Finding The Project.

Christoph and Evelyn reached the office, which was stacked with work. The young man sorted out the men and women from the company data and recommended them to Evelyn for an interview. She assigned ten people to handle the new positions for the time being.

They were told that if they handled their tasks well, they would be appointed permanently, or within a month, they would be demoted, and the company would hire someone to do the job for them. This was a carrot-and-stick approach, but Evelyn's cold attitude shocked the people so much that they expressed to work as if their life depended on it.

It was lunchtime when the two people took a slight break to appear human and visited the cafeteria. They had a bite with each other, and just when Christoph wanted to say something, Evelyn asked, "What do you want to do about your target?"

Christoph nodded and said, "I wanted to ask you a few things. What is the sum I am allowed to invest in a project?"

Evelyn replied, "I will give you ten million."

Christoph said, "That and a motorbike to move around quickly."

Evelyn was surprised and asked, "What about the staff with you?"

Christoph sighed and replied, "The company has its employee transportation. They can reach the meetings using that system."

Evelyn nodded and wanted to ask a few more things when Christoph stood up from his seat and said, "I will go and hunt for the project."

The lady did not understand anything, but Christoph said nothing more. He left the cafeteria, went to her cabin, took her car keys, and left the building. The young man did not ask her anything. After the run-in with the hunters in the morning, he knew the difference between them and his strength.

It was a lucky shot when he caught the enemy's hand. Thanks to the fresh meal that he had. His instincts and senses needed more training. This time, the enemy's speed was comparable to Evelyn, and Ralph had yet to take action—no wonder Vampires feared these people and were forced to keep a low profile.

Thinking about this, the young man got in the car and headed to the biggest college in the city. The best way to find a project worth investing in was to look at a college campus and see if the young people were working hard.

His idea was correct, so he drove to Relic City University Of Technology. After an hour, he reached the door, stopped at the gates, and the guard asked, "May I know your purpose?"

Christoph smiled and said, "I am here to meet the director and discuss a business proposal."

The guard frowned and asked, "Sir, can you report your company and name?"

Christoph nodded and said, "My name is Christoph, and I am personal Assistant to the CEO of Nector Investments.

The guard reported the details as mentioned, and the Director agreed to see Christoph. The young man parked the car in the visitor's parking lot and entered the administrative block.

He stopped at the reception counter, and the lady was surprised by his appearance. Christoph was somewhat used to this effect now. He asked, "Miss, when can I meet the director?"

The lady woke from her daze and said, "Let me ask him."

She picked up the receiver from the table and called the Director. The other party agreed to let Christoph in. The receptionist took the initiative to lead the young man through the complex, and Christoph could swear that he wanted to bang this lady with a twisting hip.

However, his will was stronger, and he did not show any change on his face. Soon, they reached the Director's office, and then Christoph said, "Thank you" to the lady before he knocked on the door, and a wizened voice resounded from inside, "Come in."

The young man pushed the door inside and entered the room. He did not cast a second look at the receptionist.

An old man was reading a few documents inside the room when he saw Christoph coming over and revealed a surprised expression. He said, "I did not expect the assistant to the CEO will turn out to be a young man like you."

Christoph smiled and said, "Hello, Sir. I am Christoph Silvermoon. I apologize for such a short visit."

The old man stood up and shook hands with him before he said, "No worries, I do not have much work today. Plus, you mentioned a business proposal, and I could not say no to the god of wealth, could I? Have a seat."

Christoph sat down, and the Director said, "I am Matt Dominic. What can I do for you?"

The young man replied, "Sir, my company, Nector Investment, is looking for a few suitable projects to invest money in. I am in charge of this venture, and I thought it best to start at a college if someone wants to look for something new."

Director Matt nodded, and Christoph continued, "We have a bracket of ten million to invest in a project. We would be grateful if you would allow us to hold a scouting and reviewing event here on the campus. Of course, the university will donate one million to develop an entrepreneur complex where students can establish grass root offices and better understand the professional world. However, we will need a transparent record of expenditure."

