17. Swimming

It's Tuesday, and I still have no idea how I'm supposed to endure it till the end. With Jongsuk and Sehun we came up with the plot that for now, I should secretly record every bullying that happens no matter whether audio or video. But there's no proof against Daejung.

Sehun hyung explained to me the situation after Seung's suicide. The higher-ups were involved in the case to clear the names of the Hwang. The police said that the young boy couldn't cope with the pressure of being the next successor. That's bullshit!

The Hwang group has good relations with the highest-ranking companies, higher-ups in the police department, and even some civil ministers. They never let such information reach the general public for fear that their share prices would decrease. After all, the higher you are, the harder you will fall. Getting the evidence to the police wouldn't help but make matters worse... We'll have to get the info on the internet with strong and vital evidence or else our plan can backfire.

It's our last class for today which is unfortunately swimming. This school is so big can be a curse sometimes. I never learned how to swim since extra classes as such are expensive. I told Mom that I wouldn't need it so there was no need up learn but now I'm not sure.

Swimming classes for girls and boys were on different days. So right now the girls are having a free class and the swimming pool is only full of male students. I got changed into a full-sleeved black shirt and swimming shorts.

I sat near the edge of the pool and dipped my legs in the water.

Soon the coach came and said, "We're having a teacher's meeting right now so you boys can have a free period. Just play around in the pool but it's only for this one class."

I could feel my blood run cold and a chill ran down my spine. The students cheered in delight after the coach left.

I'm officially dead.

Just then someone kicked me from behind and I fell into the pool. The water went into my nose and I panicked underwater. I kicked my legs and swung my arms trying to reach the surface.

Once my head was out of the water I coughed harshly trying to get all the water out of my system. That has to be the most terrifying moment of the whole year. Fortunately, the water was only 5'3" which wasn't deep enough to drown me.

Daejung chuckled and Cheng cracked up loudly since he was the one who kicked me.

I can never catch a break, can I? The only good part is I hid my phone on recording in my bag with an opened zip.

"So you don't know how to swim?" Daejung snorted. "Cheng, how about we teach him the basics?"

Cheng clapped his hands in excitement. "Great! Junseo aren't you grateful that we're helping you?"

My face paled at his 'genius' plan.

What the actual fuck is wrong with his head?!

"That's correct. First is to hold your breath."

With that said they sat on the edge of the pool and I stood in front of them in the water. there's nothing I can do but play along with them... at least for the footage...

"So dear Seonie, you have to be underwater for thirty seconds if you come back up we will increase the timer by ten more seconds." Instructed Daejung.

I can never understand how he gets so many ideas to torture, anyone. I never tried swimming before but 30 seconds shouldn't be that tough right?

Without any warning, Cheng held my head with one hand and pushed it under the water. I panicked again and inhaled some water before closing my mouth with my hands. I tried to get myself out but he kept pushing me into the water. I wanted to scream for help but all I could do was hit Cheng's arm.

I tried my best to hold my breath while counting to thirty in mind but once I reached twenty I pushed myself upward with all my strength. I could feel my lungs burning and begging for some air.

Taking a huge gulp of the fresh air I heard Cheng chuckle in annoyance.

"That was only 15 seconds! How will you do 40?"

"That's none of our business, Cheng. Let's try again. 3, 2, and GO!"

With that, I was again underwater. I shut close my eyes praying to just get done with this.


They finally let me go after school ended. Nearly everyone had left for the academy but I was still in the washroom. I hugged my knees to my chest. A painful sob left me as I covered my mouth with both hands and cried till my face was swollen.

Why... Just why...? Mom, please let's just go far away from here! I can't anymore. It hurts too much... I thought I would die this time. I want to go to my previous school.

The other students maintained their distance from me. I felt as if I would have drowned in that little water. It felt as if my life was in danger.