The next moment he froze, and his gaze turned dead cold. He said, "Hunters are here."

Surprised, Evelyn said, "They must have heard we are here. Let them in."

Christoph shook his head and replied, "No. They do not own us."

The young man said, turned around without answering the hunters, and walked out. Evelyn was shocked and did not know what to do in this situation. She hurriedly dialed Ambrosia's number to ask for instructions.

Two men sat inside the car outside the villa gates, waiting for the door to open. However, after a few minutes, one said, "Are these people scared of the sun?"

The young man sitting in the passenger seat shook his head and said, "I sense something is different about these people."

The gate opened, and just when they both wanted to move the car inside the gate, they found another automobile parked in the driveway, leaving them no space to move in.

The two hunters were shocked, and Christoph even honked at them. The hot-headed hunter in the driver's seat unlocked the door and got down. The guy in the passenger seat did not say anything and walked up to the car's driver's seat.

He was arrogant and directly punched through the driver's side window, saying, "You filthy bloodsucker, do you think you are superior to me?"

However, a voice sounded from a distance behind the car, "Yes, looking at how you think you own the world and directly punched through my car window, you seem to have lost your mind, filthy thing."

The young man turned around to glare at Christoph and said, "Who are you calling a Filthy Thing, you vampire bastard."

Christoph smiled and said, "At least I am a vampire. Not like you, not human, not vampire. Just a genetically engineered thing designed after us. A cheap imitation."

The young man wanted to attack Christoph when a hand appeared on his shoulder. The person in the passenger seat had finally caught up, and he said, "Charles, calm down."

Charles glared at his partner and said, "Didn't you listen to what this bastard said?"

The man gazed at Christoph and said, "I am Ralph. We are both patrol officers with you know where so why not cooperate and get it over with?"

Christoph replied, "Mister Ralph, may I ask why you seek cooperation?"

Ralph replied, "You are new to the city, and we wanted to see if you have any human blood on you?"

Christoph nodded and asked, "Can you tell me if you have the investigative authority?"

The two people were shocked, and Christoph said, "You can check the place all you want when you come back, but for right now, I will be retaining your partner for damaging my property."