Mark Of The Silvermoon.

The maglev cabin moved through a tunnel at a breakneck speed. Christmas was surprised, but let alone her, even Christoph, did not know of such a thing till a few hours ago. When Ambrosia was talking on the phone, he could not believe it, but the lady did not leave any margin of doubt with her serious tone.

Christmas asked, "Where are we going?"

Her excitement calmed down when she looked at the mechanism behind this transport.

Christoph replied while still exploring the cabinet, "The Silvermoon Manor."

Surprised, The girl wanted to ask something when Christoph found a small latch under his seat. He bent down and found that the latch said, 'Eject.'

He gently let go of the latch because he could not understand how anyone could survive ejection at this speed. Christmas saw his actions and asked, "What are you looking for?"

The young man replied, "I was thinking if there are any snacks in this tin can, but I do not see any."