Vampires Taking Initiative.

Evelyn took Chichi to her cabin, leaving Christoph behind to deal with the official stuff. The young lady was curious and, at the same time, anxious as to why this beautiful woman was taking her to her cabin.

She was a teenager but not gullible. Chichi could tell that something was up. Evelyn led her through the glass door and said, "Have a seat."

Chichi nodded, sat across her on the couch, and remarked, "Your office is different from what I imagined."

Evelyn smiled and said, "I hope it is well. Christoph called me bland for this low-key decoration?"

Chichi reciprocated the smile and asked, "Don't tell me that he has a tacky blingy taste."

Evelyn chuckled and said, "No, he prefers a little color to his life, but sadly he is stuck with me."

Chichi smiled, and Evelyn pressed the intercom button and said, "One coffee, and…."

She gazed at Chichi, who was surprised, then realized that Evelyn was asking her preference and said, "Beetroot juice."

The lady nodded and passed on the detail to the front desk. Evelyn asked Chichi about the city's attractions, and the latter replied, and gradually the barrier between them vanished. It was like two old friends meeting each other after a long time.

Chichi could not believe that Evelyn was such a down-to-earth person. Suddenly, Evelyn said, "Chichi, to celebrate this cooperation between us, why don't we go out for dinner?"

Chichi was surprised and said, "No, no, how can we impose on you like this? You have already done so much for us."

Evelyn shook her head and replied, "Do not think like that. I am not taking you all out on a big treat, just a humble meal at my residence."

Chichi was taken aback even more after hearing this. The young lady did not know how to answer this when Evelyn smiled and said, "Then it is settled. After signing the contract in a few moments, you should go home, share the news with your mother, and I shall leave the chauffeur at your service. They will drive all your families over to my place."

Before the young lady could even make any excuse, Evelyn had dispatched the fleet, and Christoph walked into the office holding a dossier in his hand. He said, "Let's go. The contract is ready."

Evelyn stood up and led Chichi to the conference room. The young lady still could not wrap her mind around what was going on. Evelyn did not want to give her any time because if she did and the Hunters found out about Chichi's reality, they would kill her or bring her into their camp. This was not acceptable. She could only blame fate for Chichi to encounter Christoph.

The contract was signed quickly, and Christoph introduced the main members of his team to Chichi and the rest. The young man then personally saw them off in company cars. He returned to the CEO's office and asked, "What about me decorating and preparing the food for many people?"

Evelyn smiled and said, "I found us a chance to look at Chichi closer."

Christoph frowned slightly and walked up to the table. Evelyn was surprised, but the next moment, she saw Christoph opening her bag and fishing out the card. The lady was surprised, but Christoph jumped back a few meters and said, "You will be paying for the food I am about to order."

Evelyn knew it would be impossible for Christoph to cook as he knew nothing about it. After making payments, he returned the card and said, "I will go back home and wait for you. The bike is also about to be delivered."

Evelyn nodded, and Christoph left the company. However, he discovered something in the rearview mirror. He found a car following him. He was getting suspicious when the car took a turn. However, the sensation of someone gazing at him did not vanish.

He calmed his mind and soon located another car with people looking at him. His expression turned cold, and the young man sighed. He called Evelyn and told her about the situation, and the lady said, "Deal with it. You have the lady behind you."

Christoph nodded, turned on cameras hidden around the car, and drove to a secluded area before parking. On the way, three vehicles changed, but all the passengers had the same intention. Christoph looked in the car's glove compartment and found a cigarette box. He exited the car and lit the cigarette with the car lighter.

Holding the cigarette, he gazed at the car that passed him. He took a drag and exhaled heavily before he took out the cell phone and called Ambrosia. The call connected, and the lady said, "Hello."

Christoph said, "Greetings, Miss Silvermoon."

The lady nodded, and Christoph asked her for the contact information of the hunter organization. The lady was surprised, but she did not ask him anything. Christoph was given the address and the telephone number.

The young man thanked her, and the call ended. Then he dialed the number sent by Ambrosia. The call was answered quickly, and a lady's voice sounded, "Hello, Relic City paranormal research center."

Christoph almost laughed out loud when he heard this, but he controlled himself and said, "This is Lawrence C Silvermoon calling for your director Ricardo Blake."

The lady was surprised as she did not know many people who would be calling directly for the director. She said, "Sir, I cannot transmit your call to the director like this. Please allow me to redirect your call to another senior of mine."

Christoph replied positively, and the call was passed on. To the other person, he said, "I am calling from the Silvermoon house for Ricardo Blake. If he is not on call within the next moment, I will have to reply to the matriarch that the hunter guild of the Relic City has decided to break face, and you will have to answer to Lady Ambrosia Silvermoon."

The threat shocked the person, and he asked, "Who might you be?"

"Lawrence C Silvermoon."

"I will put the director on call right away." Replied the person.

Christoph had threatened them with war, and he had the name Silvermoon. His status was not normal anymore. Ricardo Blake was informed, and he came to the call.

He asked, "Mister Silvermoon, what can I do for you?"

Christoph replied, "If you cannot handle your staff, Director Blake, please find someone to help you. I have been in the city for three days, and now, two of your men are watching me everywhere I go. This sort of intimidation is very harmful, you know, I might be forced to report to the lady back home. Her temper has not been very easygoing these past few days."

Ricardo could not believe that someone from the Silvermoon family was so calmly talking to him and even addressed him as Director Ricardo. He sighed and said, "Sir, you do not have to worry. As long as you are following the rules, you will not be troubled. I will call off the surveillance right away."

Christoph nodded and amiably expressed his gratitude before the call was disconnected. He stood on the asphalt and after a few minutes, he saw a car stop in the distance, and Ralph and Charles stepped out of it.

Something was about to happen as they glared at him with enraged expressions.