His words directly made Matt suck in a deep breath to calm his restless heart. He said, "If you do not mind, I want to discuss this issue with our account division first."

Christoph nodded and said, "You can take your time, but in the meantime, I would like to tour the campus and see if any good projects are going on. If that is alright with you."

Matt nodded and said, "I will have my deputy take you down immediately."

Christoph nodded, and the old man made a call from his intercom. Soon, the door was knocked, and a middle-aged man came inside. He asked, "Director, you called?"

Matt nodded and said, "Krist, this is Mister Christoph from Nector Investment. He wants to hold a campus investment fair and donate one million dollars to construct an office complex for the students.

He wants to inspect the campus. Why don't you take him around while I discuss a few things with the account division?"

Krist was surprised, and then he nodded. He shook hands with Christoph and said, "Hello, Sir. I am Krist Dusk. A pleasure to have you here."

The young man nodded with a faint smile and then left the office to check the place. Meanwhile, Matt had sprung up in action to discuss things.

Christoph walked around the campus, basking in the similar vibe that he had been through a few months ago. That day in the car accident, he was coming back home from his graduation ceremony. This campus reminded him of that day. His fists balled up in his pockets.

He did not listen to a word spoken by Krist. However, suddenly he heard a vrooming sound not far away. Christoph returned to reality and asked, "What is that sound?"

Krist sighed and said, "It must be those guys again. They are developing some magnetic wheel system, but their tests are nowhere close to what they aim to do."

Christoph watched the man shake his head and say, "Shall we head over?"

Krist was surprised, but this guy was a financier, and who knew what he had in his mind? If his actions pissed him off and the guy took back his funds, it would be a disaster for him.

The middle-aged man led Christoph to an open ground where a few youngsters watched a bicycle run laps on the ground. However, Christoph was surprised to see the speed of the bicycle. This was by no means a normal bike, and this thing was doing laps at a speed of seventy kilometers per hour.

Christoph walked forward, and Krist followed. Upon reaching closer, the deputy director looked at a girl and said, "Chichi, come here."

Chichi was startled, and looking at Krist, she was surprised and said, "This is the last lap, Sir. Just a minute."

Krist gazed at Christoph since this guy did not push it. The deputy director heaved a sigh of relief. The bike stopped, and Chichi said, "You guys, do a routine check. I will be back."

The girl wearing a jumpsuit, a dusky complexion, braided hair, and a lion head tattooed on her nape walked over casually. Her demeanor oozed with confidence, and she had a charm that was not losing to Christoph even a bit.

Krist said, "Chichi, this is…."

Christoph interrupted and asked, "Why have you not taken this bike to test on a real course?"

Chichi was surprised by the investigation but still replied with a wave of her hand, "We cannot afford the testing. Though you are right, that data can help us much more."

Christoph tore his eyes away from the bike and gazed at Chichi. He said, "How would you like to discuss an Angel investment?"

Chichi was again surprised and wanted to shake her head when Christoph said, "You all will still have your name on the patent and rights when you are done. Let us provide you with the money to make your dream come true. In return, you will give us a spot on the patent and the manufacturing rights. You and your team will reap benefits for the rest of your life. How about it? I will invest two million in the initial phase."

Chichi was shocked and could not help but ask, "Who might you be?"

Christoph did not reply and said, "Come find me at the office of Nector Investments tomorrow with a presentation."

He gave her a card and said, "Deputy Director Krist, I will return to the office for urgent work. Please get in touch with me through the telephone to inform me about your decision."

As Christoph walked away, the middle-aged man accepted a business card in a daze.

After being out of earshot, he fished out his phone and called Evelyn. The connection was established, and he said, "Ask Lady Silvermoon, what shall we do if we find an unmarked Half-breed?"