Mark Of The Silvermoon. (2)

Ambrosia was shocked to hear Christoph using her first name. She regained her composure and stood up from the chair. She beckoned Christmas and said, "Come here, dear. I want to talk to you before we begin the ritual."

Christmas was not used to facing with such grace and elegance. She walked over with small strides, and Ambrosia gestured for her to take a seat. The girl sat across from the lady.

Ambrosia softly questioned, "You must have many questions regarding all this, right?"

The girl replied, "I do, Ma'am."

She was cautious of what to do and what not to do. Ambrosia's gentle tone made her relax, but she would not give up the restraints she had so easily.

Ambrosia nodded and asked, "You can ask me about anything you wish to ask. I will help you understand."