Dignity Of The Silvermoon.

Christoph gazed back at Ralph and Charles with a calm face. He did not have any fear in his gaze. On the contrary, he was even threatening the two of them.

Ralph asked in some confusion, "Can you repeat what you just said?"

Christoph replied with a smile, "I would like to retain your partner for damaging my property."

This sentence made Ralph remove his hand from Charles's shoulder. The latter moved. He covered a ten-meter distance in a blink and appeared next to Christoph with a silver knife, slashing at Christoph's neck.

They thought the young man would be startled and suffer, but Christoph stepped forward and reached out to intercept the attack. He accurately clasped Charles's hand. Then he kicked the vampire hunter in the stomach and pushed him back a few steps.

He held onto the hand and then gave a forceful twist to it. Charles was surprised, and then he let out a muffled groan. Ralph wanted to interfere when Christoph said, "I have only broken his hand. It is quite easy for me to snap his neck for acting holier than thou."

Ralph stopped, and Christoph let go of Charles. The vampire adjusted his clothes and said, "Since you have the information about our arrival, you should know my name too. I am Lawrence C Silvermoon. The dignity of my family and house will not be trampled by a bunch of wannabes who we created in the first place.

The house of Silvermoon follows the rules impeccably, so we would like you to follow them all the same. Understood?"

Ralph glared at Christoph and said, "I see. You want to do it the hard way, right? Ok, the hunters will follow the rules, but if you make even the tiniest mistakes. I will make sure you die miserably."

Christoph smiled and said, "I expect you to play by some underhanded means, but rest assured. I will make you regret that. If you do not mind, your colleague needs medical attention, and we must go to work. Also, I expect you to send the reparations for the car damage to my office in full. Of course, along with the medical bill of your friend."

That said, he sat inside the car, drove it back to the garage, and then sat in the passenger seat of the sports car driven by Evelyn. She asked him, "Aren't you afraid?"

Christoph smiled and said, "I am afraid, but only for them."

What he said was true. The intense urge to kill those two people would have almost driven him mad if not for his strong will. The lady sighed and stepped on the accelerator. The car whooshed out, and the hunters had also retreated. They had a more pressing matter at hand than to trouble Christoph.

Ambrosia was reading a book in the Silvermoon Manor when the telephone on her table rang. After brewing some tea for the lady, Vincent picked up the receiver and placed it beside his ear. He said, "Silvermoon manor."

A muffled voice sounded, "Can I talk to Duchess Ambrosia, please."

Vincent asked, "May I know who is calling?"

"This is Ricardo Blake, head of the Relic City Hunter Office.", replied the person.

Vincent smirked and passed the phone to Ambrosia as he said, "Director Blake of the Relic City hunter office."

Ambrosia lazily took the device and asked, "How may I help you, Lord Hunter."

"You embarrass me with all the flattery, Lady Silvermoon.", said the person.

Ambrosia smiled and asked, "Am I? I thought it was the intention of your people when they visited my house uninvited in the morning and tried to establish dominance in front of my favored kinsmen."

She did not intend to be amiable with hunters. She had her reasons. One of them was her likeliness to Christoph. The director did not expect the lady to come out with such aggression. He replied, "Lady Silvermoon, it was not the intention of my men to get into strife with your people.."

Ambrosia interrupted the man again and said, "You have known that the people of the Silvermoon house follow the rules as a way of life. We never hunt humans, and for those who do, we never forgive them. Yet your lapdogs dared to rush to my property, scare my people, threaten them, and even attack them.

I warn you, Blake. If you and your people dared to act up again my family without any strong evidence, I would kill you all. The dignity of the Silvermoon family is not to be played with."

Ricardo Blake took a deep breath and said, "You can rest assured, Duchess Silvermoon. I will look into this incident, and something like this shall never happen again."

Ambrosia flicked the receiver, and it landed directly at the telephone. The call was disconnected, and Ambrosia reflected nothing on her face. Vincent asked, "To think Christoph would act like this. Given the reports from Evelyn, his instincts are the strongest when he has just consumed blood or when he has been hungry for too long."

The lady replied, "You know a bit too less about Lawrence. That man was an enigma and was not wild all the time. That is not something we should be worried about. We should worry about when his smile vanishes. The smile is like a cloud that hides the brilliance of the moon. However, the more brilliantly the moon shines, the more dangerous it becomes."

Vincent nodded, but he did not understand what was going on. Shadow Moon was the progenitor who supported their house back then. Although that person never followed the rules, he always adhered to that his followers stick to them.

What could a person achieve by doing this? However, one thing was sure: the Silvermoon house's dignity and image were impeccable, whether inside the community or outside. None could point at them, but if someone did, they would pay a price far more expensive than they could have imagined.

While Vincent was serving Ambrosia tea, Ricardo Blake glared at his two young prodigies and asked solemnly, "Did I ask you to go and investigate the Silvermoon Villa?"

The two shook their heads, and Ricardo slammed his table loudly before he asked calmly, "Then why did you go?"

Ralph said, "Sir, we received suspicious information. They fired the entire management staff of the Nector Finance, and we thought they might attack them so…."

Before Ralph could speak, Ricardo splashed him with a glass of cold water and shouted, "Did you have fun playing detective? That guy with the name Silvermoon works directly for Ambrosia Silvermoon. She will kill you if you dare to mess with him. Do you understand?"